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| Aquariadise
# Statistics
Favourites: 214; Deviations: 12; Watchers: 32
Watching: 28; Pageviews: 7306; Comments Made: 378; Friends: 28
# Interests
Other Interests: Aquariums, blogging, reading# Comments
Comments: 102
cuypersiris [2014-09-21 11:14:29 +0000 UTC]
Dan je voor de favoriet!
Je foto's zijn ook heel mooi
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BadgerBread [2014-09-02 12:42:50 +0000 UTC]
Heb jij even tijd voor een vraagje?
Ik heb van die Nerite snails, ben er heel tevreden over maar m'n stenen en hout hangen vol met hun eitjes @_@"
Enig idee hoe ik het er afkan halen?
Heb er al is over gegaan met een schuursponsje maar dat gaf niet altijd een goed resultaat
π: 0 β©: 1
Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-09-11 06:02:36 +0000 UTC]
Sorry van het late antwoord, heb het druk gehad! Die eitjes is een bekend probleem, die gaan er echt heel moeilijk af. De meeste mensen gebruiken een mesje om ze eraf te krabben, maar ze lossen ook vanzelf op na een paar maanden.
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-09-13 21:16:19 +0000 UTC]
Mercitjes! Het zijn echt vreselijke dingen.. Denk je dat het stopt als ik een slak alleen zet?
Ooit wil ik namelijk 2 bakken en momenteel heb ik 2 slakken en m'n kiemhout zit er echt volledig onder mee : s
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-09-20 13:12:06 +0000 UTC]
Ik weet eigenlijk niet of het stopt als je de slakken alleen zet, want je hebt goede kans dat ze gewoon hun hele leven eitjes blijven produceren en deze dus kwijt moeten. Het kan zijn dat het na een tijdje stopt maar dat kan ik echt niet met zekerheid zeggen, sorry! Heb deze slakken nooit zelf gehouden, dus ik kan je alleen vertellen wat ik van anderen heb gehoord/gelezen.
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-09-21 22:10:56 +0000 UTC]
Geen probleem, toch bedankt! ^^
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BishanMashrur [2014-07-04 17:03:20 +0000 UTC]
From one hobbyist to another, thanks for the find and watch! Cheers!
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puffugu [2014-03-13 11:34:19 +0000 UTC]
Hey Mari! Fishie here! I'm missing talking to you. I found your tumblr though, and now am following that too! <3
How's life and the fishies? o u o
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Aquariadise In reply to puffugu [2014-03-13 19:37:30 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I haven't been super active on DeviantART because life has been crazy busy and just keeping up the main blog is taking up most of my time. Things unfortunately don't settle down until june school-wise, and after that I'm pretty sure I'll be out every night so everything is pretty insane right now! How are things over there?
Fishie-wise everything has been very calm since the betta and the last of the crays passed away. I have three tanks running empty right now! The goldfish are doing great, though, they've been growing like crazy
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Frank-Beer [2014-03-03 18:20:03 +0000 UTC]
Thank you kindly for the recent(s)! - Much appreciated
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BadgerBread [2014-01-23 21:30:06 +0000 UTC]
Ben je website tegengekomen en zit nu hier! ^^
Leuk een mede vis liefhebster tegen te komen!
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-01-24 09:13:53 +0000 UTC]
Superleuk inderdaad! Je bent de eerste Nederlandstalige die via m'n website hier is gekomen volgens mij
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-01-24 21:30:55 +0000 UTC]
En Γ©rg bedankt voor de watch! Heel erg geapprecieerd!
Als je nog is foto's wilt trekken van je aquariums, zeker doen!
Ik hou er enorm van om er inspiratie uit te halen ^^
(Al is mijn bak nu wel een algen probleem ><)
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-01-28 20:11:24 +0000 UTC]
Als je van aquariumfoto's houdt moet je eens op Tumblr kijken als je daar niet al op zit, daar zijn blogs die helemaal gewijd zijn aan foto's van aquariums en aquariumvissen. Aquariadise heeft ook een Tumblr .
Ben zelf al m'n bakken nu aan het rescapen, dus hopelijk komen er van mij ook snel weer goede foto's.
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-01-28 20:56:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh tof!
Zou m'n 60l wel is willen herdoen..
Maar zit nu met algen en met stervende planten.
Mss is een beter licht halen, maar ik vind het Γ©norm moeilijk kiezen!
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-01-30 10:44:57 +0000 UTC]
Kan lastig zijn hè! Ik weet soms ook totaal niet wat ik doe, ook al komt het over alsof het wel zo is, haha. Ik haalde maandag bijvoorbeeld m'n verwaarloosde bak leeg en kwam er ineens achter dat er allemaal babyplanten gegroeid waren, terwijl het licht het grootste deel van de tijd uit was geweest.
Wat voor planten heb je in je 60l? Er zijn planten die geen specifieke eisen aan het licht stellen en altijd gewoon groeien als 'n trein, misschien dat dat een oplossing is.
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-01-30 22:09:12 +0000 UTC]
Goh goede vraag!
Ik heb Anubias en nog wat andere (bv. van die Ikea plantjes)
Maar tis gewoon moeilijk. Anubias blijft natuurlijk gaan, zalige plant, altijd tevreden van!
M'n mosbal is ook precies niet zoals hij was.. Zo met van die "putjes" in. Snap je? Het is nog altijd een mosbal, maar geen effen meer. Er zit al is wat reliΓ«f in de bal.
Ze is zo vol niet meer als toen ik het had gekocht..
Ik heb ook is bamboo erin gehad. Althans ik denk dat het bamboo is, aangezien het enorm op leek! (Maar dan enkel de toppen)
Ik wil is een zwaardplant halen en gewoon is opnieuw beginnen..
Heb nu een voedingsbodem gekocht, dus die ga ik wel is steken!
Valisneria (sp?) is ook eentje op m'n 'Moet ik is halen' lijst ^^
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-01-31 10:17:54 +0000 UTC]
Haha, Anubias is inderdaad precies wat ik bedoelde met die onverwoestbare planten!
Dat mosballen er een beetje vreemd uit gaan zien is normaal. Als het een echte mosbal is (eigenlijk een soort alg) kun je 'm regelmatig tussen je handpalmen rollen, dan zou-ie ronder moeten blijven.
Bamboe werkt meestal niet goed in het aquarium omdat het deels boven water moet staan. Een zwaardplant heb ik ook en die doet het helemaal super:Β aquariadise.tumblr.com/post/74β¦
Voedingsbodem is daar eigenlijk helemaal niet voor nodig en dat zou ik ook niet aanraden omdat het vaak een puinhoop wordt en na een tijdje is uitgewerkt. Zwaardplanten waarderen het wel als je er laterietbolletjes bij steekt, daar kun je voor 5 euro of zo een pakje van kopen in de meeste aquariumwinkels. Die geven extra ijzer. Is ook niet per se nodig hoor, maar bij mij werkte het wel heel goed!
Vallisneria doet het meestal inderdaad ook goed, net als javavaren (die moet je wel op steen/hout binden) en cryptocoryne (die heeft wel de neiging om eerst helemaal weg te "smelten" en dan weer mooi terug te komen).
Als je planten het goed doen nemen de problemen met algen meestal ook af omdat ze met elkaar concurreren voor voedingsstoffen, dus dat is nog 'n pluspunt!
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-01-31 10:38:14 +0000 UTC]
Dedju en ik heb net voedinsbodem gekocht
Ik heb ook 2 zebraslakken gehaald, en die zijn echt wel magisch voor m'n algen!
Ik ga er garantie wat bijhalen hehe
Ik moet nog Javamos te pakken krijgen, maar het is zo pokkeduur waar ik het het laatst zag.
Riccia Fluitans ook! Potverdekke 9,75β¬ voor een klein potje :s Javamos was ook iets meer dan 7β¬ in zo'n klein potje. (En dan bedoel ik klein! Een potje saus in de frituur is groter )
Ik weet dat het erg goede groeiers zijn, maar ik durf er geen bijna-10β¬ of 7β¬ tegenaan te gooien zonder garantie dat het in m'n bak goed doet :0
(Al zou ik Javamos wel een kans geven, die lijkt me net iets "steviger" dan Riccia)
Ik ga het zeker is onthouden van de Lateriet bolletjes en me zwaardplanten aanhalen!
Ze zijn fantastisch inderdaad!
Eigenlijk zou er is een ruilbeurs of ergens goedkoop moeten zijn om stekjes en andere plantjes te pakkent e krijge ^^
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-02-01 15:19:13 +0000 UTC]
Zebraslakken zijn echt super! Je kunt precies zien waar ze op het glas gezeten hebben, allemaal kleine tandafdrukjes in de algen Β
Voor goedkope planten zou ik echt even aanraden om op Marktplaats te kijken in plaats van in de aquariumwinkel! Ik heb daar mosballen en javamos gekocht voor een prijs die veel lager is dan in de aquariumwinkels. Je kunt daar ook je eigen plantjes kwijt als ze te hard blijken te groeien. Aquaplantsonline ben ik ook een groot fan van, hun planten doen het altijd goed en de verzendkosten zijn prima te doen.Β
Op beurzen en andere aquarium events zijn planten ook meestal niet al te duur. Bijvoorbeeld de Holland Koi Show, Interkoi e.d, maar die zijn maar een paar keer per jaar. Wel echt het bezoeken waard trouwens!
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BadgerBread In reply to Aquariadise [2014-02-01 15:28:54 +0000 UTC]
Ik zal is moeten kijken wat er nogal te doen is in BelgiΓ« qua beurzen!
Ze zijn idd altijd wel leuk om heen te gaan!
(Ik hoop er ooit is een grote bak op de kop te tikken!)
Ik heb nog een klein lang-blad-type anubias gekocht en deze aan m'n kienhout gedaan met behulp van een elastiekje >)
Het is nu wachten (niet zo zeker hoe lang?) tot het vasthangt
Heb je trouwens een tip voor een goede lamp eventueel voor het aquarium?
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Aquariadise In reply to BadgerBread [2014-02-04 10:33:16 +0000 UTC]
Volgens mij duurt het niet zo superlang voordat een anubias zichzelf vastwortelt. Ligt natuurlijk ook aan het soort hout/steen, op ruw hout of lavasteen gaat het veel sneller dan op iets glads.
Qua lampen gebruik ik eigenlijk gewoon altijd Gamma lampen... haha. Ik heb geen ingewikkelde aquascapes met veeleisende planten, dus dat is eigenlijk altijd genoeg gebleken. In ieder geval stukken goedkoper dan echte "aquarium"lampen!
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Ninoru [2014-01-12 21:35:40 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I love fish (especially fancy goldfish) and I saw your profile and figured I should watch you I look forward to seeing your works!
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Aquariadise In reply to Ninoru [2014-01-13 08:47:09 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch! I'll definitely be posting more fancy goldfish photos in the future
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Ninoru In reply to Aquariadise [2014-01-13 14:56:39 +0000 UTC]
Hehe well thank you so much for making the art! I look forward to it n_____n
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Giraffe-3xpress [2014-01-08 19:27:25 +0000 UTC]
Your photography is very nice regardless of equipment. I'm going to check out the blog now!
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Aquariadise In reply to Giraffe-3xpress [2014-01-10 16:01:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, very glad you like it!Β
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TheFishGuide [2014-01-03 19:21:01 +0000 UTC]
Hello Watcher! I will be returning January 5th with new fish tips and deviations!
hope you can enjoy them!
Β Sincerely,
Β Β Β TheFishGuideΒ
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Sayba [2013-09-25 01:10:22 +0000 UTC]
Hey, not sure if you'll remember me from ages ago (you might since my other comment is only a few inches below this one, but it's been some time). I have since upgraded my aquarium size since my pet crayfish turned out to be one that grew huge!
I got a few plants a while ago for Helena to eat, but she hasn't touched them and they are growing beautifully, but my problem is they brought with them a massive batch of little white worms that might be planaria. Have you any experience in getting rid of them? I'm doing partial water changes along with gravel vacuuming as normal. I've cute Helena's feeding down to one pellet a day (she can eat the plants if she gets hungry, and the worms).Β
If you can help that would be great, it's alright if you're too busy.
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-09-25 20:40:07 +0000 UTC]
Your story still sounds familiar, haha! Great to hear your cray is still doing well.Β
I have quite some experience with planaria and other detrius feeders, and the best way to get rid of them (or most of them at least) is keeping the tank extra clean. Cutting down the feeding is a good idea, as well as maybe vacuuming the gravel a bit more often. This should basically "starve" the planaria, which in my experience works quite well. They're not actually harmful to your crayfish, though! Most people just don't like the way they look, which is understandable You can buy stuff to kill them in aquarium stores, but I've always thought that's a bit excessive since they're harmless.
Hope that helps a bit!
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-09-25 21:41:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, she's getting on well, molted three times since I've had her and she's getting ready to molt again now. Thank you ^^
I really don't like killing anything that's harmless, but they are breeding out of control. In the last few days their population has tripled! I got up yesterday morning, I think it was two days after I blitzed the tank with the vacuum and they had just gone and had loads of babies. I rang an aquatics shop today and they said just keep on cleaning, he was kind of making out that they should be welcomed and they're doing me a favour by being there. I guess they are but if there weren't such an abundance of them I wouldn't mind.
I don't want to mess with chemicals really, I heard the "No Planaria" stuff can kill snails if you aren't careful. I'll just stick to the cleaning ^^ Thank you for you're help, you're my favourite fish expert.Β
How often can I do a partial water change a week then without hurting Helena? A fish shop lady I spoke to before said three times a week but I don't trust shop people too much.
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-09-28 10:38:28 +0000 UTC]
That sounds fantastic, and thank you for the lovely compliment!
My crays have been molting like crazy as well, I keep thinking one of them has disappeared only to find out it had just gone to find a quiet spot to mold
We have planaria in our tropical community tank and I know how annoying they can be, despite the fact that they do technically help you out by forming an extra "cleaning crew". They just get out of control so quickly! The fish shop guy was right, though, there isn't much you can do besides keep cleaning and maybe try to vacuum out as many planaria as possible while doing so. No Planaria does indeed kill snails (and I've even heard about problems with shrimp, which is a little too close to crays to me!), so I don't really feel comfortable using it either.
I think a small water change three times is definitely possible, although with that many water changes you do have to pay some extra attention to what you're doing; the water really has to be properly conditioned, it has to be the same temperature as the old water (you can just use the aquarium thermometer to check!), that sort of thing. You don't want to stress out Helena three times a week! As long as you do it like this, I don't think there will be any problems. Once the planaria seem to be gone, you can slowly start reducing the amount of water changes and cleaning and see if everything stays stable.
Hope that helps!
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-09-29 06:25:53 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! And yeah, even though I head researched a lot about molting when Helena first did it I was panicking and was Β paranoid for her for days after xD She's like a tiny child to me.
I don't even know how the tank gets so dirty in the first place, I've done a huge clean on it before and when it came to cleaning it again it was like I hadn't touched it in weeks. I guess crayfish are just dirty lol. Yeah ok I'll keep to small water changes a few times a week with the vacuum, I don't mind a few planaria worms staying as long as they don't have too many babies all over my glass. I did see their eggs once I think, but thinking they were snail eggs I left them there, the next day was like staring into a bowl of rice.
Well I've already done a biggish water change this week so I might leave it for a while, she really wasn't happy about it. The planaria population has gone down quite a lot, if it stays like this I might be ok with it. The trouble I seem to have is by the time I start to get a good vacuum on the gravel half the water is already gone so I have to stop, I think my gravel is too deep.Β
Great advice as always ^^
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-09-29 16:16:07 +0000 UTC]
Crayfish are definitely super dirty! They tend to eat very messily, which the planaria worms obviously love. If you have problems with your gravel because of this, you may want to take some of it out or switch to filter sand, especially if the planaria problem comes back. I personally love sand because you can just vacuum the dirt right off!
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-09-29 22:56:22 +0000 UTC]
My friend is getting me some aquarium sand for my birthday, I always wanted sand but some of it is so expensive. I've ended up with quite fine gravel at the moment but sand looks so much nicer. I bet it's quicker to clean as well since everything just settles on top of it, so I won't be losing too much water before I've finished vacuuming ^^
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Scarabhunter [2013-08-11 02:59:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the comment and the fave!
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Sayba [2013-06-28 00:51:05 +0000 UTC]
After doing a little research on fish I felt I should do the right thing and give the carp and goldfish up. I read up on 'stunted growth' which sounds like a horrible way to die. I will miss my gorgeous fan tail but if I can't give them the care they deserve I shouldn't keep them.
I will get a betta fish tomorrow if the pet shop will take them both off me, he said he would have the carp back but if I put him on the spot with my fan tail he should take him away. he is a nice guy and knows my auntie ^^
Is their any special kind of care a betta needs? So far I know they can't have normal fish food and they like their water warmer. My heating is on most of the time so I think that keeps the water warm anyway.
Thanks for the advice by the way~
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-06-28 08:40:11 +0000 UTC]
That's great to hear
Bettas do need some special care, they need betta pellets and the water should be 77-82 degrees F constantly. I would not recommend going out to get the betta right now, but clean the tank out and then fill it up again and let it cycle (clickable) instead. Otherwise your betta may not live long!
I also recommend reading a few betta caresheets so you know all about how to care for them before you start. I have a betta caresheet here . It talks about their natural habitat, requirements, the correct diet etc.
Hope that helps! Again, it's great to come across someone who actually realizes when it's time to let their fishies go because they can't provide the correct environment for them. If you have any follow-up questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-06-28 10:50:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for helping me ^^
I've always been confused with cycling the water, I mean it won't be cycled when I need to do a big clean will it? I brought tap safe and disease control liquid which kills germs and gets rid of chlorine but keeps the good bacteria in.
Thank you for the links, I'll check them out when I'm dressed.
While writing this out, the koi carp killed my fan tail T-T I knew he was the dominant fish but he'd never attacked him the way he did today. The goldie was lying on the gravel while he was biting him.
I wish I could say it would have been better for the goldie to die in a tiny bucket at a fair but I don't know. There's me thinking I was saving him...
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-06-28 11:39:13 +0000 UTC]
Aw, that's a pity things like these happen sometimes when they're in a tank that's too small. He may already have been weak, though.
When your aquarium is cycled you don't have to do big cleans any more. If the tank is 5+ gals and only contains one betta, you'll only have to change around 25-35% of the water each week with new conditioned water of the same temperature. Products that kill germs are not necessary, just products that remove chlorine. All that is explained in the link, though, hope it helps
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-06-28 16:02:12 +0000 UTC]
Well, for a fair fish he seemed Ok. He always had a few white dots and breaks on him from day one but I was treating it. I'm surprised the carp never caught it but it looks like he saw to it that he didn't.
The pet shop didn't have any bettas, so I went to another that also didn't have any bettas.. So I ended up with a blue crayfish. They can live in small tanks, eat pretty much anything and don't take that much work cleaning wise. I'll be sure to do more research this time around ^^ Thanks for all your help.
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-06-28 19:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Unless your blue crayfish is of the Cambarellus genus it is not able to live in small tanks. Most blue crayfish are Procambarus alleni and need at least around 20 gallons per crayfish as well as tons of hiding places. There are also some slightly blueish dwarf crays, but if it's really blue, then it's also not suitable for this tank. I'm not sure who told you it was? A pet store employee? Do you have a photo of the cray maybe?
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-06-28 20:07:26 +0000 UTC]
[link] Just this picture for now, I got a good look underneath and I think it's a she. She isn't really that blue, very dark blue and she is quite patchy in colour, the man who sold it to me gave me a lot of information about it and seemed to know his stuff. I asked him a lot of questions about feeding and growth and he did say I would need to upgrade my tank at some point but not any time soon.
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Aquariadise In reply to Sayba [2013-06-29 09:00:53 +0000 UTC]
Good! Until you upgrade the tank, I'd supply your new cray with tons of things to climb on and hide under. Mine love shrimp flats!
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Sayba In reply to Aquariadise [2013-06-29 11:27:00 +0000 UTC]
I'm getting her some finer grit to dig in and some more hiding spots today. She's eaten some carrot and lettuce, getting her better food today too.
Can I feed her any kinds of meat? Some people have mentioned cat or dog food but that's just going to made my water filthy. I was think blood worms or frozen prawns? I'm going to buy a book about them so I know this stuff, the internet doesn't seem too helpful when it comes to crayfish. They seem to be more of an accessory to a tank rather then the main pet.
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