— Five Years After : Pt 13 [🤖]
2024-04-11 17:03:35 +0000 UTC
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This isn't close to what her father promised her a few years back, but she was a daddy's girl and even now at 18, her father was her biggest hero; even if the world thought different. They had been staying in his old villa on the shore of Samorra, next to the ruins of Agnor, yet looking at the state of his villa, it was hard to tell which was which. The girl, excuse me, the woman had been training hard the last 3 years, but the last six months, her father was pushing her a little too hard and she took the time he was preparing for the next combat drill to wander about. She didn't know all the details, but they were planning to go America. She was raised in a virtual environment that simulated the former nation, so she knew what it looked like prior to the war and hoped that the war hadn't changed it much. She was also hoping to meet her mother for the first time in the real world, but her father insisted that would have to wait and that bothered her.
In the virtual world (which she thought was real until she was released from cyber sleep), her father was so doting. Now it was all about training and even though she knew he loved her, she wondered if he saw her more as a soldier than a daughter. Rationally she understood the why. They were planning to kill High Lord Spartan and even with their abilities, that would be a formidable task. So the reunion with her mother would have to wait until after, because the world thought he was dead and didn't have a clue to existence of Nysa Stone.
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