Name: Velaka Lanora
Nicknames: : Vel, Vela, Laka
Age: : 20
Birthday: : September 19th
Gender: : Call her whatever she doesn’t care
Height: : 5’9”
Species: :Family: : Mom, Kelik (pet vulture she considers family)
Orientation: : Just wants to eat everyone
R. Status: : Single
Occupation: : Local scavenger
Personality: : Loud and ready to fight. Loves to explore and adventure all over with her best friend Kelik. Yells a lot and comes off as rude because of it.
Likes: : : FOOD, Meat especially, Cuddling/using Kelik as a pillow, and Bones of all kinds.
Dislikes: : Being bored, not doing anything, and swimming.
BG: Velaka lived in a villiage of vulture humanoids. She turned out to be a rare case in the generations by having no wings. Everyone else in the tribe has large, powerful wings while she is without. This led her to leave home and explore the world on her feet.
ask whatever you want gois