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| cwadecwade
# Statistics
Favourites: 51; Deviations: 44; Watchers: 4
Watching: 34; Pageviews: 2525; Comments Made: 73; Friends: 34
# Interests
Tools of the Trade: ba# About me
doodler extreme.i love to draw and doodle. sometimes it ends up being something kinda cool.
art is where ever you find it. from drawing in the dirt on your back windshield to doodling on the margins of class notes, creativity is everywhere, in everything, with no limitations or requirements.
favorite medium is black ink ball point pen and common bond copier paper. can find 'em anywhere. most of these drawings are 4x6. the frames surrounding the image are also hand drawn. Then I scan, and edit/organize/enhance with Paint.net into an 8x10.
favorite pen is a courtesy bic pen from Richard Sexton Allstate Insurance! smoothest shade pen out there; don't know why, don't care!