— Book
2010-12-29 23:18:47 +0000 UTC
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"Why are they…?" Grubbs trails off as Lauren raises a hand for silence.
"Timas said books were worthless, Breanna disagreed; this is what happened. Now keep quiet," Lauren orders, watching the tense situation intently. Grubbs plops himself down into an armchair, wondering if anything interesting will ever come of this. Breanna and Timas are currently competing in a very intense staring contest. More like glaring contest, but the point still stands.
"Do they really think this will solve everything?" Grubbs wonders after a few minutes of silence.
"I don't know, but I'm considering ending soon," Lauren replies, looking deep in thought.
"How're you going to do that?" Grubbs wonders. Lauren creeps over to him quietly.
"You know those two rooms that really have no purpose right at the top of the stairs?" Lauren asks quiet enough so that only Grubbs can hear. Grubbs nods. "I need you to magic Timas' laptop into the right one and Breanna's book into the left one. Fast. Can you do that?" Again, Grubbs nods. "Good. Wait until I say 'now' and then do it." Lauren walks back over and sits by the two again. Nothing changes for a few minutes, and Lauren gets up again. Grubbs watches her as far as the walls allow, but loses her as soon as she reaches the top of the stairs and turns.
"Now!" Lauren shouts, and Grubbs quickly puts the objects where he was told to. Both Breanna and Timas immediately break their stares and look around before turning their glances at Grubbs. Panicking, Grubbs gives in before they can do anything and points up the stairs. Now an unwilling team, the two red-heads make their ways up the stairs. As they come to the top at the same time, Lauren absently notes the extreme height difference.
"The laptop is in the left one, and the book is in the right one. At least it got you to stop glaring at each other. And look, now you're a team!" Lauren exclaims, grinning at them. They both head into their designated rooms, Timas glaring at Lauren on the way, and Breanna punching her in the arm for book theft. Lauren clutches her arm in pain of Breanna's sharp knuckles. As soon as they both enter the room, Lauren slams the doors closed and quickly ties a rope to each doorknob, leaving the door impossible to open unless the rope is cut. She's thankful that both doors open inward, or that would never have worked.
There's sudden yelling and pounding on both doors from the two trapped inside. "Now, as I'm sure you've noticed, you each have each other's object in your current room. You must make peace with the objects. Though, Breanna doesn't get the internet, for that would be cheating. You'll both be in there until you fully appreciate the others' object and admit that opinions are neither right nor wrong." There's silence for a moment before more outraged yelling and pounding, but Lauren just walks away.
"What'd you do?" Grubbs asks as Lauren walks down the stairs.
"Gave them time to think," she replies, relaxing into the couch.
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