The final chapter of my summerfestival arc. Chapter 58.
After beeing set up by Momo, Najika and Tenko stroll around the festival together.
Over time Najika upens up more to him and gets a lot more relaxed.
Tenko buys both of them a cup sake, and after drinking it Najika asks him why he calls her flower.
He explains it, beeing do to her quirk and the pettals in her eyes, and Najika bursts out laughing, something he nerver seen her do before.
And with that ou´re trip to the summerfestival is other.
This was truly the chapter I was the most exited for, since it was the first one of the summerfestival I had in mind.
The picture itself had undergone a lot of changes, until i completly redrew it.
And this is the final piece, as you can see it here. Im a lot more satiefied with this than the former version, so I guess this is a win. Plus I had a lot less struggle with Tenko then usual. He just come out like I intended him to, instead of Najika. This time I really had my problems with my girl. Normaly I enjoy drwing her, but this time it truly was exhausting.
And let´s not forget about the background.
It´s easyly one of the most detailed one´s I drew till this date... and you can´t see shit in it...
To make it short, there where/are more people and booths there, but there all covered by Najika and Tenko.
Neitherless I´m pretty happy about it all.
As always I would apreciate feedback.
Until next week.
BNHA and Tenko Shimura belong to Kohei Horikoshi
Art and Najika Riki belong to me