This is a closed species by: Jay00bird
The Group: RadiantFlikrs
Design by: Blazeycrazy
Name: Valentine
Specie: Flikr
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Growth: 3'2
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Status: Single
-Girly things
- Angels
- Stuffed Toys
- Any things soft and fluffy
-Anything to bright.
Random fact:
-He doesn't like to be around people hes mad.
-He loves clothes and dressing up.
-He loves anything that has to do with love and romance.
-A lot more kinder then other Flikrs but still can be really aggressive and rude when in a bad mood.
-He does ack sweet and kind most of the time but he has a sadistic and twisted mind.
(None atm)
Light Areas: Rare
Ears: Common
Eyes: Uncommon
Tails: Rare
Back: Uncommon
Lights: Rare
Fur: Rare
Base Maker: Jasmae on FA…
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