— Sally Acorn Genocide Part 2
2019-04-04 14:08:26 +0000 UTC
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This list shows the victims Sally has killed : 143 killed
1 Amy Rose 42 Maria Robothink The Hedgehog 71 Blaze The Cat 91 Rouge The Bat 100 Nicole The Holo-Lynx 130 Shadow The Hedgehog 143 Sonic The Headgehog
2 Cream the Rabbit 43 Lupe Wolf 72 Tiara the Manx 92 Knuckles the Echidna 101 Fiona The Fox 131 Razor The Shark
3 Cheess 44 Barby Koala 73 Honey the Cat 93 Miles “Tails” Prower 102 Boomer Walrus 132 Pearly The Ray
4 Vanilla the Rabbit 45 Wombat Stu 74 Sergeant Simian 94 Matilda the Armadillo 103 Alicia Acorn 133 Puff
5 Ray the Flying Squirrel 46 Guru Emu 75 Predator Hawk 95 Gemerl 104 Miles Prower 134 Angelica
6 Mighty the Armadillo 47 Duck "Bill" Platypus 76 Flying Frog 96 Metal Knuckles 105 Rosy The Rascal 135 Cpt. Striker
7 Marine the Raccoon 48 Walt Wallaby 77 Clove 97 Metal Amy 106 Scourge the Hedgehog 136 Cassia
8 Froggy 49 Canus the Wolf 78 Maw the Thylacine 98 Metal Tails 107 Eclipse the Darkling 137 Cubot
9 Big The Cat 50 Tex the Lizard 79 Conquering Storm 99 Dr. Ellidy 108 Ixis Naugus 138 Orbot
10 Fang the Sniper 51 Jolt the Roadrunner 80 Mordred Hood 109 Finitevus 139 Eggman Nega
11 Bean the Dynamite 52 Shift E. Wolf 81 Lobo The Wolf 110 Grandmaster Drago 140 Snively
12 Bark the Polar Bea 53 Avery the Bear 82 Mina Mongoose 111 Grandmaster Razorklaw 141 Eggman
13 Charmy Bee 54 Jack Rabbit 83 Diablo The Wolf 112 Hathor The Wolf 142 Chip
14 Vector the Crocodile 55 Spot Long 84 Sleuth Dawg 113 Zeena
15 Espio the Chameleon 56 Trey Scales 85 Kicks a Lot 114 Zazz
16 Antoine D'Coolette 57 M.P. Bull Bones 86 Bernadette Hedgehog 115 Zomom
17 Rotor Walrus 58 Sir Peckers 87 Jules Hedgehog 116 Zik
18 Bunnie Rabbot 59 Tig Stripe 88 E-102 Gamma 117 Zor
19 Chuck The Headgehog 60 Sealia Seal 89 Metal Sonic 118 Zavok
20 Geoffrey St. John 61 Flip Penguin 90 Tails Doll 119 Mecha Sonic
21 Leeta Wolf 62 Augustus the Polar Bear 120 Mecha Sally
22 Lyco Wolf 63 Guntiver the Arctic Wolf 121 Mecha Tails
23 Larry Lynx 64 Erma Ermine 122 Mecha Knuckles
24 Jeffrey St. Croix 65 Wave the Swallow 123 Egg-Robo
25 Patch D'Coolette 66 Jet the Hawk 124 Shade the Echidna
26 Bow Sparrow 67 Storm the Albatross 125 Tikal The Ehidna
27 Thorn the Lop 68 Drago Wolf 126 Lien-Da
28 Munch Rat 69 Lingthing Lynx 127 Infinite
29 Alan Quail 70 Silver The Hedgehog 128 Thunderbolt
30 Friar Buck 129 E-101 Beta MK2
31 Rob o' the Hedge
32 Mari-An
33 Elias Acorn
34 Megan Acorn
35 Harvey Who
36 Shard the Metal Sonic
37 Amadeus Prower
38 Rosemary Prower
39 Ken Khan
40 Julie-Su
41 Saffron Bee
Sally again and again
With every kill she grew stronger
And loses kindness in his heart
Battle Against Rouge Battle Against Nicole
Rouge : Well well well. Nicole : ..., ..., ... , Hello Sally.
Sally : Heya I see you in my away! Sally : ... , ( Smile ) Hi hi HA HA HA HA HA HA
Rouge : I can't believe this is your hands, Sally. Nicole : ... , I want to ask you a question, Why? You?
Sally : Yes I LIKET DIS!!! So much! and you next! Killed everyone? ( Cry ) Bunnie... Tails... Rotor... Antoine...
Rouge : Do not underestimate me Amy... Blaze... Maria... They your Friend JUST ( Cry )
( Fight ) ( More Cry ) Why did you do that?
Rouge : Huff... Huff... No dis hot End! Sally : ... , You see Nicole What to show, what can I do!
Sally : Dis your End! and more power and strong.
( Sally Killing Rouge ) Dead Nicole : Dis... dis... Crazy.
Sally transformations " Sally Evil " Sally : Call it what you want, and now.
Nicole : I Refuset!
Sally : So you Coward.
Nicole : Sally just stop, I Love you so much
you my sister I don't Hurt you.
Sally : You Know whay! For me it doesn't matter anymore.
So FIGHT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole : ( I Love you Sally )
( Battle Start )
Nicole : ( Cry ) Sally... don't... kill
Sally : Ha ha ha ha so Nicole what do you think?
Nicole : Dis hot you but inside you still have good!
I believe in you Sally, you can be good even if you do not think so
And if my death makes you happy, It's Okay. I still I love you ... I love you ... I love you ... ( Cry )
Goodbye ( Off-Screen ) Sally Shot Nicole
Sally transformations " Sally Evil Assasin's "
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