anniemae04 — Wallop, Lets Bee Ants

#ant #bee #inkblot #oc #spider #wallop #1930sstylecartoon #land_of_qurie
Published: 2019-06-27 19:24:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1041; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 2
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It's quite the achievement to be accepted by the Queen of the Bees, Ingma let alone her life partner, the Ant Queen, Autma. The colonies combined together several years ago when it became apparent their strength was in their numbers, and both queens ended up loving each other more then hating each other during a territory war. The colony serves an example that a hive mind society of different species could work, so long as the leaders are fair and work together with sisterly love... and your brain power doesn't usually involved complex thought. It's a lot harder for humans to be as subservient. 

Wallop wins them over by returning some priceless heirlooms back to the queens that were stolen by the moth girl months back. He can brag he's got two lesbian friends... Les Bee Ants... It's a pun that came on it's own. Sorry.

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