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emzcorey ♂️ [371806] [2003-03-17 20:46:34 +0000 UTC] "Corey Black" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 41; Deviations: 71; Watchers: 17

Watching: 40; Pageviews: 9022; Comments Made: 823; Friends: 40

# Interests

Favorite movies: Star Wars Ep III
Favorite bands / musical artists: A Perfect Circle, TOOL, Korn, Led Zepplin, DMB, Deftones, SOAD, Cirque Du Soleil, Bob Marley, U2
Favorite games: Golf
Favorite gaming platform: Tee Box
Tools of the Trade: Canon EOS 1D (sold EOS 10D), Canon EF 70-210mm f/4 Canon EF 50mm f/1.8, Canon 550ex, Photoshop CS
Other Interests: Photography, Golf, Girls, Music

# About me

Current Residence: Atlanta, GA
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: Photography
Operating System: OS X 4
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Favourite cartoon character: Simpsons

# Comments

Comments: 102

mans0n [2004-12-02 04:43:44 +0000 UTC]

And i could care less of what you think of me, so you can go fuck yourself. - ~ emzcorey

18 hours later

i love it how people will see that they are wrong, or something... and instead of learning from it and stuff they just result to sayin "fuck off" or somethin like that... dude - ~emzcorey

Im 16, and Im not doin the "fuck off" thing... get more mature and then come back and debate...


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emzcorey In reply to mans0n [2004-12-12 03:53:48 +0000 UTC]

yea... after seeing his kinda random statement on my own page, not so happy..

after 18 hr i cooled off, he obviously didnt... if you want to anylise my hypocrity dont stop at me...

and frankly i could care less anymore, having an argument about photography on this site recently has been like arguing with a headstrong child. I dont realy hold any info on here with high esteem anymore, except maybe shagee (genious). moving on...

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usedtoit03 [2004-10-11 20:29:24 +0000 UTC]

what do you know about me? like i said. leave me the fuck alone, "freelancer".

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-12 02:10:48 +0000 UTC]

hahahaha... your telling me to leave you the fuck alone, on my user page, which i barely use... and then calling me a "freelancer" im 16, most papers wont higher interns that young... but im still making money off photography... and I'm working as a photo editor of my yearbook... I dont care about you... i just replyed to what you said... And i could care less of what you think of me, so you can go fuck yourself.

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usedtoit03 In reply to emzcorey [2004-10-12 05:22:24 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah, i thougth i said fuck off.

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usedtoit03 [2004-10-11 07:09:58 +0000 UTC]

first off, what would you know about an L lens? second off, have you ever even shot something at a sporting event? i would like to see you keep up with a player from the stands using a 300mm lens WITHOUT IS. each to his own, i suggested a starting setup, you can too, but leave me the fuck alone, ok?

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-12 02:15:47 +0000 UTC]

oh yea... your talking to me about shootin sports... " would like to see you keep up with a player from the stands using a 300mm lens WITHOUT IS." wtf... your going to tell me how to shoot sports, when your shooting it from the stands... take my advice, dont waste your energy on me, go learn somethin and shoot some hs football or youth stuff... access is easy.

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usedtoit03 In reply to emzcorey [2004-10-12 05:21:18 +0000 UTC]

i think i know what you're talking about! wait... wait... oh i lost it. fuck off.

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-12 20:11:21 +0000 UTC]

i love it how people will see that they are wrong, or something... and instead of learning from it and stuff they just result to sayin "fuck off" or somethin like that... dude, if you want to argue about an issue, please do it... but dont defend your point iwth FUCK OFF! With that approach on an argument your going to leave it more idiotic and hard headed than when you came in... Im 16, and Im not doin the "fuck off" thing... get more mature and then come back and debate...

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usedtoit03 In reply to emzcorey [2004-10-12 21:10:34 +0000 UTC]

You know what? I know you're 16, you've told me 5 times. I would know you're 16 even if you didn't say anything, becuase you don't know when to drop it. I don't care if you are a freelancer. If you're a freelancer and own your own business, then I own 3 businesses and have been doing all of them for 5 years. But you know something else? Who cares. Just because you can snap a few shots for your family friends doesn't mean that you know anything about photography or poeple. Like I said before, if you have some advice to give someone in the forums, then do so. Otherwise stay out of it. The forums aern't a playround for highschoolers that think they know everything and like to flame others. I suggest a setup for a guy to get into SLR photography, if you don't like it you can suggest something else. Got it? Or do I need to elaborate on the fuck off part?

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-12 21:30:53 +0000 UTC]

lmfao... wow... first of all, your going to tell me how to do forms? look at my stats(forum), and look at yours... I realy dont care about that though... second, if you knew anything about how yearbook photography works you would know what I shoot... 3rd freelance for us means working sports, not shooting some portraits for 2 dolars a shot... We shoot wakeboarding, football, basketball, volleyball, water products, ect. ... I know how to shoot some portraits, but its not my specialty... 4th I dont care if you own 3 buisnesses for 5 years, thats great, I was just defending that I know a litle more than you think i might about photojournalism... 5th Forums are not a play ground for unopen people that cant take an argument, I dont know everything hahaha, if you had been in these forums (or robgalbrath, or dpreview, or sportsshooter, or photosig) you would realise Im in there to not only tell people what I think, but to learn others oppinions about stuff, and learn some new techniques, less learning on devart beacuse most people here dont know what a dslr is. 6th, I did sugjest something else... 7 ok, is this kinda hipocritical or what, "I would know you're 16 even if you didn't say anything, becuase you don't know when to drop it.", do you understand where your writing this, your on MY user page, MY... how do you expect to give me a comment like that and not have me "flame" you or what ever you want to call it... I never asked you to come try to argue with me about this stuff, or get into a cockfight to who's got more experiance or w/e... Dont tell me to drop it while trying to give more points, thats not how it works... you can leave it alone, but dont expect me not to reply if you comment on here.

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usedtoit03 In reply to emzcorey [2004-10-12 23:35:41 +0000 UTC]

Looks like it's back to where we started. Fuck off. And FYI, I came to your page because the bickering you initiated wasn't helping anyone in the forums, it was an attack on me, and now it's resolved unless you would like to keep on blathering.

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-12 23:41:33 +0000 UTC]

i was challanging your statement regarding IS, why shouldn't I... the statement was fairly untrue, in my mind at least... so why shouldn't I... I wasnt attacking YOU... i was attacking your statements, and thats what a forum is about in some instances. This happens all the time in the forums... but it rarely comes to member pages or emails sayin FUCK OFF... thats your fault. Dont take it personaly, or you wont get anywhere on the forums.

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l33t-gr33k In reply to emzcorey [2004-10-12 21:44:36 +0000 UTC]

cmon corey, leave the guy alone. he can track a subject using a 300mm lens from the stands. thats talent. i wish i could do that. i should stop shooting from the sidelines, that doesn't take nearly as much skill. he owns 3 different companies. we only have one. that means hes three times better than us. hes been on dA since 2001, hes gotta know everything about photography. this community has proved to be the home of the best photographers and a great way to better your self as an artist. but what do we know? were just freelancers. we only made $500 off random strangers in the first 2 weeks of our buisiness. and what do you know about an L lens anyway?

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emzcorey In reply to usedtoit03 [2004-10-11 15:58:26 +0000 UTC]

LMFAO... wow... im the photo editor for our gold medalist yearbook, my only income comes out of photojournalism, im a co owner to a freelance company... IS is a mechanism to counter motion blur from camera movement... at 300 mm, camera shake happens under 1/300th or maybe a litle faster... depending on the sports, 1/300th isnt going to fast enouph to stop the action on a lot of it, if your worried about camera shake blur, shootin action is almost certainly out of the question... "what would you know about an L lens" what do you know about me...

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coxi [2004-07-14 15:56:16 +0000 UTC]

i'm sorry, but do you really think that it is my fault that the photo of mine got more attention than yours ?

i know what you mean, though, just look at the photos that get most attention.. do you think these are the "best" or those who deserve that attention ?

i'm really trying to produce quality work, because i'm in a position where i've lots of watchers and i won't abuse that to submit dark-nude "Portrait" photography.. no i keep doing my style and i try to make something that reflects my own style.

you cannot get mad at me or the deviantart-system just because my shot (that's completely different btw) gets more attention than yours.

i also don't think that favs and views are signs for art or quality.. no not at all, because when i sort by fav, the first 100 pieces are rather the same and boring..

so please don't get mad at me, just because my photo isn't 100% centered.. try it yourself to make a one-second exposure from the floor, without tripod and without a twist-display.. that's not an easy job...

and if you'd take a look in my gallery, then you'll maybe know that i use to pay attention on symmetry and perfection... so please try to get some impression of me and my works before you leave some critisism that way..


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emzcorey In reply to coxi [2004-07-14 18:06:04 +0000 UTC]

no no no... im not mad at you... im mad at this system... deviant art has problems with this... a lot of them. Way to many people are into popularity rather than art, they comment WOWOAH JDSFJ GREAT SHOT!!! and dont say anything at all about it.. they will fav someone and not comment on there stuff at all... or people get popular on shit like webcam nudes, which is another story all together.

My shot was like 10 or 30 secs from floor too, its a hard shot to get right. Your shot is better, and I wasnt referin to my shot bein like yours as much as, me and my good friend just got kicked out of mabey 15 building for taking picture, inclueding the marta station we had done the shoot at before, and we had scouted out a shot that looked a lot like this one in the length of the escalator and more angleing.. and a janator kicke us out before we could even attempt to try this shot... coming off of that I was kinda pissed off and we saw this and just didnt make us happy., what I had said before was kinda not a good thing to say at all, its not ur fault at all. Im just getting tired of the way devart is set up, and im going to start moving my stuff to photosig and other sites. I like how they set up ther crituqeing system... if its an actual comment and not some shit like "great shot!" then its rewarded... and others are disqualified.

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coxi In reply to emzcorey [2004-07-14 18:14:08 +0000 UTC]

okay.. i understand you, totally !
i allready left DA for these reasons.. but came back again.. (don't want to tell the story)

you know.. i've just been lucky this time, because i used to get kicked out everywhere as well.. this time there was nobody.. so i had to hurry.. before someone could see me.. that's also the reason why it is not "perfect"

i really understand you, why you and your friend feel pissed off.. because it is crap that you're not allowed to take photos at these awesome places !!

a friend of mine (*lisak10 ) and me, we use to break in everywhere, cause we'd never get the permission to take photos there.. it's bit risky.. but it worked until now..

so all luck for your future photos.. and have fun at other communites


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emzcorey In reply to coxi [2004-07-14 19:23:36 +0000 UTC]

lol, yea it was in middle of downtown atl, hard to brake into places with 100 people infront of, lol... yea we got lucky when we were shootin last time, the gard was realy cool and let us on the platform at the train station. oh well. thanks for understanding me. keep the art good!

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devilicious [2004-07-08 19:55:50 +0000 UTC]

for everything

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beator [2004-05-21 19:13:44 +0000 UTC]

Hey, thanks a lot for the watch!

You've some great stuff in your gallery here

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seriouspolitics [2004-05-20 18:32:30 +0000 UTC]

Love the avatar.

I'm a proud Jew myself. ^-^

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emzcorey In reply to seriouspolitics [2004-05-20 21:18:56 +0000 UTC]

nice, lol... im not very religious, just experimentin got that.

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beator [2004-05-19 21:35:24 +0000 UTC]


is a General Digital Photographer
is Male
is a deviant since Mar 17, 2003, 10:46 PM
has 2,000 pageviews
is located in United States

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emzcorey In reply to beator [2004-05-19 23:50:02 +0000 UTC]

wow i caught it on 2001, thanks a lot for your view. lol... Thats crazy, i never thought i would be her a year ago...

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RyanRoss [2004-04-26 22:34:41 +0000 UTC]

if your really interested in photography, you should think about joining, even if you dont go on trips with the organzation, its still worth it for the meet they have every year.

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emzcorey In reply to RyanRoss [2004-04-27 01:49:25 +0000 UTC]

the problem with that is that i dont have a job now, im getin internship in summer, and shooting a wedding this summer, but the wedding is paying for equipment. Mabey once I get a job or somethin ill try out membership. Thanks for the info.

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RyanRoss [2004-04-26 22:33:41 +0000 UTC]

your gallery is nice also, I see your favorite photographer is gary livingston, if thats who im thinking, he came and talked at a photography convention I attended. Since you live in georgia, I suggest checking out [link] . A 4-state wide photography association, they meet every year for their annual meeting, and have a contest, and have very famous photographers come and talk. Tons of members, its Georgia, SC, NC, and virgina I believe. Last year they had one of the best photoshoppers come and talk, he wrote like 9 books or so on abode photoshop, very interesting.

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emzcorey In reply to RyanRoss [2004-04-27 01:41:32 +0000 UTC]

well, gary livingston is a photographer out west, hes new and shoots bands and manages bands, hes on devart. ~ freezetime . Ill definetly check out that site. Im working with a few pros on yearbook staff, and going to intern at the newspaper near by so this would be somethin that would help even more. Thanks a lot.

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setsunab [2004-03-17 22:52:48 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the watch

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voodoo-prophet [2004-03-06 01:42:40 +0000 UTC]

they there thanks for the watch!


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panal [2004-02-27 06:51:45 +0000 UTC]

thanks for your comment on "leaf" tis much appreciated

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anjules [2004-02-27 05:07:27 +0000 UTC]

Hi Corey - thanks very much for your comment on Fingers of God - it's much appreciated.

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tangledweb [2004-02-27 03:33:04 +0000 UTC]

hey Corey, thanks for the comment...good photo gallery, especially liked your sky photographs.

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lossg [2004-01-27 03:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Wassup man, your airplane shot was awesome, i added it to my favorites, I live in Atlanta too, I go to UGA in Athens, where you go to school? Nice job with the artwork. Later.

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emzcorey In reply to lossg [2004-01-28 01:58:01 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot dude. I go to Parkview High. Thanks, Ill check out your gallery.

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chrispiam In reply to emzcorey [2004-03-14 05:52:48 +0000 UTC]

hmm you go to parkview... that means i should hate you... i got to the crappy school known as Norcross High School...

i hate it

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emzcorey In reply to chrispiam [2004-03-15 00:04:44 +0000 UTC]

why does every one hate me... lol. cool its all good, GA people unite!

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tigran85 [2004-01-23 22:42:52 +0000 UTC]

youve got great pics in here

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emzcorey In reply to tigran85 [2004-01-23 23:58:37 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot

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ohrolla440 [2004-01-22 03:06:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the +DevWatch it means so much to me!

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emzcorey In reply to ohrolla440 [2004-01-22 11:43:40 +0000 UTC]

I looked at some of your gallery, you realy have talent for your age, I gota watch you.

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Jahac [2004-01-15 03:19:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for adding me o your friends list

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Jahac [2004-01-14 16:13:51 +0000 UTC]

Nice av

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emzcorey In reply to Jahac [2004-01-14 23:47:07 +0000 UTC]

same to you, lol, though kinda antiproductive. I gota go threw ur gallery, but I gota study for some quizes tomarow, Ill be there soon though.

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Jahac In reply to emzcorey [2004-01-15 00:57:06 +0000 UTC]

Anti-productive? I beg to differ my friend. Anyhow, yeh, browse through my gallery at your leisure, good luck with them quizzes.

BTW: If quizzes are quizzical, then what are tests?

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emzcorey In reply to Jahac [2004-01-15 01:27:49 +0000 UTC]

The anti productive thing, Im just saying why take effort for hating haters, I cant stand anything about them, but hopefully that time has passed and we can look twards better days tom come, just a thought that had come to my mine when i saw the icon, nothin more than a thought. test are testical, uhh... lol. ahhhh balls! I gota ask my teachers that, they would totaly agree. lol. thanks for the luck.

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Jahac In reply to emzcorey [2004-01-15 01:32:25 +0000 UTC]

I understand what you mean, but unfortunatly there is so much blind hate today, that I feel showing my support for the eradication of hate is necessary. Anyhow I see you like Bob Marley and Cirque du Soliel. You have fine taste my friend.

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emzcorey In reply to Jahac [2004-01-15 01:40:22 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean. Yea they rule. Ive seen a few Cirque shows, they rule. And Marley is just awsome. lol.

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Jahac In reply to emzcorey [2004-01-15 01:46:21 +0000 UTC]

right on

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