Voretober comes back to you in 2021 with a vengeance!
We sharpened our fangs and polished our menu to sate your appetite for another month of ravenous challenge!
Again you get one full month head start, so here's the list to plan, plot and scheme ahead...
And again the choice of how, when and where to make use of each prompt is yours.
A challenging marathon of one drawing a day?
A leisurely stroll through the prompt list?
A cherry pick of your favorite inspirations?
All of this is possible within Voretober!
Coming into our second year of accepting prompt word suggestions we are pleased to see that
our challenge has really become a product of the community for the community. This year we have to thank
the following people for their invaluable participation. And even if you don't find the exact word
you suggested in the list, rest assured it lives on as inspiration for the final words which made it into the list!
From Twitter
OversizedFluff .•|•. MalfestioTM .•|•. Kitsebi .•|•. MartelGray .•|•. Maxman2019
dragonessteeth .•|•. VorishSuicune .•|•. feedfancier .•|•. vaporeon1511 .•|•. SoniaTheDarkFox
From DeviantArt
From FurAffinity
Crick-Kink .•|•. Reptek .•|•. Larcen_Ritter
From Telegram
Sassy The Braixen .•|•. Yoshi .•|•. Garrett Aelito .•|•. Hank Rosaria .•|•. Tina
New year, same game:
- Create artwork every day (or whenever you want, really, have fun)
- Any type of art, tool, technique, medium and genre is welcomed
- Upload your creation online
- Tag it with #Voretober #Voretober2021
As always, you can join our official group; there you can get all the latest news,
share your thoughts with other participants, brainstorm about puzzling prompts and
most of all get honest critique and priceless art help from peer artists.
Official Voretober is brought to you by FyreDraygg and @AlitaBerserker.
Official Voretober links
FurAffinity .•|•. Tumblr .•|•. Twitter .•|•. Telegram group .•|•. Discord Server
Usual FAQs
1. Do I have to keep up with the pace to participate?
Nope, nopety nope, nope. You keep up when and if you want, it's just a suggested challenge to yourself.
Everyone is free to participate at their own pace. Art can't be rushed!
2. Do I have to follow these prompts?
It isn't mandatory per se: we are happy to encourage any and all art endeavours,
thus we will always support any artist who decides to challenge themselves, whatever prompts they choose to follow.
2b. Does my artwork have to be vore-related?
Actually, no! Since last year we opened the challenge to submissions of any theme and kind.
(It's not like we could stop you anyway!)
3. But Fyre, "Voretober" is a bad name and I hate it!
Oh noes... Anyway...
3b. But Fyre, "Nomvember" is a better name!
Ok, but Voretober is in October, genius.
4. But Fyre, the prompts are bad and I hate them!
5. But Fyre, you are an evil person and I hate you!