Comments: 39
Maileksa [2018-03-15 17:10:21 +0000 UTC]
I like it - Very beautiful art piece !
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Beatzekatze [2018-03-10 20:39:21 +0000 UTC]
ProjectComment crowd here! I know I have promised to scribble on top of the picture for the explanation, but I've nuked my PC once again, so I can't at the moment. I will try to explain what I mean with words, let's see how good that will work. First off, that is a really nice picture, one can see that you have put a lot of effort in it and I like it. But I see what you mean with the light. I actually do not agree with you about the metal: it is not hyper-realistic, but neither is the rest of the picture, so the style and the execution fits the rest pretty well.
On the matter of light ... You have placed both figures in front of the only obvious source of light, the moon. Thus, in a realistic case they would appear as silhouettes, as in this photograph (there is a difference in how the human eye perceives such scenes and a camera, but in this case the difference is minor). I guess that is the reason you had difficulties to figure out where to place the light and the shadows. To make such a setup work without making the guy and the wolf all black, you need a secondary source of light either on the side or in front of them. Let's use this photo as an example. There are 3 light sources in it (as far as I can tell): one right behind her (aka moon in your picture), the main source on her top-right and a weaker one on the lower-left (or a reflector, not sure about that). Without the two 'front' light sources, there would be no shadows in the face. (So next time you use a photograph as reference, mind that there is a lot of 'light manipulation' going on there).
So what does it mean for your picture? You could add a bonfire as a complimentary light source. It does not have to be physically present in the picture. Just imagine they are sitting in front of one. That makes the whole 'light situation' more clear: blue light from the moon from the back (giving that blue halo) and red light from the front. Having light from the front will also allow you to work the fur of the wolf a bit more. A general advice for future drawings: plan you lighting instead of jumping right into shading. Here is an example of a picture I am working on with rather complicated two-source lighting: red one through the window from the setting sun and blue from neon tube on the ceiling. To make sure I don't forget anything, I make a separate layer where I draw lines where the light goes or when the light changes from shadow to area hit by light. This way you have a 'check list' when working on the lighting. (as you can see, for that one I actually also planned the entire color gamut, but that is not a must at all ).
I am by no means an expert on animal anatomy, but I am not bothered by the way you drew it I also like the hands. Hands are pain in the a$$, but you got them really nice! And thumbs up for making a finished background, I think it gives the figures a very good context
Hope I could help, don't hesitate to ask me if I was confusing about something. That said, happy further drawing
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Beatzekatze In reply to Azula-Kurohime [2018-07-08 22:17:31 +0000 UTC]
While I was watching this video on one of my favorite youtube channels, I instantly thought about this comment I wrote on your picture. So I have to correct myself, now, knowing a bit more than I did when I commented in the first place. Basically, while I was arguing that you have to know all the light sources and keep them consistent in a piece, I was a bit too obsessive about that (in my comment and my own work). While it generally holds true, sometimes all you need is 'believable' lighting, instead of a truly, physically realistic one. I can't put it any better than Adam Duff does it in the video linked above. If you are still interested in the matter of how to make the best out of lighting a scene, I can recommend the tutorial I linked above.
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AmyNoelly [2018-03-08 04:49:10 +0000 UTC]
This is fantastic! There's always going to be improvement at hand, and the more you keep at it the more you'll see it.
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theJfluffy [2018-03-07 07:59:43 +0000 UTC]
The moon and his crew looking cool
Good job
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Angel47093 [2018-03-07 06:07:01 +0000 UTC]
I know how you feel. I too have some difficulties when I draw, even I couldn't make some of my drawings look as how I wanted them to be. But that doesn't mean I'm not good with my skills. So I'm not gonna stop doing what I love, and neither should you . Just keep on practicing and your skills will get improved in no time.
Your drawing still looks great!
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adam-ant2 [2018-03-07 01:55:46 +0000 UTC]
If you ask me, the trouble was worth it because that fur is gorgeous!
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MortalNightshade [2018-03-07 01:26:41 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I'm from ProjectComment
First of all, I think you're being too hard on yourself, but it's good to notice your mistakes and improve on those areas. I think the scenery of your piece is astonishing; the blue moon, the violet and navy background, and the rocky hill all has so much detail put into it. The shading and lighting is amazing, and the figures of the human and wolf are very intriguing. What I like about the male's outfit is his shoulder pad on the arm, because it provides a good sense of asymmetry. I also love the eyes of the figures, as they stand out very much in the moonlight. Their poses are very intimidating, as well.
The only thing that throws me off is his nose. It kind of looks like it's facing the left, but besides that, I can't see anything really wrong.
I think your bf will love this .
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rose-abyss [2018-03-07 01:00:28 +0000 UTC]
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Jedi-Paladin-AJ-Ray [2018-03-07 00:57:05 +0000 UTC]
It actually looks really good. The color scheme is a perfect blend of the dark colors mixed in with the light of the moon.
I think it's worthy of a spot at an art gallery if you ask me. The woman and the wolf look like a perfect union of one's inner turmoil and they just want to be at peace with the 2 sides of themselves.
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Jedi-Paladin-AJ-Ray In reply to Azula-Kurohime [2018-03-07 20:24:12 +0000 UTC]
Everyone sees the painting their own ways. I just see it as a reflection of one's inner self.
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hollowjuliet94 [2018-03-05 22:41:19 +0000 UTC]
Even if you're not happy with it, I think it looks great! The back light of the moon enhances the effects of the characters.
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Azula-Kurohime In reply to spuzvabob [2018-03-23 07:32:42 +0000 UTC]
heheh čestitam na završenom faxu
I see.... a baš šteta da su tako narrowminded i ne priznaju umjetničku slobodu >.<
i čim ćeš se sad bavit poslje faksa?
Yea, u Puli sam... a je fora i zanimljivo na početku, al poslje postane samo muka kad se nakupi kanjia i bace ti tekstove od kojih doslovno ne znaš pročitat ni izgovor, a kamoli da znaš značenje xD i onda imaš takav tekst na 3 strane i 4 sata sjediš doma i samo tražiš prjevode na google translejtu XD ili ti bace japanskog lektora da ti predaje i oni pričaju sve samo na jap, tak da izađeš sa sata like "wtf smo mi sad tu radili 2 sata, ja nisam skužila ni 3 rečenice" XD
a dobro, ja sam sad prva generacija, pa actually još često niti nemaju pojma šta ni kako raditi xD možda će bit drugačije za par god kad se malo uhodaju... evo ovima koji su sad 1. god je već lakše nego je nama bilo, jer su se malo bolje organizirali.... al kanjia će uvjek bit, bez tog se nemože, tak da će uvjek bit muka svima kako god okreneš XD to baš trebaš bit frik da prođeš xP
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spuzvabob In reply to Azula-Kurohime [2018-04-01 13:49:14 +0000 UTC]
hvala, hvala ..a poslije faxa mogu biti slobodan umjetnik, freelancer, pokušat se nekako probiti na umjetnickoj sceni u ovoj državi ili pak radit u prosvjeti. Bumo vidli što mi se nudi i što će od sveg tog biti, naime ljudi tu baš i ne cijene toliko umjetnost, pa ako ništa, tražit kakvu mogućnost vani ne bi bilo zgorega.
auuhhh... kanji.. to mora bit teško, to se uci napamet, zar ne? Masu ih je, ne znam koliko ih je potrebno znat kao da možeš uopće pročitat obične novine, preko tisucu, jelda??! (to sma negdje nekad davno procitala) Uglavnom, zeznuto je to ako se tako nakuplja, a profaci vam i dalje gomilaju textove! Mislim, shvacam ja da ste ipak tek novopeceni odjel i sve, da im je potrebno da se uhodaju i organiziraju bolje, ali isto mi je blesavo malo da su stariji studenti tako baceni u vatru i da nije nista poduzeto po tom pitanju ako su vidili da neke stvari ne štimaju ah, valjda netko mora probit led.. nego što mozes ti radit nakon faxa? Reci mi da ti je plan odletit u japan hahahah
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Azula-Kurohime In reply to spuzvabob [2018-04-01 14:49:35 +0000 UTC]
heheheh I see... a yea da, istina ne cjeni se umjetnost baš.... a ništa, želim ti onda sreću da uspiješ negdje nać neki poslić s kojim ćeš bit sretna držim sve fige
yea.... prve 2. godine su nam samo davali papire za dz za ispunit- 10 puta napišeš neki kanji i onda oni kao smatraju da si ga ti naučio i zapamtio za sva vremena xD al sad su ove godine uveli poseban kolegij za kanjie- di žena actually objasni i porijeklo i korištenje i uvjek nam da neke trikove kako ih zapamtit, jer ipak nisu skroz bezveze, nadograđuju se jedni na druge, jednostavniji tvore složenije, pa ih se lakše usvoji pomoću nekih mnemotehnika.... ugl. oni su si zamislili da bi mi do kraja 3. godine trebali biti na B2 razini znanja japanskog i znati 1000 kanjia... well ja ću sad na kraju 3. god znati samo 300-tinjak kanjia i to samo zato jer su nam uveli taj kolegij, inače ništa nebi znala XD al da, japanci u školi nauče ~2100 kanjia i ti su kao temelj koje svi moraju znat za normalan život...
a gle još ni profaći neznaju di, kuda, ni kako... manjak je predavača, tak da su već i nas sad tražili da predajemo nižim godinama... ja sam prošli semestar bila asistentica jednoj japanskoj lektorici koja je učila 1. godinu studenata- znači japanka koja studira u japanu dođe tu na razmjenu na 1 god, hr naravno nezna, engleski joj je koma ko i svim japancima i bace je da predaje ljudima koji prvi put čuju japanski XD onak bilo mi prekrivo prvašića, jer sam znala da ju ništ ne kuže, pa sam se smilovala kao ajd ić ću ja tamo bar da im prevedem nešt, da skuže koju stvar XD
ma ugl. sad planiram uzet apsolventsku godinu- tak da se mogu godinu dana pravit da pišem završni rad, samo da imam status studenta XD i pitali su nas na faksu da neko od nas koji ćemo bit apsolventi samostalno vode neki kolegij... kolko bi mi se to dalo i kolko bi bila sposobna za to neznam, al eto opcija postoji- pa ćemo vidit šta će bit... realno s ovim šta sad znam nemogu niš radit u vezi japanskog, jer neznam pol k... XD tak da bi trebala bar diplomski završit, a to možda otvore preksljedeće godine, pa je recimo plan ić na to...
općenito nas na faksu tu dosta usmjeravaju na turizam... jer ima dosta japanskih turista, a u hr ne postoji ni jedan turistički vodič koji zna japanski, tak da je to problem pošto su japanci loši s engleskim... od ostaloga se može predavat negdje japanski (na faksu il škola stranih jezika), prevodit nešto ili kak se ja i kolegica stalno furamo da ćemo kao ić pisat svoj vlastiti udžbenik iz japanskog za hrvate, jer to uopće ne postoji- svi udžbenici su na eng xP
u Japan definitivno NE mislim ić ni pod razno XD nude nam tu na faksu svako malo stipendije i doslovo nas ono vuku za rukav da idemo, a niko od nas neće ići XD sve je to ljepo i divno i krasno zvuči kad gledaš tako sa strane, budu ti japanci fensi... al kad si malo duže među njima i malo dublje upoznaš njihovu kulturu, običaje i stil života, vidiš kolko je to zapravo bolesna nacija i shvatiš da ti je doma najljepše XD
+imam sad tu dečka, tak da se nebi htjela odvajat od njega, pogotovo ne na tak duže razdoblje
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spuzvabob In reply to Azula-Kurohime [2018-04-06 17:17:16 +0000 UTC]
ajme @.@ ...stvarno se cini kako su vas malo uvalili u sranje s tim kanjiima i jos tako uvališe i jadnu lektoricu da prica nesto studentima koji je ne razumiju! Uhh.. nadam se eto da ce se stanje popravljati kako bude fax stariji i s više iskustva oko svega! Dobro je da uopce ima zainteresiranih ljudi u ovoj nasoj zemlji za japanski jezik i kulturu!
Aha, znaci orijentirani su na turizam, pa to je ok... valjda je turizam buducnost hehe ali opet lijepo da vas na faxu zovu za asistente, da mozes radit kao vodic, prevodioc, pisat hrvatsko-japanski udzbenik, bilo sto...stvarno je super cuti da ima mogucnosti također evo zelim ti da sto bolje iskoristis apsolventsku godinu i da se otvori diplomski studij..cim prije tim bolje
ahahahaha a dobro si rekla ovo za japan... nekako i ja mislim da je mozda dobro otici tamo samo u razgledanje, kao turist..kako oni nama tako i mi njima hihi ti jos bolje znas njihovu kulturu i sve, ali bome i mi smo na akademiji nesto malo spominjali japance vezano za njihov skolski sustav i kulturu obrazovanja... majko mila! Vec onda sam skuzila da im nisu sve na broju xD xD xD ocito sttoji ona- svugdi je lipo poci al najlipse doma doci! Udoban krevet, fina papica koju si sam spremis, ugodna klima i bar je kod nas mozes preko tjedna na kavu hahahaha al da, jos ako imas i decka, normalo da ga neces frknut samo radi japana, osim ako te on ne preklinje da ga povedes jk...
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