Artivox — Popstars New Overlord

Published: 2012-01-02 02:00:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 6164; Favourites: 143; Downloads: 259
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Description Prepare to bow Popstar...Welcome your new overlord!

YAY the first picture of 2012! And it's not Pokemon related! HUZZAH!

I finished the main plot of Kirby: Return to Dreamland a few days ago, and it is AMAZING! They really went all out on this game! I'm trying to beat extra mode now, but it's haaaaard!!

The final boss, without giving anything away. Although it should be obvious by now who the final boss is -.-|||

I plan on making this my new wallpaper, which is why it's funky proportions.

I couldn't decide how I wanted to shade the picture. It was between either gradient or cell. I decided to try and combine the two. How'd I do?!
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Comments: 55

SCP-079 [2012-02-09 07:52:47 +0000 UTC]






I am a huge Magolor fan. he was a great villian and in my eye was quite a shock due to the amount character development they gave him. But this art is just awesome! The effects, the style are both wonderful!, the shading effects are quite nice and the style of magolor is quite cool and at the same time quite creepy!

But here my verdict

Vision) Vision is quite nice! shows that magolor is a threat and i love it for that!

Originality) While this picture is a rather nice fan art, there a ton of it now but still, i think this is one of the best fan arts

Technique) Love the way you used your technique on this!

Impact) A great way to show popstar there new overload!

Carry on the good fan art! it really cool!

Ps: The game

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President-Haltmann [2018-07-05 20:45:41 +0000 UTC]


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xMeGaLoVaNiAx [2016-06-21 15:26:21 +0000 UTC]

~Bows to him~

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SparkleWolf404 [2014-06-24 06:37:35 +0000 UTC]

sorry to give you feel but when you kill magalor soul the last thing he says is "kiiiirby" (you may have to listen to it on repeat for a bit but he DOES say it)

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Artivox In reply to SparkleWolf404 [2014-06-24 16:29:44 +0000 UTC]

I htink that's just a sound effect, actually

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SparkleWolf404 In reply to Artivox [2014-06-24 20:26:10 +0000 UTC]

No I heared it, so did my sister and her friend.

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h-a-k-k-o [2014-01-29 13:07:04 +0000 UTC]

is...dark matter

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Artivox In reply to h-a-k-k-o [2014-01-29 16:00:08 +0000 UTC]


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RobbieDaBoo [2013-07-15 20:02:48 +0000 UTC]

Extra mode's version of Fatty Puffer was BRUTAL. I'm not looking forward to Goriath EX, either. xD

Anyways, awesome art!

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Sup-Gurl [2013-06-14 15:51:40 +0000 UTC]

soo epic.

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Webspidrman [2013-05-04 11:00:53 +0000 UTC]

Guess i better welcome our new Lord and Master!

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taranzolor In reply to Webspidrman [2015-04-25 08:23:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Somebody appreciates all the hard work and effort that went into formulating that plan... -Mags

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Silveralchemy47 [2012-10-29 00:04:47 +0000 UTC]


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Artivox In reply to Silveralchemy47 [2012-10-29 00:12:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks :3

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Silveralchemy47 In reply to Artivox [2012-10-29 11:55:59 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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crazygamerrofl [2012-02-08 22:15:10 +0000 UTC]

wow excellent job!! looks amazing!

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Artivox In reply to crazygamerrofl [2012-02-08 22:57:25 +0000 UTC]


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crazygamerrofl In reply to Artivox [2012-02-08 22:59:14 +0000 UTC]

its nothing!!
really its amazing!! if you do more of this artwork of the villains of kirby you can see us in

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Dusty-Mew [2012-01-23 21:41:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear
I think I exploded from how epic this is. C:

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Artivox In reply to Dusty-Mew [2012-01-23 22:21:39 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thanks |3

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Dusty-Mew In reply to Artivox [2012-01-23 22:24:26 +0000 UTC]

Its nothing :3

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BlazingCoral [2012-01-06 20:56:37 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's really impressive! Love the shading/coloring and the expression.

Only thing that seems out of place is the typeface; it seems a little... plain? I know you added effects to it, but the typeface itself seems a little plain and clashes a bit with the rest of the pic.

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Artivox In reply to BlazingCoral [2012-01-06 22:39:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

Unfortunately Gimp doesn't offer many type faces, and I can't figure out how to download any |D

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Eriistrations [2012-01-06 06:32:14 +0000 UTC]

I think the combination of shading styles work rather well here.

I love how you made the facial expression. Usually when I see people using the dark matter eye in one of his other forms, it doesn't usually fit so well. However, it's perfect in your piece :3 kudos.

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Artivox In reply to Eriistrations [2012-01-06 06:51:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you I was a bit nervous about it, since it's not the shading style I normally work with, but I'm glad others think it turned out well I kind of wanted to make his eye subtle, and not the main point of the picture. I think that's something a lot of people don't do, and what they do try is to make the eye as big and impressive as possible. Sometimes it works...but other times, not so much. Thank you again! :3

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Eriistrations In reply to Artivox [2012-01-06 07:33:56 +0000 UTC]

No problem at all~ c:

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Blaziken54 [2012-01-04 20:27:42 +0000 UTC]

wow that's .. very epic it's like it's a screenshot from a tv show! but he ain't in a tv show..
i know! when i played the ending it was so frickin' EPIC. oh, hey, i recently beat the extra mode over this winter break! ... it was really hard.

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Artivox In reply to Blaziken54 [2012-01-05 02:28:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much It's an idea that popped into my head after fighting Magolor soul, and I just had to draw it!

I recently got Skyrim, so RtD has been put on hold until Skyrim releases its iron grip on my soul XDD

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Blaziken54 In reply to Artivox [2012-01-05 05:15:22 +0000 UTC]

ur very welcome!
i know... what IF he did have an eyeball mouth all along??

ahh, skyrim. i hear people talking about it a lot, but i haven't played it. in fact, i'm not really sure what it is!
once you get back to kirby, and beat magolor soul ex, i think you should seriously consider drawing him too! i'd.. like to see it! cause he just looks really epic, his ex soul.

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Kodinami [2012-01-04 05:17:37 +0000 UTC]

That is absolutely amazing!!~ I love this!

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Artivox In reply to Kodinami [2012-01-04 05:17:54 +0000 UTC]


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Kodinami In reply to Artivox [2012-01-04 05:18:50 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!!~

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toppytherafox [2012-01-04 00:13:33 +0000 UTC]

THIS IS AMAZING *Instant favorite*

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Artivox In reply to toppytherafox [2012-01-04 02:06:31 +0000 UTC]


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Heartchuu [2012-01-02 02:53:29 +0000 UTC]

This. Is. Pure. Win.

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Artivox In reply to Heartchuu [2012-01-02 02:56:19 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. So. Much!

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MaraTheWolf [2012-01-02 02:39:53 +0000 UTC]

I haven't played all the way through and I'm going to take a guess.

The little guy we're trying to help is evil isn't he.

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Artivox In reply to MaraTheWolf [2012-01-02 02:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Here's the answer:

Yes he's evil |C Little two timing adorable bastard

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MaraTheWolf In reply to Artivox [2012-01-02 02:54:05 +0000 UTC]

I should have know! Drat. Oh well. I liked his ship.

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Artivox In reply to MaraTheWolf [2012-01-02 02:57:17 +0000 UTC]

The Lor Starcutter is one of the final bosses SPOILER

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Toaster-of-Truth [2012-01-02 02:33:12 +0000 UTC]

The villian was a twist yet I somehow saw it coming.
Although, the battle with him was just amazing, probably my favorite final boss in Kirby yet, they really outdid themselves with this game.
I like this picture a lot, too!

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Artivox In reply to Toaster-of-Truth [2012-01-02 02:36:33 +0000 UTC]

I can't believe I didn't see it coming!! 8U What is up with that? Never trust the nice characters they are ALWAYS EVIL IN THE END!

The battle was so much fun! I didn't not expect a Soul form to appear! I like how he's actually a challenge to fight. I heard his Ex form is reaaaally hard to beat!


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Toaster-of-Truth In reply to Artivox [2012-01-02 02:39:13 +0000 UTC]

I had a feeling that he would, since we had Marx and everything, then I was like "Naaaaah"
But bam he was evil.

His final form was just amazing, the music just went along great.
His EX form wasn't THAT hard, easier then Marx soul gtfredswa.

No prob!

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Artivox In reply to Toaster-of-Truth [2012-01-02 02:48:40 +0000 UTC]

I didn't even suspect him XD I felt like a nimrod when he betrayed Kirby. I was thinking 'OH DUH! He was nice to Kirby, which means he's EVIL!'

I love his final form as well I want to draw it FOREVER >8U
Pfft ANYTHING is easier then Marx Soul XDDD

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Toaster-of-Truth In reply to Artivox [2012-01-02 03:01:51 +0000 UTC]

I kept saying "WAAAAAAAAAAAT" in my head when he revealed himself to be evil.

I want to draw it too but I don't have the motivation rfedfgtbrfedwfgtyrfe
His final form is adorable too. |D Only Kirby can make final bosses menacing and somewhat creepy yet adorable.

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Artivox In reply to Toaster-of-Truth [2012-01-02 03:04:01 +0000 UTC]

As the creepy music started and the silhouette of the crown appeared, I was thinking that it was either a bad ass death scene, or I hadn't killed him off just yet XD When I figured out it was the later, I was thinking "no....nooo...nono....NO...NONONO...NOOOOOOOOONONONONONONONONOCRAPCRAPCRAP!"

Do it anyways he's fun to draw >8U I think it's the 'smiling face' that Soul has that makes it adorable, but the fact it's an EYE makes it creepy XDD

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Toaster-of-Truth In reply to Artivox [2012-01-02 03:07:26 +0000 UTC]

I loved the scene right before the final form, it was just amazing, music and everything.
I was just pretty much running around the stage screaming "CRAP" as he tried to insanely murder me.

Also, apparently his final form in normal mode is not technically his soul form, because in EX that form is called Magolor Soul, which it also looks different.
I still say he looks somewhat like a butterfly because of the wings. XD

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Artivox In reply to Toaster-of-Truth [2012-01-02 03:12:30 +0000 UTC]

I had one hit point left when the battle started...needless to say I died XDD

I just go by this: Magolor>Magolor Soul>EX Magolor Soul :U it makes it easier for me XDDD

I thought his wings were rabbit ears the first time I saw them XDDDD

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Toaster-of-Truth In reply to Artivox [2012-01-02 03:16:46 +0000 UTC]

XD Aww.

Haha, looks like it does. XD

I was all like "Oh crap he turned into a butterfly"

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Darkm00nShine [2012-01-02 02:24:32 +0000 UTC]

That coloring, shading and lighting, mai gosh Cookies, this is awesome!!!!

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