CubanCracker62 β€” Yu-Gi-NO by-nc-nd

#yugioh #wizard101
Published: 2014-11-25 19:02:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 998; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description A little doodle comic that I came up with while bored in class. xD When you put it THAT way, it really does sound like the plot objective of Yu-Gi-Oh.

You get a thousand cookies if you actually get the joke. I get the feeling a lot of people looking at this won't, since Yu-Gi-Oh is so old and not everyone watched it. [EDIT]- (Nevermind, everyone gets it fine xD )

Also, a first peek at two new W101 OC's I'm introducing! The braided blondie on the left is Ronan Skullwing, a necromancer, and the wispy-haired one on the right is Marcus Skyblade, a conjurer

Yugi Moto does not belong to me.
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Comments: 41

flamerock [2015-02-06 05:15:52 +0000 UTC]

lol when I saw this I was like omg genius lol loved yugioh but the game a got way too complicated although the story line and art is still very good C: I think this pic rocks! my sister and I were like dying was so funny.

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CubanCracker62 In reply to flamerock [2015-02-07 00:14:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I only realized it by pure luck, but once it hit me I just couldn't drop the idea xD
It WAS a good story
Really? Glad I made both of you laugh

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snowfang123 [2014-12-08 13:37:36 +0000 UTC]


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CubanCracker62 In reply to snowfang123 [2014-12-09 23:26:58 +0000 UTC]

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DarkRapier [2014-11-26 21:54:26 +0000 UTC]

Yu-Gi-Oh. I've got almost and entire half of a wall covered in those cards lined end to end. I only collected them to make my walls looks better. Never really got into the whole dueling aspect of it.

But man, those were my first thoughts exactly when I started playing Wizard. Summon a monster from a card. The only difference is that you pit the cards against the wizard directly rather than pitting the cards against each other, then aiming for the player. Still very reminiscent of Yu-Gi-Oh, though.

I used to wake up every Saturday morning to watch that show. I think I stopped at the arc where there was this one card that sucked out the loser's soul. Seal of Aricalcus (spelling?)

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CubanCracker62 In reply to DarkRapier [2014-11-26 22:55:20 +0000 UTC]

Hah, it seems like I'm the only one that only really got into Yu-Gi-Oh much later by re-watching the series. I wasn't old enough to understand it at the time my two older siblings watched it every Saturday morning and collected a bunch of the cards. xD

Seal of Orichalcos, actually, but you were close I stopped in the middle of that arc too, though, so I don't know what happens either

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bananasplitzxD [2014-11-26 03:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Yu-Gi-Oh brings back memories =3=. along with Pokemon, Bakugan, Ben 10, CHOWDER.... and you can see how much of a cartoon network geek I was in my noob years. xD Saturday cartoon maniac // shot
Ah, that nostalgia.

..... so am I the only one who still has a huge stack of pokemon cards from 7 years ago?

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CubanCracker62 In reply to bananasplitzxD [2014-11-26 05:58:59 +0000 UTC]

It really does... I LOVED Ben 10 and Chowder xD and Kim Possible, American Dragon Jake Long, AVATAAAAR~, Danny Phantom... *sigh* =w=the tv shows now really suck in comparison ;w;

Am I the only one here that didn't collect trading cards as a kid? xD I feel like I kinda missed out, man xD

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bananasplitzxD In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-28 00:58:26 +0000 UTC]

Chowder! Ben 10! AVATARRRR-/shot TEEN TITANS!

Just a few weeks ago, I stared re-watching the whole animated series due to a week long vacation. 3 days later, I ended up finishing all 3 seasons.
When I first encountered that show (I was little xD) I kept calling Zuko bald meanie, since I basically watched the episodes in a non-chronological order and unwillingly stopped watching before he cut his hair.
But now, after I finished, I ended up being a Team Avatar fangirl- which obviously includes Zuko.

amg TOPH man, TOPh. When I was like 7 or 8, I thought that toph was a really cool character.
My thoughts STILL haven't changed after seeing this twelve year old kick some legit butt.

I WISH TO hate Azula, yet I can't somehow, because she makes such a tremendous villain. How she plays her role is simply breathtaking.

You know, I think I went on a bit far about this o. o

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CubanCracker62 In reply to bananasplitzxD [2014-11-28 02:30:27 +0000 UTC]

But not Teen Titans Go. We don't talk about that. xD

I watched it out of order too xD Oh man. Toph was a BADASS. I liked Sokka's comic relief tho xD
I never really did like Azula :/

It's fine, bruh ;3

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bananasplitzxD In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-28 04:57:56 +0000 UTC]

Tell me about it. The new Cartoon Network series is just meh.
I mean, I do like Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gumball and maybe stevie wonder(?)<- I think that's the name but the others I find are comparatively less entertaining. Or it might just be me shriveled in nostalgia.
I really used to like Star Wars the Clone Wars which aired every Friday night at 9 how do I remember all these xD but I dunno. Haven't watched that much CN nowadays.
BUT the thing that gets me is that Adult Swim starts WAY more earlier when I was in my noob years. There might be, quite a lot of people who enjoyed watching it, but I also liked to watch Toonami (is that what you called it) in between CN and Adult Swim. Idk where it is anymore. Better start watching tv again.

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CubanCracker62 In reply to bananasplitzxD [2014-11-28 05:17:29 +0000 UTC]

I don't actually have cable, so I haven't kept up much on TV shows.
Oh man. Star Wars the Clone Wars. I frickin LOVED that show when it came out, but I could never keep up xD

Yeah, it's called Toonami. I heard that it somewhat recently returned; I never even knew it existed before though or that it went off the air xD

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KirstyNoel [2014-11-25 23:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Amazing....completely amazing! xD Love it!

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CubanCracker62 In reply to KirstyNoel [2014-11-26 05:53:23 +0000 UTC]


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ufd [2014-11-25 23:11:10 +0000 UTC]

Lol that is basically the main objective of Yugioh. Ah, I miss season 0, when the plot objective was Yami gave criminals brain damage for doing random criminal stuff :3

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CubanCracker62 In reply to ufd [2014-11-26 05:53:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, that was the plot of the original manga...

I liked up through the battle city tournament. The orichalcos arc was kinda eh, and I stopped in the middle of it.

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ufd In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-26 05:59:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, the orichalcose arc was a bit confusing, but that was never part of the manga. That was a filler. You can skip over to season 5 and have not missed anything, because those are just fillers at best.

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KityAnnKatzy [2014-11-25 21:56:19 +0000 UTC]

that's actually genius thinking

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CubanCracker62 In reply to KityAnnKatzy [2014-11-25 22:14:15 +0000 UTC]

lol thanks! xD

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LadyTriton [2014-11-25 21:50:23 +0000 UTC]

I knew I wasn't the only one who thought this!Β 
YuGiOh brings back memories. Me and one if my favorite cousins would duel for hours.
I still have my cards. I worked too hard collecting them to get rid of them XD

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CubanCracker62 In reply to LadyTriton [2014-11-25 22:08:03 +0000 UTC]

I only recently thought of it xD probably because I only got around to watching the series a couple years ago. My older siblings were the ones obsessed with it, but I was too young to understand any of it at the time.

I don't own any cards, but they do xD

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neopot39 [2014-11-25 21:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Exactly whatΒ I was thinking when I started playing Wizard101!

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CubanCracker62 In reply to neopot39 [2014-11-25 22:05:36 +0000 UTC]

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masteroflego98 [2014-11-25 20:11:37 +0000 UTC]

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA oh man i didnt relise that XD

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CubanCracker62 In reply to masteroflego98 [2014-11-25 20:45:13 +0000 UTC]

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Wallanda [2014-11-25 19:08:52 +0000 UTC]

Ahahaha... Β  Coincidence? I think not XD
Ahh Yu-Gi-Oh...I remember I had a massive deck of them. Then I go and give them away to the boys, cause...ya know, girls and monsters in those good-old days? Although I do remember liking the characters very much :3

Lol, I really love that chibi style. So cuteΒ Β 

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CubanCracker62 In reply to Wallanda [2014-11-25 20:00:25 +0000 UTC]

Yes, no, maybe so? Its a conspiracy theory xD
Yeah, my favorite characters were Yugi and the pharaoh :3

Thanks! It took forever to develop, and I kept trying not to accidentally imitate banana's chibi style cus hers is so AMAZING xD

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Wallanda In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-26 05:02:38 +0000 UTC]

Lol, I think mine was yugi and the medusa monster or whatever it was called. Idk I can't remember much. It's been so long ago since I've seen anything related to the show.

Ah, don't be afraid of imitation, it's the way of learning new styles :3

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CubanCracker62 In reply to Wallanda [2014-11-26 06:20:26 +0000 UTC]

I actually watched a good chunk of the series a couple years ago, so I'm up to date on the original series xD

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Wallanda In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-26 07:55:01 +0000 UTC]

Β I'm not... gotta find a site, brb.... (I still need something to do after school, soooo.....)

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CubanCracker62 In reply to Wallanda [2014-11-26 13:35:51 +0000 UTC]

I highly recommend watchcartoononline.com It's got a lot of dubbed and subbed animes as well as american cartoons

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Wallanda In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-26 13:43:02 +0000 UTC]

Ooo sweet! ThanksΒ  Β 

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CubanCracker62 In reply to Wallanda [2014-11-26 16:57:25 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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HannahStormblossom [2014-11-25 19:06:12 +0000 UTC]


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CubanCracker62 In reply to HannahStormblossom [2014-11-25 19:58:02 +0000 UTC]

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No-Longer-HerePawz [2014-11-25 19:05:21 +0000 UTC]

Yup. Not much can be said, but yup

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CubanCracker62 In reply to No-Longer-HerePawz [2014-11-25 19:06:26 +0000 UTC]

I know, right? xD

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No-Longer-HerePawz In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-25 19:09:02 +0000 UTC]

It seems as though the well of ideas has run dry, and so humanity must steal from the buckets of others

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CubanCracker62 In reply to No-Longer-HerePawz [2014-11-25 19:57:06 +0000 UTC]

Hey, it makes for some interesting crossovers.

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No-Longer-HerePawz In reply to CubanCracker62 [2014-11-25 20:01:20 +0000 UTC]

That's an understatementΒ 

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CubanCracker62 In reply to No-Longer-HerePawz [2014-11-25 20:05:27 +0000 UTC]

Psssh, itsΒ only like,Β theΒ understatement of the century xD

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