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| white-yoshi
# Statistics
Favourites: 667; Deviations: 73; Watchers: 82
Watching: 81; Pageviews: 18290; Comments Made: 4149; Friends: 81
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: LMK | ANNA | Marumiyan |Favorite movies: Inception | Fight Club | The Matrix | Memento | Seven | Lion King |
Favorite bands / musical artists: Freelance Whales
Favorite writers: Jeff Lindsay | Chuck Palahniuk | Evelyn Waugh | Daniel Defoe
Favorite games: Yoshi's Island | Mother 2/3 | Zelda: Majora's Mask | Mario 64
Other Interests: Freckles.
# Comments
Comments: 335
lordmetaknight [2012-03-01 21:24:56 +0000 UTC]
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white-yoshi In reply to lordmetaknight [2011-10-09 21:44:00 +0000 UTC]
You are always welcome! <3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
white-yoshi In reply to DrawingTheLine [2011-03-02 18:34:18 +0000 UTC]
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darcydoodle In reply to white-yoshi [2011-02-28 20:46:10 +0000 UTC]
ONO <3
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white-yoshi In reply to darcydoodle [2011-03-02 18:34:05 +0000 UTC]
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darcydoodle In reply to white-yoshi [2011-03-06 16:08:21 +0000 UTC]
I cannot accept this defeat D:
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white-yoshi In reply to tRickityhouses [2011-01-12 23:42:54 +0000 UTC]
Hey! Thanks for the watch!
I'm definitely still keeping up to pace with your comic regardless of whether I host stuff on Smackjeeves
In response to your comment there, I really appreciate your support! I do intend to redo Midday so I'll take your response into consideration
One of the major themes of the comic is Lam attempting to keep up with the pace of normal society and the tribulations/such it proposed (e.g. Challenging his naivity/head in the clouds), but there was also a lot of focus on the conspiracy regarding the relationship between the sky/the equivilent of "earth" -- but also about the true nature/powers of stars and why they're considered threats in the first place.
But anyway, sorry for the rambling comment: it's great to hear that you enjoyed the star focus, it still is the main focus throughout the rest of the plot, though I honestly thought the fantasy aspect would put people off!
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tRickityhouses In reply to white-yoshi [2011-01-13 02:07:26 +0000 UTC]
i thought your comic was well made, not many people seemed to like it though. totally not your fault. I think the fan base in smackjeeves only like yaoi stuff and crap with pretty boys. We need better shit with actual thought and skill involved like midday. Anyways goodluck and all of that. let me know when you decide to start up again.
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white-yoshi In reply to tRickityhouses [2011-01-13 17:29:55 +0000 UTC]
Awhh, thank you, that means a lot - the underwhelming response was admittedly discouraging, but I realized it doesn't have the right appeal for Smackjeeves' yaoi-specific fanbase, so there's no way I'm gonna quit trying ;D
I need to refine the new style I want to do it in, the plotline's still completely solid, now it's a matter of getting the time
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tRickityhouses In reply to white-yoshi [2011-01-14 17:17:07 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't worry about the whole fan count/responses. I only get like 3-4 people posting on my stuff and its been over 4 years lol.
well you're still young, your art and you style will probably explode at a crazy high level. People will like it soon enough
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white-yoshi In reply to batcii [2010-12-02 20:42:46 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, your art is lovely!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
batcii In reply to white-yoshi [2010-12-03 03:31:49 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
white-yoshi In reply to Hedgehogscanfly [2010-09-11 09:17:18 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!
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The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-07 19:40:28 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you seem to have become quite the requests artist
Hows midday going? or after all these requests for portrays you being held back
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-07 20:36:33 +0000 UTC]
LMAOO how did you know about those?! Facebook?? HAHA I knoww, wasn't intentional but it happened!!
Swamped with AS homework at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to work on Midday at weekends!
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-08 05:33:02 +0000 UTC]
yes it was facebook
Having under 150 friends means that usually if something happens, i see it
doesn't usually get lost in the flow
Yer i am a bit inundated with school work to, and i dont what to take pics because i have ordered a nice new camera.
What did you take btw?
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-08 15:50:20 +0000 UTC]
Ohh I see, that'd explain it!!
Nicee, a new camera? I'm becoming more and more interest in film-making atm~
I took English, Biology, Psychology and RS - you?
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-08 17:14:02 +0000 UTC]
nice!! i must admit i did choose a lower spec camera so it could have a video feature
its seems all the proper slr's don't have video stuff
what sort of film? animation or really life?
and what about anyway, homemade music vids or what? you got me interested now
Me... well i am a nerd science boffin so i took further maths, physics, chemistry and geography
I must admit i wanted to do psychology but for future career purposes, geography would be better
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-08 19:43:15 +0000 UTC]
Ahh coolness! How much was it? I'd like to buy a video camera sometime
Real life, believe it or not!
I think I'd prefer to do scripted short films of some sort... I'm very much inspired by Chris Nolan.
Oh wow, those're impressive subjects! What're you thinking about doing in the future?
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-08 21:06:51 +0000 UTC]
well i was shown a few cameras by my dad and i picked one
its sort of a present for my gcse results
but i am not going to look up the price
it would be like recieving a birthday present and then searching for it to see how much they spent on you, you just don't do it, its not right
I like the idea of a specific video camera, but i have chosen a Canon so i can change the film lense as well, i could do a whole film through fish eye
Fair enough, i must admit i don't know who Chris Nolan is, is he one of the people who makes short films that appear before main films in cinemas etc
well impressive only works if i get the grades, if i get all Ds its not too impressive
I am looking to go into enginneering, probably eco civil, since thats what i have a passion for, and everyone wants to work for something they believe in.
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-08 22:29:07 +0000 UTC]
Ahh yeah I get what you mean! Best it remains a mystery
I don't know that much about video cameras, I might ask for your help if I ask for one from my parents at Christmas!
Chris Nolan is the director of Memento,Inception, The Dark Knight - he writes the scripts of his films and directs them. He's a genius and my idol :')
Oooh, that sounds really, really awesome! I'm still unsure of what job I want to go into myself, so good thing you've got something to strive for!
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-09 15:19:11 +0000 UTC]
i would be happy to advise you on what i would get
oh course you would need to say what you want it to have
HD, slow mo, better zoom etc
Oh right ok
well good luck to you, hard acts to try and copy, considering they have multimillion budget and a whole team of special effects guys
i assume you have neither but i have been wrong before
well if writing is something you like then maybe go an do english or something
if you are wanting to write or of horror/thriller then phycology could be useful
prodicers are looking more to phycology in films and games in an attempt to inprove the experience
and of course with phycology you could go into a different career if that didn't go well
advertising for example
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-09 17:25:28 +0000 UTC]
Nothing that fancyy, just something modern with good quality I guess~ I have simple taste
HAHAA I'm not inspired by him in the sense that I want to try and replicate his films or aim to outdo him~ (Although, he doesn't have a special effects team because he doesn't like CGI )I'm just inspired by his non-linear storylines and his crisp dialogue, and I don't see why I shouldn't give it a try when I have the time
Yeahh I proably will do something English-related, I was considering law I'm quite torn between doing English with Psychology or Philosophy... I guess I'll see how the rest of each A Level courses go But yeees you're right, people do like to see emotive content in films and games. I like to try and make characters with defined mental perspectives/characteristics
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-09 18:18:13 +0000 UTC]
the thing is nower days is making a character that someone can relate to
and it is done in different methods
in some they are silent, which means although you can't see there emotions directly, it makes you more at one with a character
but good diaogue and good acting can get accross a character that is either, bad, good, annoying etc
its amazing just thinknig about it the idea of helemt wearers
both dead space and halo, 2 big games have helmeted chacters so you never see there face
i sort of think this helps and hinders
it prevents certain people not connecting with the character because he is the 'wrong' colour for example
but it also makes the character appear very distance and unreall
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-09 19:34:20 +0000 UTC]
That's very true. A lot of it does depend on finding a suitable actor/actress to portray a certain character, which can be a difficult thing if you have limited resources of people xD
Yeahh, I guess with games like that you're not supposed to empathize characters so much as you are to become them. Being void of personality and context means they could be almost anyone - e.g. the player. Games like that are more about gameplay and graphics then depth, which isn't necassarily a bad thing, but I'd prefer to create something that immerses people in a story.
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-09 20:23:04 +0000 UTC]
in what sort of way
from a first person?
third? and if third would they be omnipotent?
games i am a bit dissappointig now anyway
every since the introduction of online game play to the masses it has sort of ruined single player
but i must admit the sort in uncharted is amazing!!
and of course ratchet and clank (favourite series)
what are your ideas anyway so fair? for your films etc
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-09 20:31:39 +0000 UTC]
In the sense that they come to care for the characters, empathize/sympathize with them, rather then just see them as ... movers of the plot, if you get me.
Ahh yeahh, I get what you mean...
HAHA, awesomee! My favorite series are Mario, Zelda & Mother/Earthbound. The latter is the most unknown but also the most thought-provoking/heartrending.
Haven't got anything solid, I have a whole bunch of story ideas which I never turned into anything though. I'd like to do something akin to a short story in terms of structure.
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-09 21:00:19 +0000 UTC]
coming to care with a character is very hard to do in a story plot
most people can understand the reality hat its only film
the sad thing is is that i find that most really emotion films in which you really get to know the characters, usually ends sad
they are usually heart driven love stories or stories about a death
and although thats nice any everything
i do find they generic after a while
the gaming thing is always a bit different depending on the person
i have never owned a proper ninteno console so i never really got into zelda (which teh main character is link for some reason)
and mario although i like, its all a bit samey, atleast in resent years with the introduction of galaxy there is a bit of difference
i personally like games like Little Big Planet, in which the story is not only amazing cute but also the story never ends
well having ideas always is the start
and keeping things short is good too
long films require more work and usually when you look through it you find half of it is full of boring dialogue just so you understand the final 5 mins
keeping things short is always the best way
use music and basic ideas to drive the plot
make it so that no maassive introduction is needed
straight in, straight out and end with a moral
it seems all short films have some sort of moral or message
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-09 21:27:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm not one for using a love interest as a plot device, it's been overdone to death. Death as a plot device can be done well but I'm not keen on using it
Definitelyy, that's true. Nintendo has a lot of nostalgic connatations for me
Zelda is a brilliant, brilliant series. Mario has awesome gameplayy, I think the whole gravity feature was a brilliant renewel. Mother 3 is like literature, seriously. It's heartbreaking and has so many deep themes, even like fachism, corruption of nature -- it's such a masterpiece
I like short, sharp fast-paced dialogue. Personally I don't think music is key to driving a plot, more so content of the plot itself. Like personally I'm very against using lyrical-focused songs to imply sadness (e.g. if a character were to die, or be having some kind of fit of angst), it cheapens things and lessens the impact. But we all have our own ways of approaching things I'd rather wrap a story up neatly like concluding a character arc - personally I think that's the most satisfying kind of ending, even if it is a bittersweet or just plain bitter end.
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-10 19:47:38 +0000 UTC]
Well good luck to you in attempting to drive an emotional story without either of those two
I have never played mother 3 so i can't really comment but by the sounds of it its quite an adult game, a sort of pre Heavy Rain sort of thing
Keeping dialogue short is always the best
too much of it bores the audience and if you place keys issues into the dialogue after a lengthly period of waffel the it will most likely be missed
I am with you on that
music with lyrics sort of ruins the emotions of it
have a listen to a group called Sigur Ros
they do some amazing stuff
it does sort of have lyrics but its in a made up language, hopelandic, so its more emotional
having the ending just right is the thing that is most important
since its the part everyone remembers
some endings are just cheap
some scream squeal at you
and others dont really have an ending
just the last episode or scene and then thats your lot
no real ending at all
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white-yoshi In reply to The-Soulless-of-Me [2010-09-10 20:22:51 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, good thing they're so many more subtle alternatives.
It's really, really good. If you were to look at screenshots, you'd think it'd be quite childish, but it's seriously something else -[link]
Definitelyy, I mean not so short that it's non-existant, but quick and to the point. Sometimes there has to be lengthy dialogue, but as long as it isn't consistantly so.
Yeahh, exactlyyy... Omigosh, I think I've heard of Sigur Ros! I'll check them out definitely, that kind of thing appeals to me very much so
Yeahh endings should really leave the audience satisfied, even if it's sad or even if it's a cliff-hanger, there has to be some sort of fulfilment or sitting through the film wouldn't have felt worth it.
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The-Soulless-of-Me In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-10 21:49:08 +0000 UTC]
i am less certain about cliff hangers
cliff hangers like in Italien Job "guy i gotta plan"
i like that
but cliff hangers that reak of we want more money so we are going to make a second i just hate
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lordmetaknight [2010-09-06 21:00:13 +0000 UTC]
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white-yoshi In reply to lordmetaknight [2010-09-07 20:33:41 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
lordmetaknight In reply to white-yoshi [2010-09-07 21:17:20 +0000 UTC]
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