Oh mang I finally finished the app //sobsss// A lot of the information here is the same as before, especially the personality and backstory, but I did change up a lot of stuff so hhhhh. I'm also a lot happier with her design now so yay ;w;
Can't wait for to open so I can RP with everyone <33333
「I like the lake in Hercynia. It's beautiful, especially at night.」 █ G e n e r a l
Name: Fae
Age: 16 in appearance (actual age: 240)
Age Conversion: 15 human years equal to 1 year for her
Birthday: September 19th
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9" | 145 cm
Weight: 95 lbs | 43 kg
Fairytale / Folklore: Asrai (English Folklore)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
█ P e r s o n a l i t y
Serious | Cold | Analytical | Intelligent | Distant | Prideful | Courteous | Curious | Disciplined
Serious / Cold / Distant
Fae isn't the type to let her emotions take over as she’s usually rather in control of them. Because of that she comes off as being too serious. She always tries to appear straight-faced and calm, no matter the circumstances. Even if Fae is feeling a certain way, she tries her best to not allow other people to see it as she prefers to keep her distance from other people and doesn't like showing her vulnerability to anyone.
Analytical / Intelligent
The Asrai are rather vulnerable and aren’t physically strong, so Fae can easily be overpowered. Due to that, she makes up for the lack of physical ability with her intelligence. She approaches difficult situations with a clear head and can come up with quick solutions. Fae is also very analytical and uses that to keep watch of those around her in order to always have an upperhand when dealing with them, as she has a hard time trusting others.
Being an Asrai is a curse, or at least that’s what she thinks. Fae hates being an Asrai more than anything, believing that they are weak and incapable of defending themselves. Despite that, she’s still a prideful person. She doesn't have pride in her species but she does have a high view of herself, believing that she’s a respectable person and deserves to be respected by other people. Her prideful nature does make her a rather judgmental person as well. She has high standards for others, and if she feels like someone else doesn't fit her standards and expectations, she would think that they are not worth her time.
Courteous / Disciplined
Even if she doesn't like a lot of people, especially the humans, she still tries to maintain a level of respect for them, choosing to act professional around them. She’ll still be as polite as she could be even if she is still cold and distant. Despite her control, if in the mood, Fae is not above making minor jabs towards someone.
Despite her feelings about the humans, she’s still curious about their way of life and of the world around her, a trait that hasn't left her since her childhood. She desires to learn more about Fallenwood and the other lands. Even if she feels like she won’t like what she sees, she wants to anyway in order to satisfy her need to learn more.
█ L i k e s & D i s l i k e s
✔ Her mother
✔ Water
✔ Hercynia
✔ Learning
✔ Singing and music
✔ Bathing in the moonlight
✔ Calm and professional people
✔ Hiding out in her part of the forest
✔ Flowers (Asters and forget-me-nots)
✔ Other creatures (she doesn't really like them but tolerates them more)
✘ Flying
✘ Flirts
✘ Violence
✘ Being an Asrai
✘ Superficial people
✘ Hot weather/ the sun
✘ Humans (especially men)
✘ When people mess with her veil
✘ Being touched without her permission
✘ Being captured (more of a fear than anything)
█ Information About Asrai
Asrai are a type of aquatic fairy that are usually known to be timid and shy. They appear to be beautiful and young creatures, and according to lore, their beauty is so great that if they were to ever be seen by a human, the human will wish to capture them instantly. Asrai are afraid of capture because if a human were to ever capture them, they’re said to die and turn into a pool of water. Aside from capture, they are also deathly afraid of sunlight, but they are said to enjoy bathing in the moonlight, and some sources even believe that they use moonlight as food.
The original tale was about a fisherman who came into contact with an Asrai and captured her and put her in his boat. The Asrai continued to complain in some foreign language and he covered her with wet weeds. As time went on, her voice got fainter and when he turned to check, he saw that the Asrai was gone and only a pool of water was left.
(Source: Wikipedia pfff)
█ Bio (Summary)
When she was younger, Fae was much kinder and more timid than how she currently is. She had a loving mother and was close to all of the Asrai. Her mother, Elyon, had kept details about the Asrai a secret from Fae. She believed that it wasn’t necessary for Fae to be aware of it and live in fear. Elyon only wanted Fae to be happy.
One day, a fisherman wandered into Hercynia and came across Elyon. She kept herself hidden from his view but they did talk and the fisherman was drawn to her kindness and her mysteriousness. He visited Elyon constantly after their meeting and they both fell in love with each other, all the while, trying to keep their relationship hidden. Fae’s mother told the fisherman that he could never see her face, but he said that he didn’t mind. He told her that he only wanted to talk to her and said that, that alone, would make him happy.
The Asrai and Fae did eventually find out about their secret relationship and while Fae supported her mother’s happiness wholeheartedly, the other Asrai were very vocal about their disapproval. They tried to get Elyon to see reason and to stop meeting with the man, but Elyon held onto the naive hope that having such a relationship with the fisherman was possible and that they could find a way to be happy. Fae and her mother were shunned in turn for that.
As the fisherman visited more, Elyon noticed that he was growing restless. He seemed to slowly become more unhappy with their current situation. He wanted to see the face of the woman that he loved and he didn’t believe that it was wrong of him to think so. And so, one day, he slowly crossed the boundary that Elyon had set up between them and peered behind the tree that she was sitting behind and saw her. Blinded by the need to make her his, he began to drag her out of the forest.
Fae grew worried and tried to look for her mother and saw the fisherman sitting down and staring at a small pool of water. Something bothered her about it and Fae soon pieced together that the man had somehow hurt her mother.
When Fae came to, she saw that she was covered in blood and saw his body lying beside her. She had killed him. Fae quickly rushed back to where the other Asrai were and they cleaned up her mess and finally told her more about the Asrai as well. As a result, Fae began to distance herself from everyone and avoided contact with others as much as possible.
A couple years after the incident, she came across a goldhorn that gave her a small cloth that he said she could use to hide her face, believing that it would allow her to leave the forest. She never did though.
Her next odd meeting was when a creature had approached her and told her that they were part of the council in Terra. The council member told her that they had wanted to ask Elyon to take their place in the council, but since she passed away, Fae should be the one to take the position. It took a while to convince her, but Fae agreed eventually believing that it would give her more freedom and that it could put some more distance between her and the Asrai. And so, she finally wandered out of the forest and was able to put the cloth to use, using it as a veil.
(Look here for the full version: Fae (Full Bio) )
█ Physical Attributes
Cold Skin: Asrai’s naturally have cold skin, but whenever they were to feel threatened or angry, their skin becomes so cold that anyone touching them could be burned. It is a defense mechanism for Fae though she’s usually rather unaware of any changes in temperature.
Wings: Fae is rather weak at flying, but she could still use it to get to hard to reach places, though she really does prefer to walk. Aside from that, her wings are special because, when needed, they can melt away, allowing her to walk around crowded areas without her wings in the way. It proves to be especially useful because her wings are rather sensitive to touch and they’re a weak point for her.
█ E x t r a
Speaking voice:… (2:44 to end: normal voice, 1:17-1:40: when she’s upset)
Singing voice:…
Her theme song:… (credit to moochiface for helping me find it .- .)
Ref page:
She has a blue jay as a familiar and her familiar is named Ayla, which means moonlight. Ayla tends to keep a distance whenever Fae is around other people, but she always is close enough to watch over Fae. Fae never leaves without Ayla being close to her.
The goldhorn that she met was Zlatan, and she always wears the veil he gave her in order to stay safe.
The veil actually covers most of Fae's face from view. Despite the reference given, when she's wearing it, the most people can see of her face is a faint outline of it
Fae was one of the first council members after the original council members disappeared.
She is illiterate, though she has been trying to learn how to read.
The Asrai tend to keep themselves hidden, choosing not to come into contact with any beings that aren't Asrai, but despite that, they still make some sort of a living by being healers. They have extensive knowledge about rare illnesses and poisons, and people tend to seek them out in order to be healed by them, despite their secretive nature. Fae is usually picking up herbs for them because of this.
Fae is usually out in Fallenwood whenever there's a meeting or when she has to go buy herbs for the council members. If not, she tends to stay in Hercynia.
The Asrai have their own language, but did have to eventually adapt to the human language in order to better their chances of survival. Unlike the older Asrai, Fae was raised with both languages.
There is a way for humans to be able to see Fae's face but most Asrai's don't know that, including Fae.
█ RP M e t h o d s
In order of preference:
I prefer lit RPs. I can do script but expect them to be very stilted and awkward and expect to get slow replies from me since script RPs don't really make me motivated to reply. Fae is very subtle in her actions and in the things that she says so lit is the best way to go with her. Aside from that, please give me longer replies. I really hate dropping RPs but if I receive one word/sentence replies, it gets me rather unmotivated to reply and I can't help but be disappointed. I put a lot of effort into my replies so it'd make me really happy to get a longer reply to work with~!
█ RP Examples
It was a normal day for the young Asrai. After the council meeting, she used most of her free time running errands for the others and went to go pick up some herbs for them. She weaved through the busy streets gracefully and avidly avoided coming into contact with the people. She kept that up until she made it to the bazaar and started searching for the many herbs that allowed the Asrai to perform their miraculous healing. Once everything was gathered, she approached the vendor and handed everything to him. "Here's everything that I need," she murmured.
Fae: *waits as the vendor puts everything into a bag and then pays him the money needed* Thank you. *she spoke quietly before she quickly left the store*