And here it is, 2013's last drawing. It was a blast to make and it has literally saved my day today, along with all the awesome people who joined in to watch it being created. Thank you all.
This year was so long. Usually it feels like years go by so very fast, and this one did at first, but looking back at it now, it was so damn long. It's not like it's a bad thing, but... I guess a lot happened.
This was a very important year for me. My memory has been really poor lately, but I can easily pick out a few factors and things that may seem average, but have changed my life in some way and I'll carry with me forever. I would like to list them out here so future!Me can come around and take a look in the future.
- Acknowledged my depression, started working on fighting against it. Dealing with the anxiety attacks and the paranoia was the worst part, and the fight has been long and hard. Found awesome people to help me, I'm so thankful to them.
- Been invited to an Anime Con, to draw live in a Digital Art show off. It was a nice adventure, I was all by myself and did pretty well.
- Got even more daring with my hair, cutting it even shorter than before. I love it. I've also lost a lot of weight, and now I'm more comfortable with my own body.
- Got some big commissions that brought me a lot of exposure. It was really a great year for my art, although I feel I could have improved more...
- Met some great people, who quickly became close to me. I'm really so thankful for the new friends I've met this year. In the other hand, I've found out about people I shouldn't ever trust again. It's a good thing, even if it was a big disappointment.
- Found out a few interesting things about myself. Not all them good, I must admit, but definitely self knowledge, which is nice overall.
- Got out of the country for the second time, in a super amazing fantastic trip that created so many impossibly awesome and fantastic memories. Mindcrack dinner, Minecon, Islands of Adventure and Disney? Sometimes I still ask myself if was it a dream or not. And all the people I met in person there, specially a certain someone.
Aside from that all, when I think of 2013, I think of a year of fighting. I've fought so hard against depression and paranoia, and then so hard to try and get myself to believe in my own abilities, and then so hard to keep sane while everything around me was chaos, and then so hard to hold on while my family was constantly clashing, and then not to give up on it all when shit hit the fan. It was definitely a rough year. And... The very end of it is being very disappointing and lonesome. I'm not used to having to face special occasions all by myself, so it's a little heartbreaking. But I guess it's more learning, more... toughening. A bit of me is somehow hopeful for next year, although at this point I'm so exhausted of all the fighting I don't even know what to hope for.
I guess I'll stick with "hoping for better days" this year as well.