RWBY X Star Wars the Old Republic: The Dark Side of a Rose.
Well this was another day's design for 7-21-2016. Though, this one did not take that long about 5 hours, so color me impressed there. This design was built by Jaune after the loss of his original saber, which was a Kylo Ren style cross guard saber. This saber like Blake's is named after their first saber. This design was inspired by those sabers that “fix” the Lightsaber cross guard. Unlike the Sith saber's I have done this had no phrik in its construction. Though, Jaune does have a shield that does have a phrik plating. Design wise this is the most lack luster as Jedi sabers seem to be more elegance, less complexity, (Or that is how I interpret it at least.) This saber is supposed to be a jedi's weapon after all, and the first weapon to have a character's original emblem on the hilt.
As for the design I find this fits Jaune's knight appearance and more knightly attitude. The color palette even came from Crocea Mors and is a reference to it. Personally I think this saber fits Jaune in his state in the story perfectly. With his shield I think Jaune's fighting Style would become more like medieval sword and shield techniques. Though, with out said shield he would use Shii Cho and Niman.
Drawn and colored in GIMP.
Link to "The Dark Side of a Rose"…
Also if you would like to use this design, let me know please.