ainjy — ABC-meme
Published: 2011-10-04 13:06:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 287; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description A: What is your life ambition?
Be happy, be a good parent and die being pretty content with the most part of my life.
... I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to stuff like that.

B: Have you ever been beat up? Have you beat anyone else up?
Other than in sports, no. I don't think so at least.

C: Last time you cried?
I think it was when I read about a cat that died. That was last month, the cat was named ugly but loved almost everything and huggles and cuddles... too bad the dogs it met didn't like huggles and cuddles. I cried.

D: Are you afraid of death?
Yes, it scares me.

E: Most expensive gift you've ever given?  
When I give people gifts it's mostly "Hey, I made you a cake..." Mostly because I'm poor and ain't got money for gifts...

F: Which of your family members are you closest to?
I think it's dad.

G: Have you ever gambled?
Other than on gaia and various computer games, no.

H: What's the most heroic thing you've ever done?
I don't think I've ever done anything heroic...

I: Most played song on your iPod?
Might be Världsherravälde by raubtier or Dobermann by the same band.

J: Do you get jealous easily?
Kinda... Depends.

K: Kindest person you know?
I don't really compare friends and people I know, but I do have very kind friends.

L: Who was your first love?
Kerstin, a really cute girl in church. Last time I saw her was on an ad saying "Hello, we're a newly wed couple looking for a house or apartment close to the church, got anything?"

M: Do you believe in marriage?

N: How many people have seen you in the nude?
I think... one or two. Since parents, doctors and classmates in gym doesn't count, hm?

O: Do you consider yourself an open book?
Depending on who it is, I'm really easy to read.

P: Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?
I don't think I have any accomplishments worthy of being proud over.

Q: If you were King or Queen for a day, what law would you set first?
Probably the law that disallows Zoophilia, not depending on if the animal likes it or not.

R: Have you ever rescued anyone?
I don't know, probably haven't.

S: Do you sing or dance?
No. Just no. I think I can waltz though.

T: Do you have trust issues?

U: Who was the last person who saw you undressed?
I don't really remember...

V: Are you a virgin? If no, when did you lose your virginity?
I lost my virginity when I was 18 to a girl who I had been dating for... I think it was 2 or 2.5 months at the time.

W: Have you ever written/attempted to write a book?
Kinda, I gave up on it though.

X: Would you ever consider a threesome?
Maybe, depending on who.

Y: Have you ever been on television?
Yep. I was in the audience for "Mr and Mrs" once.

Z: What's the biggest problem you have with religion?
People trying to shove it down your throat and /or killing themselves for it.
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