abosz007 β€” A real Pirate Story for You

Published: 2012-07-25 01:38:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 8373; Favourites: 182; Downloads: 0
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Description a long nice story....enjoy x)

HEHEHEHE oooh how BAD of me.
i combined a WONDDERFULL beginning of a lovestory with the ending of this story

A lovely day it was. A day at Rosendal. It was Saga's second day here but she had not yet started working
in the stable. She still had to unpack (and because Uncle Aelfric wanted her to rest). And so she did.
With her favorite adventure book tight in her grip she had headed out on a meadow and sunken down on a rock.
She opened it and started to read. Koda noticed this new guest who seemed like being escaped from a fairytale.
He watched her walking on the meadow with simply a book. He looked around if anyone else was there and
followed the girl. he felt like following a a princess on her secret path x)
She flipped on page at a time. A slight breeze ruffled her hair and some strings of hair fell over her face
and swayed easily and lightly. Still reading and the book tight, she took her free hand and pulled the hair back,
tucking it in behind her ear. He stood in a distance, just watching her.
he neever felt such a strong need before to go and talk to her.
Usually he was brave to make new friends but this time he was a but worried he could mess it up.
Quickly Koda pushed away the bad thoughts and walked ahead to her.
Saga saw a shape move in the corner of her eye and she got pulled back into reality
when she looked up tob face who ever it was that closed in on her.

Koda stayed still some meters away from her and smiled "Hello..i havent seen you around before..you must be new"
Saga looked at him. Up and down. Surely bewildered to have been sneeked up upon xD
"Um, yeah." She smiled. "Im Saga. Aelfric Maxwell's niece..." she rolled her eyes with a chuckled a sigh
"His second niece." She returned to look at him. "and you?"
Koda almost gasped. Wow she was related to Uncle Aelfric! He widened his eyes
"You are Mister Maxwell's Niece? wow i didnt knew there were other relatives! i am glad to know now."
he smiled "I am Koda Ferrigno, from Royale Pirates Stables in hungary, and temporary Rosendal's jockey"
he stood there quite proud to race Rosendal's fine thoroughbred.
"Well... it's me and Sara." she looked at him with a suspisious, yet rather curious face.
"Pleasure to meet you Koda." She stretched out her hand. If there was something Saga knew about,
it was propper manors due to her studies in Britain. "And..." she narrowed her eyes with a equaly narrow smile.
"Did you just say... Pirate... Royal... pirate... um... stables?"
He took her hand with a small bow and gave her a kiss on it, if she was already such a well mannered girl.
" a pleasure to meet another family member of the great Rosendal." he smirked "Indeed, Pirates".
Saga was sure surpriced over the kiss on the back of her hand, but she continued smiling.
"As in... pirates?" she chuckled "As in a pirates life is a wonderful thing?" She eyed him, still smiling.
Koda nodded and glanced at her book "a wonderfull life full of treasures and secrets"
"Not all treasures are of silver and gold." As soon as she said it, she wondered why she had said it
and she looked down on her book, as if it was her security blanket.
Koda nodded again, more slowly "sometimes treasure can be gold in form of horses,
just like at our stable. Do you like stories about pirates?"
"True." She looked up at him again. "I don't like them." she paused a micro second before continuing "I love them."
"My uncle likes to our thoroughbreds his victory bringing goldbars" He paused with a surprised face when she
said she didnt liked them but laughed a bit when she continued " i can tell you some REAL pirate stories"

Saga frowned a bit. "Real pirates stories..?" She turned her head slighty as if she leaned a ear closer
in Kodas direction to hear him say the upcoming thing more easily.
Koda asked "would you believe me if i said th story i know was real?"
She leaned back slightly on her rock. "I don't know you." But oh how she wanted to, he was... interesting. "Try me."
Koda whispered slightly "have you evver heard of the Chest of il cimitero?"
"Never," said she honestly.
He sat down into the grass in front of her "It is about a hungarian pirate
who looked for a treasure, that was burried with a captain's corpse on an island near to venice."
Saga leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and her head in one of her hands ready to listen to the story.

"the pirate and his crew reached the island at early dawn, the sun was hidden behind heavy rainy clouds
and the ocean covered with a thick layer of fog. the cemetery on the island looked spookier than you could imagine
in your scariest dream. Only some laterns lit by fire were visible between the rows of dead people.
But the pirate was only looking for one person's final resting place. A rich and victorious admiral,
rumors said there was a magical chest burried with him, a cannon ball, that always remained as one single left
over on his battles and it always brought him luck. "
he looked up to her eyes, trying to guess if she started to react. She listened intently
as looked down at Koda from where he was sitting in the tall lightly swaying grass
"That does sound scary." she said. "was the canon ball enchanted or something?" she sure was curious.
He shrugged a bit "
probably. But if someone blieeves in miracles they most likely come true, bleieving can be very strong, so if you
believe in your luck you may even attrackt it. that admiral believed that cannon ball brought him luck, and the pirate
who stole it believed it as well. He found the place where the admiral was burried and was digging out the remains.
The Admiral was burried like it was tradition to burry someone on sea. He was covered in sails and had the cannon
in his hand, to sink deep into the depths of the ocean. In this case it was just a formal tradition.
So the pirate took the cannon and headed back to the harbor. On his way with a boat through the canals of veniece,
to reach his ship, he saw a girl who was harassed by some fishermen. He always hated when girls were treated
like that and interferred, kn ocking both fishermen down. When he tried to help the girl out of their net,
he realized it was a mermaid!"

Saga was spellbound.
"A mermaid? Had he saved a mermaid from the men?"
Did mermaids even excist?! She didn't know. How could she xD
"yes he saved the mermaid! sadly the screaming of the fishermen attracted some officers in the streets,
they saw the pirate and tried to catch him. The pirate was so amazed by the mermaid,
because he never seen one before either, that he noticed the officers too late and made an attempt to jump
on the other side of the canal but fell into the water. The cannon in his bag made him sink down bit with a last
breath he managed to bind the bag to the small fishing-boat, but swallowed a lot of the water.
When he came up for breath he saw a dead body floating on the sruface next to him.
He paniced and crawled out of the small canal-river as quick as he could and got caught by the officers!"

Saga gasped quietly at the parts where the story was increasing.
"Did he manage to escape?" Saga knew it was rude to interupt, but she couldn't help herself.

"he was brought to the wet, dark, muddy prison of venice! most of the people there got hanged or died in the cell.
The pirate was hoping the officers wouldnt punish him so hard because he left no trace behind for opening
an admiral's grave, but a guard from the graveyard was watching. The pirate spent days in the prison,
hearing the cries of the other men, he started feeling very sick. He had high fever and realized
he probably got very sick from the water he fell into. The screams seemed louder in his ears and he barely could breathe! He could see himself dying and dropped on the floor, imagining how death yould feel like.
But suddenly he heard a crack and a hand reached out for him and pulled him into a hole on the floor.
the muddy wastewater canal in the middle of the room.

"What pulled him down?! and who?!" she leaned in closer, eager to hear the rest of the story.

"the mermaid who he saved. she pulled him down deeper between the messy canals under the prison,
the air was to thick and full of sickness and an unbearable rotting smell. The mermaid pulled him through
a rusty cage to the rivers of venice and noticed her rescuer was barely breathing. She brought him to a secret
place undearneat a half sunken house, wish rooms half in the water. She fell in love with him and kissed him.
Venetian Mermaids are told to have a very strong ability to avoid any infections and could live in the dirty waters
of venice. Her kiss could heal the pirate from his deadly sickness. When the pirate awoke he couldnt believe his eyes,
but realized they saved each others lifes. The pirate was immune forever against every sickness and lived a VERY
long life after he swam back to get the cannonball and brought it to his ship.
Maaybe that Ship still roams around on undiscovered oceans" he grinned

"Wow." Saga smiled...
Koda wondered if she indeed believed it. He did x).
"now you have to promise me something!
"What?" She looked at him. Her eyes sure had another approsh.
As if all he had said had sunken in and found a home there.
"once you have to tell me your favourite story"
She smiled "I am sure none of mine can be compared with yours just now."
she pulled away a string of blonde hair from her face.
"i am still curious what is your favourite" he looked up at her.
She held up her book and swayed it slightly in the air.
"well. You ate looking at it."


Thank you Sara for the Background!!!!

Text (Saga) by *Jullelin
Text (Koda) by me

Saga Β© by *Jullelin
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Comments: 24

Jullelin [2012-08-31 21:39:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow, how did I manage to forget to comment this pic? 0o
I absolutely love it and it's such a funky feeling to see your drawing to my background photo
And Koda and Saga looks so innocent here. This could be the beginning of a long friendship

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

AonikaArt [2012-07-31 20:37:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh What a lovely story ... ^__^

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SleepyKattY [2012-07-30 07:59:31 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work! Love the story

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CanadianFarmsTrack [2012-07-28 20:44:48 +0000 UTC]

So cute

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inglorious-vikings [2012-07-25 18:56:31 +0000 UTC]

Ganz der Papa. ;3

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Gylana [2012-07-25 15:12:15 +0000 UTC]

ooh, schau sich nur einer den Kola - entschuldige - Koda an xP ganz wie der Papa ;D aww, die beiden sind so sΓΌss x) ich mag Saga, kann's kaum erwarten, mehr von den beiden zu sehen :3
und jetzt ist die Geschichte endlich erzΓ€hlt von Lyo und Malpaga x) einfach schΓΆn :3

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abosz007 In reply to Gylana [2012-07-26 23:02:20 +0000 UTC]

thahha er hats wohl geleeernt oder liegts im blut xP

dawww danke omg viel zu lesen.. respekt

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Gylana In reply to abosz007 [2012-07-27 00:16:24 +0000 UTC]

ich denke beides im Blut liegts wahrscheinlich jedem von Lyo's SprΓΆsslingen und wenn er dann Lyo auch noch beobachten kann, dann kann nix mehr schief gehen xDDD

bitte x)

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SadieMacoy [2012-07-25 14:49:17 +0000 UTC]

I love it!

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DareenyY [2012-07-25 13:02:28 +0000 UTC]

Uhhh, das war Malpaga, oder???
Die Story ist echt toll und serh schΓΆn geschrieben! Wie aus einem Buch!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

abosz007 In reply to DareenyY [2012-07-25 13:30:38 +0000 UTC]

daanke Dareeny

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DareenyY In reply to abosz007 [2012-07-25 22:23:45 +0000 UTC]

jaaa! Ich hab' mal aufgepast x3 *sich selbst auf die Schulter klopf* xD
Immer wieder gernee^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

RMaet [2012-07-25 10:28:16 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh how adorable

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

EquineRibbon [2012-07-25 10:05:33 +0000 UTC]

Omgg your pairings of characters are always so fantastic, I already love these two and can't wait to see more of them together That story was so precious, too

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TavieTastic [2012-07-25 09:29:10 +0000 UTC]

I love this picture, and the story! love is in the air? can't wait to see more from these two.

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MoonyArsaraidh [2012-07-25 07:45:10 +0000 UTC]

Soo süß..und Koda du Charmbolzen ^^

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

StillRaging [2012-07-25 06:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Koda, who knew you could be so charming?

I loved the story! I think I got wrapped up in it like Saga did!

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UzaraBird [2012-07-25 05:59:58 +0000 UTC]

The girl is so beautiful

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Padfoot7411 [2012-07-25 02:37:04 +0000 UTC]

The story was amazing! And Koda was being so adorable, and even telling her the story, it was really awesome! I loved it Cursey.

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Jakedau [2012-07-25 02:29:18 +0000 UTC]


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Jakedau [2012-07-25 02:29:09 +0000 UTC]

i love sall your pairings

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DressageRider88 [2012-07-25 02:15:06 +0000 UTC]

This is so cool! I love the story an koda and saga look really cute together

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Snowgard [2012-07-25 01:52:50 +0000 UTC]

Ehrlich, was ich an deinen Bildern allgemein so toll finde, sind immer die Geschichten die du dir dazu ausdenkst und aufschreibst. Die sind immer interessant und witzig und es macht einfach Spaß die zu lesen und mit den Bildern dazu ist das einfach toll. β™₯

Wollt ich mal gesagt haben

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feverpaint [2012-07-25 01:45:58 +0000 UTC]

this is awesome, and I love the story

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