We set the houses on fire... and now we're trying to take it back LOL.
Character ID and Name: W76 Ragna
Link to application: [RAGNA ]
Activity: Raid [Wargrun: The Final Siege, Wave Round 4, Prompt 2: Burn]
Character ID and Name: W1 Skovald
Link to application: [SKOVALD ]
Activity: Raid [Wargrun: The Final Siege, Wave Round 4, Prompt 2: Burn]
Character ID and Name: W75 Asgerfell
Link to application: [ASGERFELL ]
Activity: Raid [Wargrun: The Final Siege, Wave Round 4, Prompt 2: Burn]
Collab with Wulfghast and Xana-Akai ! We each drew our own characters, then I did the BG and final render!
Catch me submitting things at 3AM with literally HOURS of the raid still left OTL
Thank you both for your patience and for collabing with me!! <3