((Okay, so this is a short story for Anabell and Archie, my 1 and 2 player missouri....its sorta awkward, so bare with me here...also, there is implied death, curseing, and one hell of a messed up story line. ))
"I'm the strong one" One voice taunted
"Your a weak coward" She shot back. It was yet another normal day for Archie Jones, another day fighting her reflection, her mind, herself, over everything. That was the reason she was in the hospital. Archie wanted to controlher own body, but Anabell wanted control too, and the fight put Archie in a coma. So there she was, her sisters, brothers, and a few friends decideing to keep her on life support or not. You see, The two had been there for almost a year, more or less. No one wanted to let her go, they wanted to hear her sing-song voice, her bubbly laugh, even see her firey temper, anything, they just wanted their Archie back. And some people just wanted any reaction at all. "There gonna kill ya Archie baby~" Anabell taunted.
"I go down, so do you~"Archie stated.
"You think I care, thats cute." Anabell said as the whole room went silent, the monotiars were off, and Archie Marie Bonnefoy Jones was taken off life suppourt, As was Anabell Rachel Bonnefoy Jones.
"If I'm going down, I'm takeing you with me." Archie promised.
"Right down to the depths of hell?" Anabell asked.
"Right down to the depths of hell." Archie said with a smirk.