Comments: 45
Mankara [2012-03-10 18:14:45 +0000 UTC]
It's not about being skinny. It's about striving for love and accepted. It's about being wanted
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RhayvenNite [2011-07-02 23:19:42 +0000 UTC]
*Bites lip*
That kind of thinking is hard to break, honestly. *Recovering Ana*
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EletteL [2011-05-19 21:26:29 +0000 UTC]
You know what it's pointless, only low life girls resort to this, it does nothing good to your image, you look like drug addict, chain smoker, a drunk or a mental illness patient. You don't get to look like all those skinny, glamour catwalk models, people start to think you have issues, that your abused, crazy and ugly. They either resent you or pity you.
You know what does feel good thou, being active being yourself and not giving a sh*t just expressing yourself with out care,.We like if other ppl like us, no denying it, but ppl like ppl who don't give up. It's just a body for goodness sake get over it. Be happy, be creative, be active.
-msg me... i mean it.
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distracta In reply to EletteL [2012-10-29 18:47:09 +0000 UTC]
Wow, mental illness patient? Thanks for the compliment.
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KyraStubbins In reply to EletteL [2011-12-05 05:21:40 +0000 UTC]
Fuck low life girls. Clearly you how no clue about this.
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Haupia In reply to EletteL [2011-08-07 04:47:07 +0000 UTC]
I disagree, just because one does this does not mean that they are a low life girls. Depending on their wanted goal and how they are doing it to get there, some girls who do this do probably have low self esteem. But some do it because they are "bigger" and do want to lose weight. But getting to the point to skin and bones to me, is scary.
I do agree, be active. Best way to get "skinny".
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RhayvenNite In reply to EletteL [2011-07-02 23:18:57 +0000 UTC]
Because its always for low-life reasons, eh? Always -just- because of the fucking weight? Always just to be thin?
Thats the same fucking reaction EVERYONE seems to assume, and I can tell you right now ITS NOT!
Get your head out of your ass and actually try to think. Stop with the stereotypical, BULLSHIT Thinking that 'Oh, youre doing it for attention. Oh, just get active. Just eat. There are better ways to lose weight" blah blah fucking BLAH. Its not that simple. Its not that easy. And despite what oh so many people think, its NOT that black and fucking white!
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Haupia In reply to RhayvenNite [2011-08-07 04:42:22 +0000 UTC]
Well, it is true that there are better ways to lose weight or get toned (Which is, in a sense, losing weight). But yes, it isn't that black and white.
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RhayvenNite In reply to Haupia [2011-08-07 06:02:09 +0000 UTC]
Its not about the weight...
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Haupia In reply to RhayvenNite [2011-08-07 06:26:22 +0000 UTC]
It's about being skinny, wanting to be skinny. It's have a distorted self image of one's body. Or it's related one way or another, so in all ways, it is about the weight (one way or another).
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RhayvenNite In reply to Haupia [2011-08-07 18:53:16 +0000 UTC]
Eating Disorders are about.........
16 hours ago ยท Like ยท
Everything but food
many things...
inner pain unspoken
Never ever wanting to grow up and being AFRAID of it, feeling you have to be on the edge of death to finally acknowledge your worth, missing the past and dreading the future, wanting to be sucked away from the earth, wanting to feel like you're good at something... needing a protective bubble to keep you safe from everything you fear.
I couldn't have described it any better than that, -name removed-
shame of who u r
Yeah, like you have to redeem yourself through torturous fasting, like you have to cleanse yourself. Stupid ED. It's really dreadful.
controlling something, when everything else is out of your control.
Trying to control a situation, or feelings, through the means of food, even though the end result is a loss of the control you so desperately want.
guilt, shame, anger, avoidance of feelings. loss, failure, self hatred
The body express what the mouth shuts
for me it's drilled into my brain, and how I cope. I absolutely hate it.
Scary because it's like someone foreign to you has control over your thoughts and actions!
To be a thing of my past.
trials & tribulations.....
Hiding from my true self! Scared to be the beautiful woman whom God really made me to be!
unexpressed feeling and issues
being able to control something when everything else is out of your control...
feelings, not food!
control and routine and fear
and then lack of control as the voice of the ED takes over
Screaming out that somthings wrong and not being able to say wats wrong.
life (
16 examples from people on an ED Support group on FB I'm in. Names removed for privacy reasoning.
It urks me when people think its about food. And in relation to weight..
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lenlen46 In reply to RhayvenNite [2011-08-27 04:51:30 +0000 UTC]
I know this is from the beginning of the month...but this is a beautiful reply. I was actually shocked that one of my reasons for my unhealthy habits was listed....
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EletteL In reply to RhayvenNite [2011-08-16 20:17:58 +0000 UTC]
Ok perhaps I phrased it incorrectly this is not what i think ok. This is how other people see you they don't understand whats going on inside your head, most are insensitive, blind and ignorant. Some are just scared. I used to have ana but I've recovered, I am far from forgetting that trauma. I had no1 who would understand only ppl who made it worse, i was the only one who could help me. -You can choose what to control-, but you must most of all accept yourself. Its ok to be you, it's ok to feel pain it's ok to be regretful but you don't have to punish yourself. I am not saying be happy, clappy, hopping clown, just be at ease with yourself. We have to be strong for ourselves. Please consider my words and do not hurt yourself.
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RhayvenNite In reply to EletteL [2011-08-17 00:34:24 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
As far as things go, am trying. But if you have suffered as well, you should know its not an overnight, easy thing.
Its difficult, and takes a while. And even so, I dont honestly feel one 'truly' recovers. Its like an alcoholic, y'know. Theres still that struggle..
I really do appreciate your kind words, though, and the understanding. And I appreciate you explaining what it was you were trying to get across.
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Addicted-x-Candy [2010-11-21 00:03:25 +0000 UTC]
Aww... Beautiful, emotional and realistic photo. Good job. Like I'm just feel so.
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crackbunni [2010-10-10 23:20:57 +0000 UTC]
It feels good if you do it without damaging your body.. starving yourself will kill everything good inside of it..
but aside from that, I like the picture. It's a sad common quote circling around pro mia websites though.
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Elfen-87 [2010-10-07 13:30:13 +0000 UTC]
It's so stupid to think you have to eat nothing in order to get slim, how about you try and eat properly and exercise instead of starving yourself to death? The mesage is stupid.
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Haupia In reply to Elfen-87 [2011-08-07 04:42:34 +0000 UTC]
I agree.
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winter-lilly [2010-07-22 00:47:18 +0000 UTC]
Depends what kind of thin you mean.
If you mean skinny, toned and energetic, I absolutely agree. Nothing tastes good enough - not even those potato chips that taste SO DAMN GOOD - to beat the feeling of having a slim, healthy body.
If you mean skipping-food thin, fainting thin, eating-disorder thin, I highly disagree. What's the point of killing yourself so you can look emaciated and half-dead? There's other ways to get skinny.
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ladybugmassacre73 [2010-05-13 21:29:06 +0000 UTC]
this is really nice. sad comments but i love the picture
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ANAsg0tstyle [2009-12-14 21:01:14 +0000 UTC]
I hope you realize there is more to life than worrying about weight. Eating disorders are hell and nothing to be proud of. I am just earning my life back, and trust me, its worth it.
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moppyXD [2009-09-23 18:23:19 +0000 UTC]
Tell me if dying while hunched over a crapper is glamorous.
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chria-m-fond In reply to moppyXD [2010-07-20 08:50:43 +0000 UTC]
chilll.. its just a picture -.-
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EuphoricDepressionxx [2009-06-03 21:53:43 +0000 UTC]
If they made plates like this, I would a be a lot smaller =]]
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yesterdaysxkiss [2009-04-17 02:47:19 +0000 UTC]
This is all over thinspo vids on youtube.
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TheCookieThief [2009-03-30 15:18:37 +0000 UTC]
Clever idea, well composed. I like it.
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missanorexic [2009-02-22 00:22:22 +0000 UTC]
looooooooooove it!
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lostinyoursmile [2009-01-15 20:30:56 +0000 UTC]
soooo beyond true! that quote is what i am working to live by. my grandma, this really rich snobby woman used to say it to my mom (daughter in law)she is now very small and she let it slip at me once, ive lost 60 lbs and have about 60 to go. i really appreciate this. plus its a cool picture <3
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rray101 [2008-12-01 04:39:58 +0000 UTC]
it like it
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aslerastar [2008-09-17 06:07:40 +0000 UTC]
I hope you find the strength to recover and to get out of this horrible disease. I've been in here for 8 hair is falling out, my bones are weak, I faint...I've lost friends, my grades, and my future.
There are many things that taste better than thin feels.
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dispach [2008-09-06 07:39:25 +0000 UTC]
except ramen..
lol, i eat it then hate myself in the morning.
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