alexaachanuwu — MoonStorm ShadowClan Warrior

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Published: 2024-03-13 02:23:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 342; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description MoonStorm es el nombre de esta ambiciosa guerrera del clan de las sombras.

MoonStorm: esta guerrera es fuerte, rápida, ambiciosa y dura con los aprendices, su hermana o media hermana es DarkStar.

Su antiguo mentor fue CoalNose, MoonStorm y FrostTail antes se llevaban bien pero desde que escogieron a FrostTail como Lugarteniente, le taraba con recelo desde ese entonces, no sabia porque no fue escogida como Lugarteniente en vez de FrostTail, entonces se le cruzo una idea despiadada una noche de luna nueva, ella salió a una patrulla por las fronteras del clan con FrostTail, se aseguro de que solo fueran ellos dos, antes de que FrostTail pudiera reaccionar, MoonStorm lo derribo y con sus grandes patas lo inmovilizo pisando su cuello sacando sus garras, FrostTail hizo lo que pudo para poder zafarse pero no tubo éxito, llorando le suplico a su amiga que dejara de hacer lo que tenia pensado, pero MoonStorm no se inmuto ante sus suplicas, en sus ojos rojos solo se veía la envidia y ambición que tenia de ser lugarteniente y con un corte en el cuello con sus poderosas garras dio fin a la vida de FrostTail, lamio su pata cubierta de sangre mitigando el olor y el color en su pelaje negro ahora solo debía regresar con el cuerpo y eso hizo, llego cargando el cuerpo de su difunto amigo dejándolo en el claro con una gran pena diciendo que patrullando, otro clan recorría las afueras de su territorio y los ataco pero FrostTail perdió la vida en esa emboscada, como eran grandes amigos MoonStorm y FrostTail el clan le creyó, esa misma noche RavenStar escogió a otro guerrero para ser Lugarteniente y para su mala suerte MoonStorm no fue escogida pero si lo fue su hermana DarkClaw.


MoonStorm is the name of this ambitious ShadowClan warrior.

MoonStorm: This warrior is strong, fast, ambitious and tough on apprentices, her sister or half-sister is DarkStar.

His old mentor was CoalNose, MoonStorm and FrostTail used to get along well but since FrostTail was chosen as Deputy, he had been suspicious of her since then, he didn't know why she wasn't chosen as Deputy instead of FrostTail, then a ruthless idea crossed his mind. One night of a new moon, she went out on a patrol along the clan borders with FrostTail, she made sure it was just the two of them, before FrostTail could react, MoonStorm knocked him down and with her big paws immobilized him by stepping on his neck, sticking out her paws. claws, FrostTail did what she could to get away but she was unsuccessful, crying she begged her friend to stop doing what she had in mind, but MoonStorm did not flinch at her pleas, only envy and ambition could be seen in her red eyes. who had to be a Deputy and with a cut on the neck with his powerful claws he ended FrostTail's life, he licked his paw covered in blood mitigating the smell and color in his black fur now he only had to return with the body and that did , he arrived carrying the body of his late friend, leaving it in the clearing with great sadness, saying that while patrolling, another clan was walking around the outskirts of their territory and attacked them, but FrostTail lost his life in that ambush, as MoonStorm and FrostTail were great friends, the clan He believed him, that same night RavenStar chose another warrior to be Deputy and to his bad luck MoonStorm was not chosen but her sister DarkClaw was.
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