Status: Open
Claim Here
- Payment made via Ko-Fi, link above!
- You will have 48 hours to pay or your claim will be removed
- Buyer will get 2 PNGs - one with pictured background and one transparent!
- If you use the design for offensive, hateful, etc. reasons or manners, you will be blocked and blacklisted from further adopts
- You can resell at the value you've bought for or lower!
- You can redesign it, you don't need to check in, though you can always tag me, I'd love to see!
- Commercial projects are completely fine, though I'd appreciate credit!
- You can gift or trade it!
- You CANNOT use this adoptable with AI in any way. Redesigning it, putting filters over it, using it to train an algorithm, anything.
- No use for NFTs either.
Base used for this adopt is by openadoptable!