Darrius is a former ambassador of the realm of the Kolesniki. He betrayed his native realm to demons from the UnderWorld for 30 platinum coins. He let Lucifer and his minions into Kolesniki. When Ray learned of the presence of demons in the city and of Darrius' betrayal, he and the Alliance forces expelled Lucifer from the realm. Darrius was forced to flee the kingdom to the Underworld. His soul was demonized by Fayze's magic. Now he obeys his new master and serves Fayze.
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: green
Personality: unreliable, rude, boorish, has no position of his own
Occupation: formerly, ambassador, now a servant of Fayze
Weapons: Blades
Hobbies: beauty industry, affirmations
Birthday: April 27