>>> G E N E R A L
name > Foxrunner
prefix meaning > The coloration of her tail
suffix meaning > Her speed
previous names > Foxkit, Foxpaw
nicknames > fox, foxy (only close friends or family)
clan > Cloudclan
previous clan > xxx
rank > Warrior
previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
mentor > Harepatch
apprentices >
current > xxx
previous > xxx
age > 28 moons (as of 3/25/21)
gender > she-cat
sex > female
sexuality > bisexual and polyamorous
>>> P H Y S I C A L
basic description > large brown tabby she-cat with a thick red tail and green eyes
build > thick set and beefy
fur description > soft but thick fur
breeds > moggy
height > 28 cm
weight > 7.7 lbs
voice > tba
scent > honeysuckle
scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx
>>> P E R S O N A L I T Y
positive >
>> Flirty > Fox is a very flirty gal and if she shows any interest in you, you'll sure know it. She likes complimenting and showing affection towards cat's she finds interesting. She'll often make passes at cats to see their reaction to gauge their interest.
>> Soft > Although it takes a bit of work to get to, Fox does have a soft side. She can be loving and vulnerable with cats she trusts, its just a mean of gaining her trust.
>> Affectionate > Foxrunner love all kinds of affection. She likes cuddling and sharing tongues in the sunlight and especially sleeping in the same nest.
neutral >
>> Crafty > Although not often, Foxrunner can be very crafty and find solutions to problems. She doesn't often make these ideas known, as that would cause cats to seek her out when she'd much rather lie in a sun spot.
>> Lazy > Foxrunner likes sitting in the sun more than she likes hunting or patrolling. She jokes that she'd be happiest and an elder, just eating and resting all day. While she does perform her warrior duties, she'll complain about having to be out at least once.
>> Impartial > Foxrunner believes in treating all cats as equals regardless of rank or clan. She heavily dislikes cats that act on a bias or prejudice. although she understands that her clan comes first, she will treat cats from different clans as if they were her clanmates.
negative >
>> Argumentative> Foxrunner doesn't know how to hold her tongue and often times get in trouble for talking back or starting arguments. She has a hard time holding back when she thinks someone is in the wrong.
>> Crude > Due to fox's impartial attitude, she often finds herself getting overly comfortable with high ranking cats and treating them as normal warriors. She will outright argue, disagree, or make fun of anyone as if they were already close friends. More often than not her language and speech patterns make her seem like a very crude and disrespectful cat.
>> Impatient > Foxrunner hates waiting for things or on cats. She prefers things when she wants them and hates having to sit and wait.
likes >
> Attention
dislikes >
> Quiet and boring cats
>>> F A M I L Y
parents >
>> Bumbleheart > a huge fluffy golden tabby tom with warm green eyes. (Biological)
>> Slatestrike > an all black tom with a single streak of white across his muzzle and deep amber eyes. (adoptive)
>> Monarchwillow > tortoiseshell queen with green eyes (Deceased)(Biological)
siblings >
>> Cottonfall > a tall, lanky colorpoint tom with a huge plume of white fur on the end of his tail and blue eyes (cousin though more like brother)
>> Littlejump > a very small and sleek furred Tortoiseshell colorpoint she-cat with bright blue eyes and a long skinny tail (cousin though more like sister)
>>> R O M A N T I C
mate > xxx
previous mates > xxx
romantic interests >
looking for > Fling / Relationship
likes in a potential mate >
> Kind
> Opinionated
> Sarcastic
dislikes in a potential mate >
> Shy
> Quiet
interested in kits > unsure
preferred family size > small or average
>>> S K I L L S
abilities >
[ 5 / 10 ] || agility
[ 6 / 10 ] || stealth
[ 8 / 10 ] || speed
[ 6 / 10 ] || strength
[ 7 / 10 ] || endurance
[ 5 / 10 ] || climbing
[ 5 / 10 ] || swimming
senses >
[ 5 / 10 ] || sight
[ 5 / 10 ] || hearing
[ 5 / 10 ] || smell
[ 5 / 10 ] || taste
[ 5 / 10 ] || touch
knowledge >
[ 6 / 10 ] || den building
[ 6 / 10 ] || battle tactics
[ 6 / 10 ] || hunting tactics
[ 1 / 10 ] || kitting knowledge
[ 0 / 10 ] || herbal knowledge
>>> H I S T O R Y
kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
Born to a sick Monarchwillow, Foxkit was born on a stormy night. Weakened by her illness, Monarchwillow didn't survive the birthing. Horrified and saddened by his mates death, Bumbleheart took extra care with his daughter. Becoming a temporary den dad, Bumbleheart absolutely doted on his little kit. Foxkit grew up a pretty spoiled kit. Always having the nursery queen Turtlesnap that fed her and her father Bumbleheart around, Foxkit started becoming a bit of a princess. She was very used to getting whatever she wanted when she wanted it. Then her father fell in love with Slatestrike. Foxkit hated the tom and refused to call him father. Slatestrike very quickly became the tough parent, never letting Foxkit get what she wanted. The two would argue and then Foxkit would cry to Bumbleheart. She didn't like that her father had someone else he was paying attention to and tried to get Bumbleheart to choose between her and Slatestrike. She demanded over and over that Bumbleheart leave Slatestrike until her father finally snapped, calling her a brat and explaining that he loved Slatestike and refused to leave him. Foxkit was both surprised and hurt at what her father called her. She sulked for a few days before eventually got over it.
apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
Foxkit was excited for her apprentice ceremony. With the support of her fathers, Foxkit went into her apprenticeship bright eyed and bushy tailed. Now Foxpaw and her with mentor Harepatch, Foxpaw went through a lot during her apprenticeship. Her father's adopted two kits named Littlekit and Cottonkit near the beginning of her apprenticeship and immediately the three of them got along like peas in a pod. Foxpaw would take her siblings around camp all the time, and even occasionally a few steps outside of camp. The three of them got into a lot of trouble together, gaining them a collective nickname of the trouble/ terror trio. The siblings would wrestle and play all the time whenever Foxpaw didn't have training. She took her responsibility as an older sister very seriously. Afterall, who was gonna show them how to have real fun? Her training went by without much of a fuss. Her and her mentor Harepatch got along very well and Fox took to her training well. She was particularly skilled when it came to rabbit hunting. She'd often teach little things to Littlekit and Cottonkit and Foxpaw was over the moon when her siblings finally got apprenticed themselves. Nearing the end of her own apprenticeship Foxpaw helped her siblings get the hang of training and would try to help them learn as much as possible. Foxpaw and Littlepaw loved battle training (where they could essentially wrestle like back in their nursery days) and Foxpaw and Cottonpaw loved hunting practice. However, it wasn't long until her warrior assessment and Fox received the name Foxrunner to honor her skills in speed and hunting.
warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >
Now a full grown warrior, Foxrunner started taking more of the easy route. She helped her siblings train until their warrior ceremonies and the terror trio still cause mischief when Fox isn't napping or they're not on separate patrols.
>>> T R I V I A
> Her relationship with Slatestrike has vastly improved and the two get along very well now that Foxrunner is a full warrior.
> Trivia fact (optional)
> Trivia fact (optional)
> Trivia fact (optional)
>>> L I N K S
roleplay tracker > link
heart chart > link
family tree > link
Written Application @/vicstars
Application Art @/me