Comments: 23
Isi-Daddy [2017-07-25 14:22:31 +0000 UTC]
Ich überlege schon seit Wochen, was ich hier drauf schreiben soll, ich hatte das schon so oft offen, um endlich mal einen Kommentar zu verfassen, aber wusste immer nicht so rehct wo ich anfangen soll, vorallem eben, weil dir das Bild so viel bedeutet bzw, der Umstand des Bildes ja sehr besonders ist.
Aber ich fang einfach damit an, was ich die letztens schon geschickt hab, dass ich bei dem einen Lied "In der Nacht" an dich denken muss, vorallem eben an das Bild: "flammend Herz" finde ich so einen schönen Ausdruck und passt auch hier sehr gut, auch im übertragenen Sinne meine ich natürlich, das gold was du hier für die Schwünge seines Shcnurrens gewählt hast, unterstreicht das flammend zwar, aber ich seh das eher, wie du selbst beschrieben hast, die Liebe die das Tier dir bringen kann. Ich finde auch dass in dem Bild besonders gut rüberkommt, wie sehr dir Olli bedeutet und was ihr zwei shcon erlebt habt. ich denke genau deswegen wusste ich immer nicht so recht was ich drauf schreiben sollte o3o''
ich finde auch die blauen Schattensetzungen sehr schön, dass sie nur am Rand auftauchen und alles ein wenig sanft umrahmen. Und ich komm auf seinen Blick nicht klar. Der ist so extrem liebevoll, als ob er selbst sagt, "Ich bin da wenn du mich brauchst." ;3; ♥
Und ich mag die Sprenkel, Tupfen ... Punkte o3o' die um die Schnurr-Schnirkel ringsrum sind, das gibt dem so einen bestimmten Glanz, als onicht dass es leuchtet sondern eine warme Ausstrahlung.
und noch was zu deiner Beschreibung zu Olli:
"He hisses at people he doesn't like" und mich hasst er ganz besonders o3o'
Ich finds mega süß, dass er bei dir bleibt, wenn du ihn wirklich brauchst, Tiere spüren das irgendwie, das haben meine Schweinchen auch, und ich kann auch den Bund zwischen euch beiden nachvollziehen, so viele Schweinchen wie ich schon hatte, waren Thor und Kimi die zwei, zu denen ich den engsten Kontakt hatte. Ich hoffe, dass Olli dich noch viele Jahre begleiten wird
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Isi-Daddy In reply to andropov97 [2017-11-07 09:15:13 +0000 UTC]
Bitte bitte gerne doch >3<
ja ist vllt besser, sonst kriegst du so dumme kommentare wie ich auf den Avarus "na dann pump mal schön" :'D
ja ich war kurz dabei, aber du hast ihn ja schon viel länger, als die Woche, die ich mal mit bei dir war o3o')/ aber da hab ich ja gesehen, wie nah ihr zwei euch seid >3<
ja ich weiß, aber du hast es sehr gut gemacht und es hat scih gelohnt ò3ó)9
ja fidne ich >3< ♥
weiß ich nicht, ob du da was reininterpretiert hast, aber da auf dem Bild hier sieht es so aus xD
doch doch er hasst mich o3o')/
stinke ich so sehr?-3-)/ aber wenn er auf gerüchte reagiert kanns schon sein, zumal ich ja komplett anders reiche was er auch vorher nicht kannte o3o'
Kimi hat damals auch immer extrem auf Gerüche reagiert, immer wenn ich Labello dran hatte und ihr ein kuss geben wollte hat sie sich in meine hand gekugelt, weil sie wegwollte x'D
aber klar muss Olli da durch o3o xD
ich denke schon, das Tiere das irgendwo merken, vllt verstehen sie es nicht, aber sie merken das und deswegen bleiben sie meistens ;3;
verständlich, wenn er schon so lange bei dir ist wächst man eben zusammen;3; wobei ich bei meinen schweinchen ja meist nur bis 5 komme o3o' er ist vllt ein biest aber er ist dein biest o3o)/ <3
ich hoffe doch auch, dass er dir noch ganz lange erhalten bleibt >3<
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WesternDragoon [2017-05-11 17:07:23 +0000 UTC]
Being 23 now, I'm going through the second generation of close companion pets. With dogs instead of cats but it definitely elicits a similar feeling. The first generation of dogs were two dogs, my guardian dog Bandit who was my Dad's favorite and grew up along with me, and Bear Bear who was a dog we rescued from a bad home before his brain was completely gone, but still had significant brain damage. He was a cute dog though and my sister loved him to death. Both of them we took care of and grew up with until it just got to the point where they were in too much pain to stay with us anymore and we had to put them down. They lived fulfilling lives though, with a full loving family for around 15 to 17 years each.
I also got to live through my current dog Sirius, named after the Sirius Satellite Radio Company mascot, had puppies and grew up along with me as I was growing into adulthood. These days we only have one of the puppies left. The others we had to give away to better homes as we didn't have enough to pay for all of them. The ones we do have though are loving guardians and just the light of the world for us sometimes. It's true what you say that animals who are close to you can kind of tell what you're feeling, as through the toughest parts of my depression, Sirius and Rover (the one puppy we kept from the litter) were essential to trying to cheer me up, and it's often common to have service animals come in to see and hang out with people who are hospitalized for depression and to hang out with them as they recover.
So yeah. It's getting to be around that time for Sirius to move on, but I'm gonna make the most of what time I've got left with her. I do hope that pretty little kitty stays with you for a good long while yet. And just remember, when that time does eventually come, keep in mind the wonderful and fulfilling life you gave that cat. If it's painful when it passes, then that means the cat truly meant something to you, as clearly it does.
Beautiful piece of artwork as well btw. The ideas you were going for were pretty well presented and I got the idea before you explained it, so I think the symbolism worked really well.
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andropov97 In reply to WesternDragoon [2017-11-01 19:10:19 +0000 UTC]
sorry for the long delay but only now I can finally reply to this lovely comment of yours!
I too have passed many generations of cats, even though none of those died of old age, they kinda just left from one day to the other, not because we treated them badly, probably because they were ran over by a car somewhere since they used to live outside and went to wander around rather far away. I think one was even taken away because she used to walk up to anyone to get treats.
So I never lived trough the death of any of my animals, even my dog, who was in his final days, already completely blind that we had to carry him to his pillow, managed to walk away during the day and we never found him. Still every time it was a loss.
Making the most of the time you have with her is the best thing you can do, both of you will surely enjoy it a lot ^^
And yes I too hope I'll have many many years with him, and that he doesn't get sick, he shall live to his fullest until the end ♥
Thank you for the kind comment, it meant a lot when I first read it and it still means a lot. And it makes me happy when you say that you got the idea before reading the explanation
So thanks again and sorry for the long delay!
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WesternDragoon In reply to andropov97 [2017-11-01 21:37:13 +0000 UTC]
First of all don't ever feel bad or being late on a response to these comments. I don't ever really expect a response because I know guys like you are probably busy working on new artwork. Even if you do nothing but look at it and get a smile on your face at some point that's plenty enough for me. =3
Yeah that's a big problem with cats. They have that tendency to want to scale over top of a bunch of stuff and roam free a lot more than dogs do. Had a cat that ended up doing that to me at one point and got caught in a hailstorm. It hit me hard but we didn't get to know Gizmo as well as the dogs we've had. Whether you're there or not, the pain is a tough pill to swallow though regardless.
Yup! Sirius and Rover are having a harder time getting around now but they're still energetic and lovely. <3 Aside from a few groans here and there they're still doing really well. =3 Best of wishes to your lovely cat as well. ^_^
Yeah, a picture on it's own often speaks volumes about what the artist was thinking. Sometimes what you take from it can be totally wrong, sort of like a Beginner's Guide situation (highly recommend taking a look at that game sometime if you can) but it's neat when it lines up with what the artist was going for. =3 No worries about the comment though. I love to ramble on about various things and to reminisce about the past. I'm a big history buff so anything like this speaks volumes for me. Again it's no problem and especially since you were out there trying to make your life better, there's no need for apologies. Take care for now and it's great to see ya back!
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WesternDragoon In reply to andropov97 [2017-11-07 06:27:52 +0000 UTC]
Just don't try and over work yourself either. It can lead to a creative burnout if you don't allow a bit of forgiveness and break time for yourself. It helps make the time you do spend doing social stuff or work more effective. =3 No problem at always of course. I just talk a lot too and I've got the time for it, if you don't though, don't push yourself to use time you don't have to give.
It was tragic, but tragedy is something I've sadly gotten used to dealing with. Not to say OH MY LIFE JUST SUUUUUCCCKKKSSS or anything like that. I've had a great life overall and I consider myself lucky all the time. It's just that I've seen a wide range of sad horrible things too. It's always hard but I can't lie and say it isn't easy to deal with after a while unless it's something really big. I don't know, maybe that's just my depression talking, but my time of mourning has past and I'm back on the train to try and make the best use of my time again.
Yeah my dogs are pretty old in dog years, but the way I've seen it is we've done our best to have them lead very long, happy lives, so I think regardless I'm gonna be happy with how things turned out. My folks are getting up there in age too, so I'm trying to be more responsible so they have a good long healthy finish to their lives.
Eh? I only call it rambling because I can just go on and on about things and I could probably say what I need to in many less words. Alas, it is a skill I will work on as time goes on. I appreciate the kind words though.
It's good to be back indeed!
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WesternDragoon In reply to andropov97 [2017-11-13 02:39:36 +0000 UTC]
I just think it's good advice for anyone so that's why I put that into comments so much. Anyways though I'm sure you're fine. ^_^
I think that's a good way of honoring the memory of someone you've lost too. Would the person, if they could see you now, want you to be miserable forever because they're gone? Probably not, and if the answer is yes they probably weren't worth mourning to begin with. Sure, everyone wants someone to be sad that they're gone and mourning someone's passing is natural, but ultimately you shouldn't let it stop you. To me, it pushes me even harder because at some point, I know that's gonna happen to me too. A great motivation to keep working hard.
Yay for many years of happy pets! ^_^
Yesh! I am not so horribly depressed that I tear myself up anymore! That's the old me. =3
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andropov97 In reply to WesternDragoon [2017-11-16 01:08:52 +0000 UTC]
you're so right about about that!
and yes we should keep going no matter what, that makes us stronger ^^
that's great to hear ^^
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WesternDragoon In reply to andropov97 [2017-11-23 00:15:19 +0000 UTC]
That Mr. Pumpkin Man is the best Mr. Pumpkin Man I've ever seen do a jig! x3
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AeneanX [2017-05-11 09:55:40 +0000 UTC]
Omg the cat is so cute and the look in her face is amazing
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