“When Amonrah plays god, we all fear what his next abomination will inflict upon us. We all fear the Dark Ones and all manners of werebeast, fear the rise of undeath plaguing our land. Yet what is truly surprising is sometimes the dark lord is one to make mistakes. Mistakes that bring us the strangest of allies…
-- Abelan
For decades, The Corrupted Citadel was the home of experiments most foul against the living. Amonrah’s obsession with creating minions of an inhuman nature that followed in the immoral footsteps of Sinalazul himself. While it can be said his greatest abominations belong among the Dark Ones, to him they were considered his greatest failures while his corruption of Renthar and the subsequent spread of Denrir’s Curse granted the dark lord truer pets.
The Vain War of 329SE was a terrible blight upon the land when Renthar’s armies fell to Amonrah’s, along the shores of The Sunken City. Those not captured by the Dark Ones were left rotting at the heart of Mahkash till Amonrah found morbid use for them in his experiments when he toyed with the evils of necromancy. From their resting place arose undeath the likes the realm had ever seen yet their numbers were fewer than initially feared as they shambled around marshlands of The Sunken City and ventured into the surrounding forests where their corruption festered. Few wished to confront it.
They were, however, enemies of not just mankind but the native creatures who lurked there. For generations, man heard only rumours of a draconic species known simply as the dragonspawn, sentient beings who in times past acted as the Dragon Mother’s unflinching caretakers of Mahkash. They were few yet their primal strengths were considered legendary as they safeguarded the realm from demonic influences amongst the ruins of what once was.
Yet when Amonrah arrived they went into hiding.
Over time, the dragonspawn have been sighted by adventurers seeking treasure in the north. Yet like other sentient races opposed to Amonrah’s influence they have entered a truce with mankind and revealed themselves to be loyal allies against the dark, hunting undeath while purging the corruption they leave behind. After two long decades of surviving its horrors, some among their kin have sought to aid their allies directly, brave enough to mingle in the south.
Though while their strength is welcomed, they remain ostracised for their ties to the Dragon Mother herself. As Amonrah’s influence over her cost the lives of thousands with atrocities such as the Exodus Massacre, the dragonspawn are fully aware of the devastation she has caused and have vowed to bring all responsible to justice no matter their ancient bond to her and her corrupted hatchery that begot their birth parents many moons ago.
Regardless, the dragonspawn continue to fight in the north as they juggle their commitment to a shaky alliance with man while defending the realm against an even greater evil few are truly aware of, biding its time where dreamers feed its aspirations to reclaim what once was her forgotten kingdom.
It is for this reason alone the dragonspawn fear the day Amonrah is slain, knowing full well the ramifications it will bring. As the lesser of two evils his presence is all that remains to keep Mahkash’s true ruination at bay. For even the church is fully aware that their greatest enemy is the darkness itself.
Hurrah! Another bestiary art for Dragonbound!
Again, many thanks to krigg for the original sketch that served as the base for this latest art. The dragonspawn have long been on my mind to draw yet my talents are lacking when it comes to designing bestial races. So it’s been a pleasure working with him in bringing these to life. Be sure to visit his gallery!
Coming next? Probably a lizardman but a minotaur is also in the cards.
Art & Lore - © Kristopher P. Love / Original Monster Sketch - © krigg