Title: since the new D&D sourcebook classifies changelings as fae it felt appropriate to reference a certain fictional Faerie king . Especially since I was genuinely inspired by dandelion fluff when I first designed Lo.
The text is from Plautus's "Amphytryion" and should translate to "A chap that's worth anything, a chap with a fine intellect, has to be able to change his skin. He must be good with the good and bad with the bad; whatever the situation calls for, that he's got to be." (source ) I stumbled upon it whilst seeking the latin word for "shapeshifter" and felt that it spoke to the adaptable nature of changelings.
I tried to force myself back into drawing and out came this - a rather basic composition depicting what the "inner self" of my changeling-sorcerer might look like. Hiding behind a worn-out Donohue-mask, with masks of further personas (all smooth and shiny from lack of use) strapped to his belt. I suppose I also tried to steer myself away from the more rough and line-based style I've fallen into in recent times.
More of Lo/Donohue:
Book of the Goddess of Death pg 1 /pg 2 / pg 3
DnD chibi set
Sorcerers New Clothes