Name: Arthur Buren
Age: 28
Birthday: July 15
Nationality: American
Home: Gulf of Mexico, not far from Dry Tortugas
Occupation: Handyman, contracter (as in repairing things)
Personality: Polite/gentlemanly, down to earth, a tad of a flirt
Bio: A shark merman from the American side of the Gulf of Mexico. A remarkable calm soul all things considered. Unlike the tropes associated with sharks, he's not that aggresive or vicious. Interestingly, while he a bit fond of meat like sharks, he actually enjoys having a good portion of vegetables with his meals. He does hate crabs though and refuses to eat them, claiming that to be the result of an incident.
He has a bit of strength as well, which he uses in his line of work as a contractor. He helps other merfolk with construction and repair projects, even sometimes adding in structural design. When he's off work, he occasionally has run ins with a mermaid or two, possibly of a result of them being attracted his physique.
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Edit: She provided me with an updated design