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# Statistics
Favourites: 50; Deviations: 19; Watchers: 0
Watching: 0; Pageviews: 1467; Comments Made: 49; Friends: 0
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Also a few here so...Favorite movies: Uhm that's a tough one... there are too many of 'em haha :)
Favorite bands / musical artists: I also have more than 1 here hehe :D
Favorite writers: Don't know... yet
Favorite games: Ehm... meh
Favorite gaming platform: ...
Tools of the Trade: ...
Other Interests: Vampires
# About me
Well... uhm I'm a weirdo hehehe ^_^' I love vampires, I always have :) and uhm... well I'm crazy about music and love to sing (I don't know if I'm any good at it though ehehe ^_^') I like to draw, but I'm not sure if I'm good at it... that's why I joined deviantArt so I could maybe get some opinions from all of u n_nI'm very shy... u might notice that in time hehe :P
I'm pretty much on the dark side of life... u know I love skulls, roses (red and dark kinds) ooh and blood *_*
My favorite color is BLACK ^_^
Ehm... I love animals especially horses and dogs and kitties hehehe meow =3
Uhm... yea I can't think of anything else to say now... so... yea XD
Current Residence: Potchefstroom
deviantWEAR sizing preference: ...
Print preference: ...
Favourite genre of music: Metal
Favourite photographer: Ehm no clue... yet
Favourite style of art: Uhm can't decide... yet
Operating System: ...
MP3 player of choice: ...
Shell of choice: ...
Wallpaper of choice: Don't know hehe... yet
Skin of choice: Don't have 1 yet... I think
Favourite cartoon character: ...
Personal Quote: Uhm... can't think right now