Atu-XIII — Blessings from Epona

Published: 2010-09-22 00:33:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2344; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 114
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Description *Evoke Epona on this equinox. Evoke her deeply, feeling her with each breath. Epona ground me on this equinox eve. Epona your balance I receive.

~Epona was the ancient Horse Goddess of the pre-Christian Pagan people, known as the Gauls, or Celtic French. She was worshipped for many hundreds of years as a Horse Goddess, who not only protected horses, but also their owners. Epona is also one of the most well known of all the Goddesses within the Celtic Pantheon, and she was granted such titles as "The Great Mare," the "Divine Mare," and the "Mare Goddess.”~

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Comments: 4

GondorWarrior92 [2012-12-18 14:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Happy Eponalia!

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AshenSorrow [2010-09-22 04:54:11 +0000 UTC]

this is absolutely incredible! this is totally Beautiful love the purples too looks like a small peek at HEAVEN AMAZING work sweetheart This fine piece of art had been added to our slide show

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Atu-XIII In reply to AshenSorrow [2010-09-22 05:32:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank u for your AMAZING backgrounds! I wanted to convey that Epona has access to both heaven and the underworld..hence the heavenly sky...your backgrounds are the best!

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Thrashmaniacwarrior [2010-09-22 01:00:01 +0000 UTC]

Wow! that so beautiful

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