Apriorii — LEAVE HIM

Published: 2016-08-24 21:07:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2463; Favourites: 79; Downloads: 14
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Description This is supposed to be Shaw when he was around 16 years old. He's quite the contrast of his former self, I'll tell you that. 40 year old Shaw would probably have one or two things to tell 16 year old Shaw. The only reason I figured I should draw his young face is because Shaw's relationship with his brother at that time plays a big part in the later, more up-to-date story of his life. By a year after the time of this picture Shaw would at the age of 17 loose his older brother Nathan, and be left behind as a single child. 
Before the death of his brother Shaw and Nathan didn't particularly have the best relationship. Maybe it was the 6 year age-gap or maybe just a case of clashing personalities - it didn't really matter. They were usually seen arguing or fighting, sometimes in the ways siblings do, sometimes a lot worse. Shaw fought because of the frustration he felt from standing in the shadow of his older brother and never fitting in, and Nathan fought in a desperate try of understanding why Shaw seemed to be as miserable as he did. It didn't take long before that brotherly concern too turned into frustration and anger. 

Teenage Shaw continuously found himself in a lot of trouble. He made other people's lives a living hell, took out his feelings on others and treated his parents badly though they showed nothing but love and support for him. In the end he was just a small, scared-to-death kid with a lot of internal anger. 
Though Nathan and Shaw fought like there were no tomorrow, they absolutely loved and would've done anything for each other. Needless to say the death of Nathan struck Shaw pretty hard, and he was later forced to move to his uncle in central Brisbane as his parents had tried everything to help him cope with everything around him. 
Shaw, just like most of the frustrated and angry teenagers out there, grew up and found healthier ways of dealing with his emotions and continued to live his life while his brother didn't. Though he rarely talks about Nathan, he still to this day as a grown man feels fortunate to have had the chance to have someone like his brother in is life, even though it only lasted for 17 years.  

I quite enjoyed drawing an young, doe-eyed Shaw McGregor. As much as I love drawing wrinkles and worn-down faces, this was a fresh breath of air. It's like drawing two different people.

I mean, look at the difference! fav.me/d9y6pe9
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Comments: 8

whisperofstars [2016-08-25 09:02:45 +0000 UTC]

I love the expression and the haircolour *.*
There is really a huge different, but you can still tell that it's the same person. That's great.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Apriorii In reply to whisperofstars [2016-08-25 09:39:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jamaicancrocodile [2016-08-25 03:13:57 +0000 UTC]

i love the background of this picture but (might be translation or wording?) it sounds for a second like you're saying nathan was younger than him in that first paragraph. unless you read the rest of the 'story' you only find out he's older. i would say 'his older brother of six years' just to clarify that shaw isn't the older one.

other than that, the background story of the picture and everything is awesome and sad but it brings great history to your character. beautiful as always, my dear!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Apriorii In reply to jamaicancrocodile [2016-08-25 07:20:36 +0000 UTC]

I can't really say I see the sentence you feel is misleading you, honestly. Granted, I wrote this in the middle of the night so who knows.

Thank you!

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jamaicancrocodile In reply to Apriorii [2016-08-25 14:56:55 +0000 UTC]

Its in the first paragraph towards the last sentence i believe

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Apriorii In reply to jamaicancrocodile [2016-08-25 15:20:53 +0000 UTC]

Still don't see it. Maybe I've lost my capability of understanding english sentences. The whole point of uploading the picture and writing a description to it wasn't so that I would have a chance to discuss semantics, honestly.

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SoubiVee [2016-08-24 21:35:23 +0000 UTC]

I love how you shaded his hair omg!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Apriorii In reply to SoubiVee [2016-08-24 21:41:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thank you very much!

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