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# Statistics
Favourites: 28; Deviations: 37; Watchers: 20
Watching: 9; Pageviews: 8910; Comments Made: 470; Friends: 9
# Comments
Comments: 141
mysti [2003-06-11 22:35:50 +0000 UTC]
takker og bukker for kommentaren og +fav på [link] . Jeg vet ikke om du la merke til det etterhvert, men det er ikke et bilde det er "indy art" altså (grøsse av tanken på neste ord..) Terragen (som jeg altså er minimalt fan av)
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zhero2 [2003-06-11 16:55:36 +0000 UTC]
tusen takk for kult du likte den så mye
Ah, trodde det var cut out filteret men i og med at du nevnte på vector grafikk så trodde jeg kanskje at det kunne være laget i f eks illustrator
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nasigoreng [2003-06-10 07:58:15 +0000 UTC]
hi silje
thanks alot for the fav and the comment
wish you all the best for the exam!!
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NDKayJah [2003-06-04 20:48:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey there hope your oral exam went right! I´ve been holding my Thumbs... and guess what... I lit a candle indeed.
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zhero2 [2003-06-02 22:48:19 +0000 UTC]
hehe nei er ikke meg nei - m.a.o ikke noe selvportrett Det er n0sferatu som er på bildet - en her på deviant.
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zhero2 [2003-06-02 08:45:13 +0000 UTC]
hehe ja det er nok ikke noe for dine ører hva den filmen omhandler
Neida, handler om et romskip som lander på taket på ene studentblokka. De skal møte noen der oppe på taket, men de er sporløst forsvunnet. De inntar derfor bygningen og med det så er eventyret i gang (nei, ikke noe sånt eventyr)
oh btw du spurte indirekte om du så noen skyer i et bilde på [link] . det gjorde du korrekt! men bildet var tatt gjennom et vindu slik at du fikk denne speilingseffekten. Det er med andre ord ikke noe photoshop mixing der foruten fargetoner
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newklear [2003-06-01 08:58:48 +0000 UTC]
yay! 13 page comments from me . im gonna dominate this thing so there is nothing but my pointless rants here one day . where are you girl? still those crappy assignments? yeah...me too. they suck. but...its all good . come back soon...please .
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newklear In reply to ??? [2003-05-30 05:53:50 +0000 UTC]
OMG! i just realised tool is one of your fav bands...that is the coolest thing ever. they are like one of mine too ...and i forgot to give you a before, so heres to make up for it .
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newklear In reply to ??? [2003-05-30 05:50:40 +0000 UTC]
*starves* . aww...well, i guess the wait makes it all worth it . and...yes, you may do what you please with my stuff, it would make my stuff seem so much better with one fo your pics up the top . exams you say? its all good...ive got 8 assignments to do in the next week . fun . until then...
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NDKayJah In reply to ??? [2003-05-29 21:01:23 +0000 UTC]
ok, babe, you asked for it... you get it, here is another comment written by me to make you happy.
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calyptica [2003-05-29 20:35:15 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Please give me a comment here!! Then boosterboy will leave
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NDKayJah [2003-05-29 17:55:24 +0000 UTC]
two comments left to get this boosterl33t guy away...
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newklear In reply to ??? [2003-05-29 12:32:02 +0000 UTC]
why hello, stanger (that isnt quite so strange as she is 'r' ), how goes it? im great thanks. im really rapt you liked the poem...i didnt really..cept this one line...but yeah, nuff of that. when can we expect some more mind blowing ing photography? needmore ... .
smiley, smiley
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newklear [2003-05-29 10:03:31 +0000 UTC]
LOOK OUT! SPAM!!! *runs out in front of you to save you from it*...hehe . whats going on? just in the neighbourhood, and i thought id drop you a line, and also thank you for the heads up on the font too . . please submit something! please *on knees begging*... . bye bye
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NDKayJah [2003-05-29 03:03:33 +0000 UTC]
This is a Deviant Comment, just written, to be there. In the first paragraph you will find a description of what this comment is and what is contained in this comment. You are reading the first paragraph at the moment, isn´t this fun? Note how the sceond paragrph starts, which will contain more information about itself and this comment.
Hey, wow, now you are reading the second parapgraph, which is just there to ensure, that you know, that you are reading the second paragraph at the moment. You are reading the second paragraph by the way.
Here, exactly here, where you are reading right now starts the third paragraph, it will be here and you will be reading it until it is over. Now, thwe time has cometh, that this parapraph will end.
Ha, this is the fourth paragraph and guess what! You are reading it right now... woa, what an incidence. Do you agree with me, the guy who wrote this comment, that it´s fun to read the forth paragraph? This paragraph contains a question, as you noticed before.
Here begins the fifth paragraph containing a message you will be reading after this sentence. "Hey, I just felt like spamming you, but I didn´t want to do this using some emoticons, or even the entire list, I wanted to write something humorous(spelling?) to make you laugh. You have just read the message contained in this certain paragraph. Now this paragraph will end and the next one will begin with these words: "Hey it´s me, the sixth paragraph..."
Hey, it´s me, the sixth paragraph... I´m am here to make clear, that this comment will end soon...
And here we go, it ends NOW.
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newklear In reply to ??? [2003-05-25 07:06:17 +0000 UTC]
had to do it...i know its spamming, but i just gotta!!!! this is freaky...
Silje C. Solstad
.. is a General Digital Photographer
.. is a deviant since Apr 30, 2003
.. has 1,666 pageviews
.. is located in
.. last host was *.tromso.alfanett.no
.. is currently
very very odd number...
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newklear [2003-05-25 07:03:45 +0000 UTC]
whoa....i think we need to advertise someone missy . 4 comments in a row . but thank you so much for your meaningful comments on my latest poem. it really does alot of good to the way i write and the things i try when i get comments like that ...so . its amazing...you are like the 4th person in like a week to tell me to get published...its odd . but...that comment at the end gave me an idea. perhaps do some sort of collaboration sometime, like you take photos and i write words for something? ah i dunno, im too sore from work yesterday to think! . ah wells...thanks again for those comments...i shall check the new deviations out soon after i reply to all my notes . bye bye for now...
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newklear [2003-05-22 13:50:24 +0000 UTC]
THANKS for liking my new id. i was gonna put it up again as my main id...but i didnt want to be ostentacious... . have fun
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newklear In reply to ??? [2003-05-21 12:15:23 +0000 UTC]
you are now in my journal as being worth a pageload . . the new id looks smack. nice!
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newklear [2003-05-20 02:32:48 +0000 UTC]
yes...i am only 15...well until next month . valentines day? they sya that day has magical properties for anyone born on it. so your an aquarius right? cool beans. im out. D
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newklear [2003-05-19 13:17:37 +0000 UTC]
eagerly anticipating another deviation... . hope to see some soon. btw, are you seriously only 17?? OMG!
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zhero2 [2003-05-19 13:01:51 +0000 UTC]
hi again tnx for the wonderfull comment - means a lot
hehe damn that booster dud - the whole site of yours gets really slow
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newklear [2003-05-18 10:37:53 +0000 UTC]
2 things...firstly, booster should die and must have alot of time on their hands...secondly, your latest deviation spoke to me. i love it. i really hope to investigate the gallery more, and maybe a devwatch is in store? i cant load anymore pics right now but cuz of that damn mantenance crap, but yeah. nice job! hug:
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zhero2 In reply to ??? [2003-05-16 11:25:21 +0000 UTC]
der funka det plutselig hehe - merkelig
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zhero2 In reply to ??? [2003-05-16 11:24:59 +0000 UTC]
Hei igjen
Joda, studiet jeg går nå virket interessant på papiret. Mange fikk seg nok en overraskelse etterhvert som skoleåret begynte å tikke av gårde. Studiet kunne egentlig hatt tittelen "multimedia programmering". Vi har veldig mye programmering, og det var også matematikk 1.semester som kunne sammenlignes med matte 2 og 3 mx. Ble av den grunn en høy strykprosent hehe.
Nå har det seg sånn at dette studiet har blitt splittet i to retninger som følge av denne bachelor-reformen. Bachelor i medie-design og medie-teknikk. Den førstnevnte er i tilfelle den som kanskje vil passe deg best!?! Der er det en fordel om man har bakgrunn fra medier og kommunikasjon fra vgs. Du kan jo oppsøke [link] hvis du ikke har gjort det allerede. Der vil du finne litt info om de ulike studieretningene.
Jobbmulighetene for øyeblikket er vel ganske dårlige, men dette går i bølgedaler og det er til syvende og sist et godt råd å lytte til sitt eget hjerte - hva vil jeg mest!?!
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zhero2 In reply to ??? [2003-05-16 11:24:26 +0000 UTC]
hmm..jeg har prøvd å svare deg på [link] men det funka ikke, ikke fikk jeg sendt meldingen her heller.. ble vel for lang kanskje jaja...får ta det siden da hehe
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boosterl33t In reply to ??? [2003-05-16 08:16:04 +0000 UTC]
- B O O S T E D -
- Bosster Squad -
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zhero2 [2003-05-15 21:54:01 +0000 UTC]
ahh hello there whats up!?! you finally did visit this spot of the world - tnx again for the great comment
keep it up!
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NDKayJah [2003-05-15 12:16:50 +0000 UTC]
hey, thanks for the comment and +fav on "When a Galaxy Metts a Nebula":
"This amazes me! You are really good at PS. Do you have some kind of education in it? I'm going to a school where PS is one of my subjects (I have only been here since last autumn, so I'm not a champion yet).. I really like this.. It's going to be +fav (Big Grin)
Have loads of fun!
All I learned about photoshop was self education, but I will be going to some arts/media school in september.
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lille-my In reply to ??? [2003-05-15 07:35:13 +0000 UTC]
heisann! Fant deg på du har mye bra her! Jeg pleier ikke være overbegeistra for foto og sånt, men du kan sakene dine
Ganske ny også. Setter deg opp på devwatch, jeg
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NDKayJah [2003-05-13 21:04:49 +0000 UTC]
"This rocks!!! You haven't used any other lights to do this pic? (( or is it simply manipulated?? )) Anyway, and anyhow; I like it "
I used only one Light shining from above, then cut myself out and put me on a black background and started a bit of manipulation work. Finally I added the lamp and some dust.
THX for the comment
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nasigoreng In reply to ??? [2003-05-04 20:17:54 +0000 UTC]
fantastic gallery
i like it alot... welcome to DA!
keep up the good work...
im looking forward to see your new work...
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lonely In reply to ??? [2003-05-04 19:49:36 +0000 UTC]
thanx førr kommentarn
må i studio snart ijæn da, blir tøfft!
Aill bi vatsjing ju!!!
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99gnome In reply to ??? [2003-05-02 13:00:38 +0000 UTC]
hey Silje, cheers for your latest comments
and you have a really funky little apple blossom
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NDKayJah In reply to ??? [2003-05-01 20:21:29 +0000 UTC]
"Good work! Like this alot It sort of gave me some energy!"
Thanks a lot for your comment and hey, welcome to deviantART!!!
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propellen In reply to ??? [2003-04-30 16:44:09 +0000 UTC]
synes navnet var litt norsk, ja Velkommen og alt det der *putte på devwatch*
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