With the equinox in late September, the nights grow bigger and bigger. The trees suck in all the energy, that their green leaves produced during the summer, so that the landscapes are starting to turn into golden yellows, crimson reds and crispy browns. Also the harvest season gets to its last peak with apples, pumpkins, hazel and chestnuts, acorns and many more.
Because the nights grow longer and the air gets colder, it is the time to bring out all the candles. In former times, candle wax was quite expensive and oil lamps made from animal fats were smelly, so that they were not used too much in the warmer seasons.
The month of October is also called the Hunting Moon due to the start of the hunting season. Therefore it is also called Blood Moon (not to confuse with an observable red moon due to particles in the air).
One of my favorite celebrations around this time is Halloween, which originates from Celtic customs and found its way to neopagan traditions e.g. in the form of Samhain. It is said to be the time, when the veil between our and the other world is thinnest. For that it shall be possible to make contact with the ones who passed and to invite them to your home. In some superstitions the black cat acts as a courier between the both worlds, hence its association with Halloween and all the spooky stuff.
I'm definitely here for the spooky stuff, the colors and the coziness :3
Are you also one of the spooky kids? What was your spookiest (or funniest) Halloween costume as a child (or as an adult)? Let me know in the comments
Materials: Faber Castell Ecco Pigment 0.1, Pentel Brush Pen with Koh-i-nor technical ink.
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