— Why
2009-03-10 04:21:02 +0000 UTC
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I hear them whispering to you
They're asking why you're with me.
Why you would want someone
Like me, why, why,why.
That's not the only thing
They talk to you about.
They tell you that I'm
Not worth your time, that
You could do so much better.
I believe every word they say,
And I too wonder why
You're with me.
You could have any girl in
This school, but your with
Me a lonely nobody, the girl
Nobody sees.
I sit and listen for a few
More minutes but I can't
Listen anymore, I don't
Want to be here when
You realize I'm not
Right for you.
So I run. its the only
Thing I know how to do,
Just run and hide, maybe
My problems won't find me.
Yeah right they always find me,
Sitting in my dark little corner.
I see you turn toward me, then
You give your friends a death glare.
I want to stop running but I can't
You call to me but I still run.
Now your running after me
Trying to get me to stop.
But I won't, I don't want
To hear those two little
Words "It's over", they
Could break me apart.
Shatter my heart to pieces
Never to be whole again,
But you finally catch me.
You wrap your arms around
Me and whisper sweet nothings
In my ear, telling me that its ok.
Your here for me and your never leaving.
I don't want to believe you but you keep
Telling me you love me over and over.
How could I not believe you?
Then all the "whys" click into my head,
You really do love me and you would
Never leave me no matter what.
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