c-Chimera — PA: All the single ladies

#badger #canine #chim #collie #headshot #headshots #icon #icons #mutt #plant #pyrenees #cchimera
Published: 2021-10-04 04:29:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 5642; Favourites: 129; Downloads: 0
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Description EDIT: Dumping all new ones here too, behold my nonsense

.....and one single maffy haha

A bunch of kickass buds got those matchy matchy toyhouse icon headshots and I want to be cool too :c
Its helping me sort out chars too I suppose, maybe ill get rid of a few, but heres some of my forever babes!

Bad Habit, Mazikeene, Changa, Annalee, Mafanwye
Baskerville, Baywood, Null, Pridwyn, Wendelin
Woo, Kaito, Felix, Adventure, Ghoul

Art (c) Chim / Chimmeh / c-Chimera.deviantart.com
Do not redistribute, steal, trace, reference, or in any other way utilize or
manipulate my art without written permission and consent. Thank you!
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Comments: 1

PeachTabby [2021-10-04 13:48:48 +0000 UTC]

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