AtheneRa — Desktop 20 Fev 2010 by-nc-nd

Published: 2010-02-20 16:58:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 1387; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 152
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Description Français ::

Windows 7
Style Vista 5231
+ Couleurs Aero
+ Volet de gauche avec seulement Favoris
+ Jeux
+ Volet Windows avec un nouvel icône
+ Quelques Gadgets
+ Lecteur Windows Media avec le design de Vista 5259
+ Et pas de Couleur de suivi dans la Barre tes tâches

English ::

Windows 7
Vista 5231 Style
+ Aero Colors
+ Left Pane with only Favorites
+ Games
+ Sidebar with SysTray Icon
+ Some Gadgets
+ Windows Media Player with design of Vista 5259
+ And no Color Tracking in Taskbar
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Comments: 1

maxmerkill667 [2010-02-20 19:36:09 +0000 UTC]

Very nice -but two little things.

The forward button might need some reworking and the second thing is a question: can you change the orb to the original button with the "start text and the white flag"

Keep it going - I’m excited where this will go!

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