Amy's night out after her win of the physique competition was meant to be a celebration. Her and her boyfriend had both gone pro. It was a dream that they'd worked together since they were at high school together. Yet, as the night went on, she found her eyes drawn again and again to the beastlike man at the edge of the bar. She tried to avoid glancing, but she couldn't help it. He was an animal hunk of muscle and it did things to her inside that almost scared her with its intensity. Her boyfriend could only aspire to the sheer power this man had, with his nonchalant gaze and sheer striated mass. She resisted as long as she could, telling herself he was surely thirty years her senior, that she loved her boyfriend... but by the end of the evening, she couldn't help herself. She slipped away with him and found an alley outside the club...
Only when she had him pinned against the wall did she glance back, to see that you had followed her. She mouthed "Don't tell my boyfriend" and then waved you away.
After Emily's Beauty & The Beast . It appears that I will absolutely do a homage to any fellow bisexual muscle art fans. Emily's stuff is great.