AnonymousLlama428 — Prehistoric Russia: Motherhood

Published: 2018-07-20 01:19:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 4288; Favourites: 261; Downloads: 10
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Ugh, I spent far too much time making this, I wanna make more stuff this summer. Yeah, this is the WIP you saw weeks ago: www.deviantart.com/anonymousll…


Yakutia, 45,000 years ago

It is late autumn, and while there is no frost yet present, it is visibly cold, and the grass has lost its green. The willow shrubs have shed their leaves, and retain only their woody branches.

We meet with Indigirka, our young cave lioness (Panthera spelaea). In a small hollow formed from the collapsing sediments in the Uyandina river, Indigirka has sought shelter, where she has successfully given birth to two small cubs, Uyan and Dina.

However, her inexperience will get the best of her, for her den is built from very unstable sediment, and is very prone to collapse like how it was first exposed. This is not a place for a lioness to hide her cubs.

Sciency sterf:

As I found out about a month ago, Protopopov et al. finally published an informative abstract + information chart, on the preliminary analyses of the frozen cave lion cubs, i.e. measurements, appearance, age, cause of death, and so forth for SVP 2016:



The most complete cub, Uyan, weighed about 2.8kg, substantially more that what African lion cubs weigh (up to 2.1kg). No surprises there, they were larger in general anyway.

Appearance-wise, we know that the cubs had very small ears and a shorter tail as compared to African lion cubs, likely as an adaptation to the cold. They also had larger paws than them, possibly as snowshoe feet, but the exact function is uncertain at the moment.

In terms of pelage patterns, their coat was remarkably plain, bar a few spots atop the head. The cubs seemed to have lacked countershading, as their body was of a yellowish light brown colour both dorsally and ventrally, and there was no dorsal stripe as is seen in African lion cubs + adults. Their limbs were a darker shade of brown than their body, and there was some dark fur on the chin and around the mouth.

Their deformations likely point to them being killed swiftly by the collapse of their den, rather than by slow suffocation or hypothermia.

The lioness is meant to be a young one, 2-3 years of age, around the age African lionesses first have cubs. I used the most complete cave lion skeleton to date, the Srbsko-Chlum lioness, as a reference for the proportions of this lioness (as shown in the WIP) (sta.sh/0255xprx3um1 ), which is also a young lioness around 2-3 years of age at the time of death. In addition the Peștera Urșilor lioness skull was used loosely as reference.

IMO her eyes are too red in colour, I should have adjusted that.

Her pelage pattern is basically the summation of my current position on cave lion appearance, colour-wise and in terms of other notable markings. I'm on the fence between a dramatic hue shift and size stripe. In this instance I use a side-stripe mediating the golden brown torso and white underbelly which is transitional and more saturated in hue between the two furs, rather than being darker as Guthrie (2005) depicted: sta.sh/022d9wp8icir and is not well-defined from above but from below.

I didn't give her a dorsal stripe like African lions; maybe I should have, or just darker fur on top which isn't well defined like in many puma varieties.

And since the Uyandina river is a tributary of the Indigirka river, I made Indigirka the lioness the mother of Uyan and Dina. Yeah I don't know crap about Russian grammar though so maybe it's not even a female noun or someshitlikethat XD.

Since they are dated to the Karginian interstadial (MIS 3), I did some research on the environment. Though, no precise 14C dates exist, but I put them at 45,000 years ago in the early Karginian for the convenience of Prehistoric Russia. Willow shrubs (Salix) and mugworts (genus Artemisia) were present alongside mostly grasses and sedges, essentially mainly steppe, though late Karginian climate was a bit warmer and moister with more shrubs, possibly some trees IIRC.


Yeah, I took a long while in adding texture to the dirt. At first I just used specialised brushes, but I then moved on to stipple with the normal roundtip brush for shading and lighting. The roots above were initially supposed to be straw-coloured, but after turning the layer mode to luminosity, the colour looked more satisfying. The same was true for the "fossilised" grass, but I adjusted the hue to a redder one which I found more suitable. The bundles of grass in the wall are supposed to be ancient deceased arctic ground squirrel nests.

Random mammoth tusk sticking out of the exposed bank sediment.

And yeah the river is pretty poorly done, water isn't my strength.

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Comments: 73

AnonymousLlama428 In reply to ??? [2020-07-07 01:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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billfox256 [2020-05-03 17:50:35 +0000 UTC]

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to billfox256 [2020-05-03 20:44:46 +0000 UTC]


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SameerPrehistorica [2019-12-27 13:11:43 +0000 UTC]

Very good

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to SameerPrehistorica [2019-12-27 16:54:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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grisador [2019-07-29 13:15:37 +0000 UTC]

I love the lioness' facial expression; ''well; this happened... sh*t!''

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to grisador [2019-07-29 21:00:02 +0000 UTC]

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grisador In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2019-11-05 15:42:06 +0000 UTC]

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DikkeBobby [2018-10-08 16:13:19 +0000 UTC]

This is cute I am also drawing a cave lion at the moment, but I have some troubles with it. I treally like all the details you put into this drawing.

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to DikkeBobby [2018-10-08 18:56:26 +0000 UTC]

Very nice!

Problems? In what way? I know a thing or two about their appearance in case you need any help.

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DikkeBobby In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-10-09 11:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Mm.. I was wondering in what way they look different from African lions?

So far I got:
- Just like African lions, very unlikely to have spotted/ leopard patterns (since no cave art shows signs of spots)
- Males would probably have no or small manes (also based on cave art)
- Probably thicker / slightly longer fur due to the Pleistocene weather conditions

I wasn't sure if they would have been darker/lighter than modern day African lions and if there is a difference in anatomy?

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to DikkeBobby [2018-10-09 14:50:36 +0000 UTC]

You'd be correct in your assessment that spots were absent, probably to a greater degree than they are in the African lion, since even the cubs only have very faint spots on the head, which the adults probably lost.

In regards to the mane, a reduced "mane" would probably be present, though probably not contrastingly coloured like in the African lion, just the normal colour of the throat and underbelly fur, essentially an off-white, perhaps between Tsavo and Asiatic lion-level in terms of size and extent, but not colour.

The fur colour was similar to the extant lion but slightly lighter in colour, varying from a yellowish to white in terms of colour - though this is presumed to have varied with population

And yes, it was denser in its extent. pdfs.semanticscholar.org/498b/…

The limb proportions are similar to the extant lion but more robust and muscular, bearing similarities to the tiger in terms of the level of robusticity. www.tandfonline.com.sci-hub.tw…

In regards to other things....

Cave paintings suggest the cave lion had smaller ears than today, and often cheetah-like facial markings are present. Paintings often also depict a line running along the side of the body between the limbs, which can be interpreted as various things, most recently a side-stripe separating the torso and underbelly.
Something like this is a plausible interpretation, with a stripe that is similar in colour to that of a Patagonian puma, or perhaps the colour schemes shown in the illustrations in the linked journal, where the stripe is dark. Alternatively, it could just be a change in coat colour, from the brown torso to the white underbelly, like here . You can speculate your own conclusions regarding this, but this is what has been suggested so far.
Additionally a line is often depicted immediately in front of the shoulders. What this represents is also up for debate, but the two main interpretations is a shoulder stripe or a break in hue, from the brown body fur at the shoulders to the lighter neck fur (what I mentioned before about the mane, it doesn't seem to be golden like in the modern lion but rather just white/light brown/ the colour of regular throat and ventral fur.) I co-authored a journal with SargeantSatan which went through these features in paintings and their interpretations Understanding the Late Pleistocene: Cave LionThe Cave Lion
(Panthera spelaea spelaea)
Taxonomy and Relationships:

Cave lions, also known as Northern or steppe lions, lie within the big cat genus of Panthera along with the extinct American lions (P. atrox) and also lions (P. leo), leopards (P. pardus), snow leopards (P. uncia), jaguars (P. onca), and tigers (P. tigris). They’re now usually agreed to be a separate species than lions, being classified as Panthera spelaea, based on both considerable morphological and phylogenetic studies. Lions remain the cave lion’s closest living relative nonetheless. [1]
The early to middle Pleistocene Panthera spelaea fossilis is the direct ancestor of the cave lion which evolved in Eurasia about 700,000 years ago. The climate it lived in was warmer than that of the later cave lion and it was larger. [2] Its status as subspecies instead of a full species (P. fossilis) is deb ("characteristics" subsection).

I made a schematic going through the various plausible interpretations of the pelage of the cave lion based on cave art.

(i used a Lioden base for this, the anatomy and proportions are probably of, this is for pelage purposes only.)

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DikkeBobby In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-10-09 18:56:15 +0000 UTC]

Seriously thank you for your comment! I really appreciate it. I've read the journal and one of the articles so far. The other article I have to download at university I think, because it doesn't work at my home. I think it is really cool you know so much of this subject. I am an archaeology student, mostly interested in the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. I don't learn much about Pleistocene fauna, but I like to learn about it in my spare time. At the beach people still find fossils of the Pleistocene fauna, which I think is really cool. 

I tried to do something with all the information you gave me.

Both are not finished yet, but this is the process so far: imgur.com/a/aPnHPNr

For the cave bear: I changed the slope of the back, but I think it looks really weird now.

The cave lion: 
I made the ears smaller and the body more robust. First my cave lion was much darker, like a puma. Now, I changed the colour and made the lion much lighter, but maybe it is still to dark? I added the face marking, like shown in the cave art. I tried to make the side-stripe more saturated and not too dark, but now I feel like it looks more like shading instead of a marking, so perhaps I should make it a little darker. I originally made the back darker like Africans lions have too (and because I liked it), but reading everything makes me think of removing the marking. The setting would be a boreal area in the Netherlands in the end of the winter, when all the trees don't have leaves or blossom yet, the first green is popping up and everything looks rainy/swampy.

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to DikkeBobby [2018-10-10 21:42:30 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

I too love archaeology, my main interests are paleolithic but I do dab around here and there.

In regards to the cave bear. yes, the proportions are a bit odd in the real animal, here's an illustration based on some spanish remains to give you an idea:


Very nice lion! I take it that this is a lioness? If you intend to make it male, I'd suggest some thicker neck fur, up to around this extent www.kurir.rs/data/images/2016/… , but not dark like in the modern lion, just normal throat and ventrum colured (though it can be a little short on the ventrum given the season).

As for the colour, it looks fine I think, but I think the face marking should become fainter as you reach the bottom of the head, and I don't think it should enclose the whisker pad like it does in your one, kind like in mine, but it reaches longer down the face

Also the whisker pad is looking a little light, just look at modern lion whisker pads for a reference to the colouring scheme.

As for the side stripe, Yeah, I think you should look perhaps at the puma ref, because atm it isn't looking too noticeable, whereas it is quite obvious in some depictions . Maybe make it darker, but still orangey,cdn.discordapp.com/attachments… like this but more noticeable. i would refer you back to this one, in terms of pelage

As for the dorsal stripe, we know that the cubs lacked it, but it is possible that the top of the back was somewhat darker, but the transition is not as dramatic as in the lion www.glacierwear.com/media/cata… , or maybe a dorsal stripe that emerges in adulthood, though I'm not sure.

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DikkeBobby In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-10-25 09:11:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! With all your help I finially finished it today I really appreciate it!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to DikkeBobby [2018-10-30 11:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Looks great!

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Dontknowwhattodraw94 [2018-09-01 15:48:28 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea how, but I somehow missed this one. 
Nice one!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Dontknowwhattodraw94 [2018-09-02 18:48:46 +0000 UTC]

I thought you had already seen it.

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Dontknowwhattodraw94 In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-09-03 12:48:21 +0000 UTC]

It's weird because I don't see any comments of me here. They should be here if I had seen it already. 

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Dontknowwhattodraw94 [2018-09-03 21:39:36 +0000 UTC]

Right, I see.

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Gwyndor [2018-08-29 21:02:12 +0000 UTC]

I seem to have missed alot of good stuff here while I was gone.

Really good job on the Lion! The background could use some work, but have already mentioned that.

All in all, great drawing actually!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Gwyndor [2018-08-29 22:38:47 +0000 UTC]

Good to see you back.


Yeah I need to fix the background in future.

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Gwyndor In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-08-30 14:47:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it's been awhile. Hopefully I manage to stay around this time xD

No worries, you'll get there

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Gwyndor [2018-08-31 20:19:15 +0000 UTC]

I see.


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Almostthere99 [2018-07-26 23:32:51 +0000 UTC]

great use of colors, fur is a bit bland but the landscape is near perfect.


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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Almostthere99 [2020-05-24 23:33:28 +0000 UTC]

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Almostthere99 [2018-07-27 03:01:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, but what do you mean by "bland"? I attempted to make this about as close as we can get ATM to how cave lion pelage was like, just read the description.

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Durusoraptor [2018-07-25 15:11:06 +0000 UTC]

woaw, this is truly incredible o.o

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Durusoraptor [2018-07-25 15:41:37 +0000 UTC]

hehe thanks!!

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megabass22 [2018-07-24 18:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely beautiful, I'm in awe

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to megabass22 [2018-07-24 19:52:54 +0000 UTC]

hehe thanks

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Majestic-Colossus [2018-07-22 19:54:41 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work, mate!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Majestic-Colossus [2018-07-22 21:22:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Glad my work payed off!

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SulaimanDoodle [2018-07-22 15:31:23 +0000 UTC]

Amazing work, how long did this take you?

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to SulaimanDoodle [2018-07-22 15:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Meh, like, a few weeks XD.

Yeah I wasn't spending too much time daily.

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SulaimanDoodle In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-07-22 15:50:46 +0000 UTC]

Good method, It's what I advise people who can't find the time to draw.
"Little at a time"

Not much I can say, it just looks awesome.
Quite professional looking. 

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to SulaimanDoodle [2018-07-22 16:04:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but it took up time I could have been spending on other pieces.


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SulaimanDoodle In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-07-23 21:16:50 +0000 UTC]

Meh eventually it'll come natural to you, and you can do things faster.

Sometimes I see well detailed masterpieces, I ask how long it took the artist they'll often say "a weak or two"
But sometimes you get a guy who say "Eh... 45 minutes...."


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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to SulaimanDoodle [2018-07-24 01:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, and you see those speed paintings that are so damned basic in terms of the steppes and they end up with masterpieces and I'm here stuck with shit.

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SulaimanDoodle In reply to AnonymousLlama428 [2018-07-24 11:06:26 +0000 UTC]


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CrystalSpirits [2018-07-21 18:24:54 +0000 UTC]

This is really well done. Nice job!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to CrystalSpirits [2018-07-21 23:40:12 +0000 UTC]


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Libra1010 [2018-07-21 09:51:55 +0000 UTC]

 Splendid Work, old chap - though one would expect nothing less than your Very Best for your very own Spirit Animal, Totem and all-consuming passion! 

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to Libra1010 [2018-07-21 16:06:41 +0000 UTC]


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CamtheZoologist [2018-07-21 03:32:02 +0000 UTC]

this looks great, love the earthy browns and tans, and the fur texture looks spot on

and don't worry the river looks fine

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to CamtheZoologist [2018-07-21 15:18:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Yeah I spent a while toggling through random hue changes and layer modes to get those right.
And thanks!

Yeah I just added splashes to avoid having to make reflections of the banks.

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tireironsforthegays [2018-07-21 01:05:09 +0000 UTC]

great job man

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to tireironsforthegays [2018-07-21 01:38:41 +0000 UTC]


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GigaBoss101 [2018-07-21 00:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Damn, that is good!

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AnonymousLlama428 In reply to GigaBoss101 [2018-07-21 01:38:37 +0000 UTC]


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