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| BluJaeOkk
# Statistics
Favourites: 48; Deviations: 2; Watchers: 0
Watching: 3; Pageviews: 1852; Comments Made: 120; Friends: 3
# Interests
Favorite movies: I like to watch movies that are rarely heard of, anything on the movie channel tho really.Favorite TV shows: Far too many to list but Spartacus and Adventure Time are good, I will watch cartoons FOREEEVVERRRRRRRRRR
Favorite bands / musical artists: Love All Kinds, literally and Music is so awesome and makes me feel great. Without it id be truly lost but I guess my Favorite band would have to be Chevelle or Awolnation
Favorite books: The Hunger Games, Kinda the only book I've ever read to completion, liked it tho and World War Z which is a book I should return...
Favorite games: Games arent much My thing anymore but I still love to hop on Halo every now and then
Favorite gaming platform: XBOX 360