╔╬╣« Quizzik »╠╬╗
|pr. Kwizz-ick|
╠ ID No.: 75235
╠ Gender: Male
╠ Species: Unknown/Cutiefly
╠ Type: Psychic/Bug/Fairy
╠ Special: Cross
╠ Date Hatched: 9/13/2019
╠ Design Check: None
╠ Item Use: None
╠ Level: 8
╠ Starting BA: 33
╠ Current BA: 34
╠ Ability: Levitate (Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.)
╠ Moves:
► Hidden Power (Base)
► Absorb (Base)
╔═════════════════════╣[[ LEVELING LOG ]]╠══════════════════════
► +4 lvls: Reference Sheet (Full Body, Shading)
► +4 lvls: Clutch Sheet (Full Body, BG)
► + lvls: (Full Body, Shading)
╔═════════════════════╣[[ BREEDING INFO ]]╠═══════════════════════
╠ Breeding Status: Closed
╠ Lineage: Muse (Father) / Jiji (Mother)
╠ Clutches:
► None
╠ Offspring:
► None
╔═══════════════════════╣[[ NOTES ]]╠═════════════════════════════
► A strange little bug that was deemed an ‘imaginary friend’ by trainer Zim’s younger brother.
► When he flies close enough, one can hear the annoying ‘mosquito hum’ of his wings, which he enjoys subjecting his trainer to during very inopportune moments.
► Likes to play pranks; Takes great pride in teasing Zim by buzzing around him, then hiding when he tries to alert anyone else to his presence, making Zim look like a crazy person. Or… more of a crazy person.
► Always busy doing something, he is never seen sitting still in one spot, as though he is working towards something.
► Has an irrational fear of microwaves.
► Doesn’t quite seem to be of this plane of existence.
► May hide a darker side.
► Adopted from AnimalNerd ~