I drew this before becoming overwhelmed with Sherlock angst and how Sherlock cares so much about John but it's just iigudrhifgudngdfbg
anyway, yes RobertMakesStuff is holding an art jam which you can join in with too!!! in which you have to draw your favourite character as a robit innit. As you know, I'm not really used to drawing robots and stuff (except really weird square ones in my sketch books) so I didn't go mech or whatever and kept it nice and simple ;D Hope it's still cool though.
I'm still struggling with the change of monitor at the moment. Drawing is fine, it's just I feel like my colouring is really off? Hopefully I'll get used to it soon but otherwise, expect lots of off colouring for a while haha
I did this all with no reference (which is something I wouldn't usually do for something like this) but it didn't... turn out... too bad? (except the crazy intense wallpaper which is not that intense in reality and the weird lack of background details) Pfft Last time I did one of this dudes jams I didn't do a background so I thought 'hell I'm just gonna go with it.'
Thanks for looking!
BBC Sherlock sets n characters and stuff (c) BBC and Sir Arthur Conan Book-face