AngelNess — Falling

Published: 2010-09-20 00:20:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1332; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 20
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Description 15's being dramatic, yes...

She's rarely like this, just so you know, but yeah, since she's a dreamy girl and many girls have somewhat poetic thoughts like this... I felt like mocking it some in the end...

So while she's thinking serious, romantic stuff, 902's just "WTF?"

This is such a simple comic/drawing that it couldn't get any simpler and I have no clue why I'm putting it up here... I just thought that since I didn't draw anything in ages, I really wanted to put something up, even though it's crap.

Numbuh 902 (Bobby) © to

Numbuh 15 (Vanessa) and drawing © to me
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Comments: 46

Stelza-chan [2011-10-31 10:09:33 +0000 UTC]

LOL. That was funny.

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AngelNess In reply to Stelza-chan [2011-11-01 01:14:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad it amused you. ^-^

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MIURIN [2011-08-25 08:40:57 +0000 UTC]

can i color this?

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AngelNess In reply to MIURIN [2011-08-27 03:23:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes, of course. ^^ Just please credit me. =3
It's flattering that someone would want to color this. XD

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DarkVampireArisu9 [2011-05-24 22:44:43 +0000 UTC]

he did hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha

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AngelNess In reply to DarkVampireArisu9 [2011-06-02 15:38:11 +0000 UTC]

XD! Yes, he did.

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angel19941 [2010-10-30 09:05:19 +0000 UTC]


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AngelNess In reply to angel19941 [2010-11-13 00:46:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! x3

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Kema47 [2010-09-21 01:34:42 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is great! I love it, i could so see my
character doing something like that. X3
Did I ever mention how incredibly jealous I am
of you? ...No? Well your art and ideas are just

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AngelNess In reply to Kema47 [2010-09-23 17:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Heh, yeah, figured 15's not the only OC that would do such a thing. XD

*giggles* Thank you! This really means a lot to me. ^-^

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Kema47 In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-24 01:52:27 +0000 UTC]

Haha yup. I could definitely see my friend 's
OC doing something like that.

Any time.^_^ If you haven't noticed already
I've been applying your drawing style to a lot
of my pictures.

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AngelNess In reply to Kema47 [2010-09-24 18:44:10 +0000 UTC]

*giggles* Really? That is so awesome! x3 I feel special. Thank you!

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Kema47 In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-25 00:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha! No sweat..... and if it isn't too much to ask,
whenever you might have time, could you look through
my gallery and give me feedback?

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AngelNess In reply to Kema47 [2010-09-27 10:39:06 +0000 UTC]

Ah, yes, I can do that. ^-^ I already saw some of your drawings, but I might stop by to say more sometime. =3

I saw that one you did based off of the drawing I made with 6 and 15. x3 It looks really good, I was amazed by how well you did it, even though it was more like a sketch, but it looks great! ^-^

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Kema47 In reply to AngelNess [2010-10-02 20:54:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It means alot. =3
I have a few others I have to post but my scanners PMS'ing. >.>
Can't wait to see more of your work. ^_^

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AngelNess In reply to Kema47 [2010-10-03 11:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Welcome! ^-^ I think your works is very nice. I like the poses you draw. =3
Yeah, I hate when dead things are PMSing... x.x;
And thanks,I'm working on it! ^-^

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Kema47 In reply to AngelNess [2010-10-03 23:15:53 +0000 UTC]

And I know what you mean. Hahaha!

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Chocotorta [2010-09-20 02:14:29 +0000 UTC]

ur art is always awesome :3

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AngelNess In reply to Chocotorta [2010-09-20 17:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank yooouuu. x3

And thank you for the fav. ^-^

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Chocotorta In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-20 17:52:19 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcame ^^

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WallynSimonsGirl [2010-09-20 00:42:10 +0000 UTC]

Geno's right! IT'S BEAUTIFUL! Nice job, as always! ^_~

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AngelNess In reply to WallynSimonsGirl [2010-09-20 17:48:53 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Thank you so much!!
Thanks for faving it, too. x3

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WallynSimonsGirl In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-20 18:00:46 +0000 UTC]

Of course! And you're welcome!!!! ^-^

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Meisakitty [2010-09-20 00:34:29 +0000 UTC]

Its so cute! X3 and 15 looks really pretty! And adorable in the last picture with her teensy blush! Its not crappy at all! Vanessa's hair is really pretty!..and long X3 and flooowwy! The simplicity is cute!

I love 902 in the last pannel its just all around cutesy! With the idea and how you draw!

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-20 17:47:52 +0000 UTC]

Awwwh, thank you so much! x3 I had no faith in this comic cause it's way too simple, but I'm glad you like it. ^-^
Drawings 15's hair is usually a pain, but it's worth the effort as it turns out. XD

Thanks so much for your awesome comment and the fave too!! x3

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-20 22:41:31 +0000 UTC]

X3 The comic is a liiiittle bit plain but your artistic skills are amazing! X3 I love it! and 902 and 15 is such a cute OC couple! I've always liked it X3 but 706 and 15 is pretty adorable too! I always love 15's hair it's all long and stuff <3 XD

You're welcome! The picture(s) are really...so amazing how could I not comment? 8DD

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-23 16:49:29 +0000 UTC]

*giggles* Thank you so much! x3 It means a lot to me that you like it even though it's so simple. ^^ I didn't actually plan on putting it up, really. XD But this is the first proper thing I drew in a long while, so I figured why not. XD

Anywhooo... I am really glad you like 902 and 15! x3 And I love 706 myself, so yeah, like 706 and 15 too. XD

But yes, thank you, it makes me happy that you like it. ^-^ I should draw some better drawings to put up... XD

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-24 01:49:23 +0000 UTC]

I tried to reply to this like 8 times ^^' but the internet kept stop working thn working again because of a storm hehe now its over and HERE IZ ZE COMMENT!! X3

You're welcome so much! X3 I like their chibiness in the last pannel! X3 and 902's expression! I'm glad you did put it up! X3 nice reasons nice reasons! X3

I do love them! X3 I really like what I've met of 706 toooo X3 when I first saw a picture of 15 and 706 I thought they were siblings but now I know better and they look cute together as well! X3 Because...most guys would look cute with 15 in my opinion, I think she's just adorable! X3

I think I like 902/15 so much because of their oppositeness...15 considers about everyone to be her friend and 902 considers about no one his friend, he does have friends and he knows it....just not out loud! XD

I made Vanessa happy! XD Mission accomplished When you have the inspiration...and time! I'm sure we'd all love more pictures from you!

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-24 18:42:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow, 8 times? XD That's a lot.

Awww... seriously... thank you so much for complimenting 15 so much... x3 It makes me happy that she's seen this way. *giggles* And actually, when you think about it, 706 and 15 are a lot alike, so they could be siblings. XD

And yaay!! It makes me very happy that you like 902/15. x3 It always does make me happy, because I always feel so silly for obsessing over them. And I have been obsessed for over 4 years now, I think... so yeah. XD; *is silly* But you're right, they are each other's opposites, so that's why it's kinda fun. ^^ It seems like they have nothing in common, but they actually do. I used to say that they're like yin and yang. XD;

Heheh, but anyway, thank you. ^-^ Your comments made me really happy. I'll be working on more drawings now, because I have more time for that. x3

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-24 21:41:48 +0000 UTC]

I know know! X3 It was crazy! But I was determined!

You're welcome! She's always been such a cutie since I knew of her! 706 and 15 are both pretty nice and the cute brown hair ^^ yea.

I do I Do!! 4 years? Wow! They are adorable and unpreicatble I wouldnt expect them to be a couple but they ARE or were or yeaaaahhh but either way theyre adorable together! <3 They do? That's awesome! :3 I mean I kinda knew that but not like...you see Bobby and frowny and Vanessa and smiley! X3 Not straight forward I guess...but they are still cute and yin and yang bawww!! X3

You're welcome!! I'm glad they did! That's great! Have fun doing them! ^^

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-25 15:56:18 +0000 UTC]

Heheh. XD

Why, thank you. x3

And yeah, actually I think it's 5 years now... I'm starting to lose track, really.
Anyway, actually, they are not a couple just yet. T-T; And actually they never were before either (although, they probably would have been if we didn't decide to erase everything and start over with the OCs and Sector E and all), but if you look at them, they are made for each other. x3 So I'd say it's bound to happen one day. XD They have the same view on some things, although their personalities are like opposites of one another. XD

I'm really glad you like 15! x3 And that you like the two of them together! x3 *needs more supporters* XD; Thank you for reading my rants here, I'm totally spamming my own drawing with comments, cause I can't shut up, but oh well. XD

I'll shut up now... XD Before I bore you to death... *is a little too obsessed*

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-25 17:31:45 +0000 UTC]

You ar welcome!

Wow thats...a lot 5 years! X3 That's like half of Vanessa and Bobby's lives...not that they age or anything! =3

Baawwww but theyre so cute together! Why did you all start over? They kept their personalities right? They are so made for each other!!! *sigh* Sooommme dayy...Opposies are totally made for each other! X3 mostly in cartoons but...but they are cartoony! XD So it fits!

I do I dooooooo!!! Although I really havent seen her much in Rp's or 638 for that matter...but Ive seenher in pictures and gathered her personalities from the pictures and descriptions of the pcitures! X3 From all of the 902 couples I've seen which has been a fe actually...I always just thought that 15 was an interesting and adorable match for for him! X3 My rants arent much better! XD I tend to rant a lot though...I just always need to tell the artist how good their picture is! :3

Im not bored of this comment! ^^ I am kinda hungry now though... XD not that Im blaming the comment!

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-26 20:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that really is a long time. XD I never thought about it this way... o.o

And yeah, we started over because they've been through a lot with the old Sector and all. ^^ It changed them a bit and many members left it and they remembered them and all and it was just a bit sad, so we erased all that and went back to the beginning. x3 So yeah, they have the same personalities, as they did in the beginning before. ^-^ Actually, I think 15's even more innocent now. XD But yeah, we haven't changed them, just erased the past with the old Sector. ^^ If that makes sense... XD

And yeah, actually opposites attract even in real life, but it works a lot better in cartoon world, yes. x3 And especially with those two, cause they fulfill each other in every way. ^-^

Yeah, it's pretty easy to guess what 15's like from just the pictures of her, really. ^-^
Awww, you really like 902/15 most out of all you've seen with him? x3 That is awesome! It makes me happy!

And don't worry, I'm liking the rants. XD And I appreciate the comments a lot. ^-^

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-26 21:10:25 +0000 UTC]

Well it has gotten some pretty great pctures out of that time! 83

Awwww...poor little 10 year olds *huggles 15, 902 and 6* You've been through it alll!! It does make sense and 638's changed herself...ways I hadnt planned at all...o.o...but now I have a better grip on her personality and her appearence so its all good! ^^

They do, ive seen it! But a looota cartoons fall in that category tooo! Like-like uh....uh...uh... In the ctually kids next door 3x4 X3 how could I ever forget? XD and uh...er...Kim possible X3 and u...yep. XD Bawwww okay now for that to make sense on of those cant be smiling...Bobby, but it is so it does... hehe I think Im wrong with that. XD

She's happy and smiling and adorable in just about all of them...I think I mightve seen one where she was sad! D: then of course that picture with her and Vince you drew! X3

Theyre just adorable and I'm just amazed about how many OC's have pictures with him o.o...but 638 see's him as she see's a puppy, he's cute but looks better wth someone else XD she likes cats more...but really she hasnt heard of 902/15 although if she saw them she'd love them! X3 and if she didn't I'd MAKE her >D but she would! X3

She's seen 706/15 and 9 asking 15 to go to the dance with her but uh yeahh...she would love them! XD

Oh good! X3 I like rants too! Oh goodie! Because I comment a lot...

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-27 10:36:33 +0000 UTC]

Heheh, yeah, I did a whole lot of 902/15 art along the way. ;

Yeah, they didn't age, but they changed some, because of everything that happened, so it was easier to start over. ^-^ 15's now even more cheerful than she was before and I didn't really do that on purpose. XD So I know how an OC can live their own life. ^^ I still wonder what 638 looks like. x3

*giggles* Opposites are fun, that's why. XD And wow, that... group hug emot... o.o So looks like them! XD But yeah, Bobby would not smile. XD But still, it's priceless! x3

Heheh, yeah, 15's always happy indeed. ^^ Hardly ever sad, although it happens too. But out of other moods it would sooner be worried, or scared, or confused that are more to be seen in her. ^^
Wow, I never thought anyone could see 902 like that. x3 But that's fun! He's kinda like a cat, really, personality-wise, but he's so cute, the way he looks, so I suppose you could think of him as a cute puppy too. x3

And awww, that's really sweet that she'd like them. x3 Heh, really, 9 has her funny moments, she did ask 15 to the dance indeed. XD And that makes me wonder when 638 saw a 706/15 thing... o.o *tries to remember*

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-28 02:15:07 +0000 UTC]

You know what my computers losing internett then getting it back and Im tired to typ[ing over and over so I'll type this 2 days from now...wont be here tomorrow! Im keepingthis short so I dont have to just type THIS over again <-dramatic me XD

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-29 07:26:23 +0000 UTC]

This really sucks... o.o I'm sorry you have to suffer like that... I hate when internet is so gay... Whenever I worry I'll have problems like that and have to write something longer, then I write it in a normal text file and hen copy and paste it. ^^

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-29 20:28:56 +0000 UTC]

Really? Thats what I did for the last ones! X3

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AngelNess In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-30 17:21:46 +0000 UTC]

Heh, that's awesome! We think alike. XD

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Meisakitty In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-30 22:10:31 +0000 UTC]

Wahooo! X3 Awesomeness!

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Meisakitty In reply to Meisakitty [2010-09-28 20:00:13 +0000 UTC]

WAAIITT I DO have internet! ^^ Iz all good!

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RohaHat [2010-09-20 00:26:12 +0000 UTC]

Ahahaha dawww! It's not crap, it's lovely, and the pictures flow really well! x3

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AngelNess In reply to RohaHat [2010-09-20 17:41:08 +0000 UTC]

Awww, thank you! x3

And thanks for the fav too!

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RohaHat In reply to AngelNess [2010-09-20 18:13:18 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! x3

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Genosythe [2010-09-20 00:22:54 +0000 UTC]

It's not crap! D:

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AngelNess In reply to Genosythe [2010-09-20 17:43:00 +0000 UTC]

Of course not! I was just testing you. XD Okay, no... but still! ^-^ Thank you. x3

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