CreamSable — 83: Struthire

#bird #fakemon #firepokemon #firetype #ostrich #pokemon #firetypepokemon #birdpokemon #firetypefakemon #fire
Published: 2017-12-28 02:32:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 262; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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The ostrich pokemon
Osteo > Ostaze (level 16) > Struthire (level 32)

Gender Ratio: 50 50
Ability/s: Big Pecks
Hidden Ability: Flash Fire
Egg Group: flying

Scoria: it fluffs out its brightly-coloured plumage to intimidate predators. Healthy Struthire have a bright spectrum of colour along their feathers, while ill ones tend to be paler in colour.
Pumice: it keeps its eggs warm by keeping them under its wings. It gets incredibly hot under there, which is good for Osteo eggs, but not very good for any others.

Possible moves to learn: flamethrower, running and kicking moves. Probably feather dance as well.
Stat Overview: spatk and speed focused. I don't really know what I want to do with this line, honestly.

Name origin: struthio fire
Design: big fire ostrich
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