0987654321edfvbnji8u — Can You Help A Girl Out?

Published: 2022-06-23 22:06:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 4024; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 3
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Description I used to be petite, and now I look and feel like a beached whale. This pregnancy has permanently wrecked my body. The only respite I get from feeling so heavy and large is being in the water. When I'm floating I almost feel like I'm weightless again and it's a needed break from lugging this giant belly around. The only problem is, I've gotten too big to get in the pool without help. The stairs are too slippery for this big lady to do without someone else to steady her. Can you help me? I promise I'll help make it worth your while. Please? I need this so badly and you're the only other one in the pool area to help. I'll do anything you ask if you give me a hand.
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Comments: 1

Yoshi1027 [2022-06-23 22:11:05 +0000 UTC]

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