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# Statistics
Favourites: 121; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 2
Watching: 8; Pageviews: 1551; Comments Made: 104; Friends: 8
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: ...i knew her name at one point.... i have a few of her works around my house...*sigh* ill remember soon enough. sorry ^^"Favorite movies: all the ones made by hayao miyazaki! well, aside from one.
Favorite TV shows: adventure time is cool....i look anime up online, and dont usually watch a lot of tv...
Favorite bands / musical artists: ...does nightcore count? lots of remixed songs. i like Tatu to, and evasence.
Favorite books: i dont really have a favorite. i like a lot of books. also manga. to many to really habe a single favorite. ^^
Favorite writers: umm, i need to look that up later. tamora pierce might have been one of them though.
Favorite games: again, i dont really have a favorite. sorry! i do like the kingdom heart games and other various games.
Favorite gaming platform: .....whats a gaming platform? sorry, im not much of a game. =w="
Tools of the Trade: tools of trade? well, i use paintbrushes if that counts. and other various things, including tape, hot glue, and card boardd.
Other Interests: sorry...^^"