— Wondering
2009-03-04 03:51:52 +0000 UTC
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You get up then fall again
But you get right back up
And decide to give it another shot
You know you can do it
You might need some help
But that's what friends are for
You fall again but your friends
Are there to catch you
And help you through this ruff patch
In life, they have helped
You through so much yet,
You have barely helped them
At all and you wonder
Why they continue to help you
So you finally ask one of them
Why they put up with you
And they tell you because they love you
You're shocked how can they love someone
Like you, so you sit and wonder how they can love you
When your family doesn't even love you.
You think they all have to hate you
And that they only stay by you so they can
Use you and after they get what they want
From you they'll leave you to fend for yourself
Just like everyone else has.
So you try to stay away from them
So it will be that much easier
When they finally leave.
But that doesn't work they just find
You and stay by your side constantly.
You can't handle it anymore
So you finally ask them what they
Want from you, they look at you like
You've gone crazy and they ask you what you mean
You ask them again, what they want from you
And when are they going to leave you
So you can be prepared for it, again they
Look at you like you've gone crazy
And they tell you that no matter how
Bad you want them to leave they're
Gonna stick to you like glue,
Once again they have shocked
You with their words.
Then it finally clicks in your head
You've found your real friends
The ones that will never leave you
No matter how many fights you get into
Or how many things you go through
They will always be there to apologize,
To comfort you, and to pick you up
After you fall or the world trips you
So you smile up at them and say
Thank you, I'm glad your here for me,
And I will always be there for you too.
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