From the series, Ganbare Goemon
My first and only encounter with her was in the game, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on the N64. (I believe I was 5 or 6, maybe 4 when I had a chance to play this game) and she was pretty cool. A katana, the ability to become a mermaid, and she even has A FUCKING BAZOOKA!
I kinda never forgot about the game, but it ended up falling to the back of my mind, and then about 14-15 years later, oh shit, I just remembered this game, so I look at a playthrough and pfffffft! If there's one thing I can say about the games, it's that they're not exactly meant to be too serious.
But anyways, I couldn't stop thinking about this lady in particular back in my younger days. I guess in a way, you could say...
She was my first waifu.